
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

author:Entertainment Bunny Bunny

Every season of "Sister Lang" will have a sexy role.

For example, Zhao Yihuan who "pole danced" in the new season.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

However, Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing was suspected by netizens - the grade is too low.

Why do you want to dance such a third-rate dance on such a formal stage?

But in fact, pole dancing is nationally recognized.

There are also tournaments.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti


Speaking of Zhao Yihuan, sexiness is her background color.

She also knows what "Sister Lang" invited her for, so the show she performed was also a very tempting pole dance.

Really good dancing.

Sexy is also a kind of beauty for women, there is nothing to be ashamed of!

She said that she was a "land, sea and air" amphibious.

I can skydive.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

I can surf.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

I can ride it, too.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

It's really a sister who loves sports and enjoys the joy of life.

In fact, when Zhao Yihuan was in school, her studies were not good, and she almost dropped out of junior high school, but the person who gave her the courage to take the actor exam was-

Xu Juncong!

Didn't expect that, right?

The two of them are in junior high school, but Xu Juncong is his senior brother, Xu Juncong was admitted to Nanjing University of the Arts at that time and was invited by the school to come back to give a speech.

Zhao Yihuan instantly became his little fan sister.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

Later, Zhao Yihuan filmed the online movie "Adolescence" series and became popular, and now at the age of 36, she puts on a school uniform and experiences her own rebellious youth.

It's quite flavorful.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti


Although Zhao Yihuan is invincible, that face can't beat the original Sister Lang "Mermaid Princess" Zhong Liti after all.

Zhong Liti is more like that kind of pure natural beauty.

On the other hand, Zhao Yihuan is more like an Internet celebrity face.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

When she was 22 years old, Zhong Liti was at the seaside, and she felt like a goddess of Venus.

There is wood?!

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

But time finally carved the former goddess into an aunt.

For a while, she was ridiculed for being out of shape.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

But at the age of 50, she really maintains a good figure, and her body is very plump, but it is not the kind of loose and tight.

Mainly, she can hit her face.

Even though she is more than ten years older than Zhao Yihuan, Zhao Yihuan has never beaten her.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

In addition to her invincible figure, she also gave birth to three baby daughters, all of whom are beautiful and in shape.

The eldest daughter lives abroad all the year round, and she is more open than Zhong Liti.

Changing clothes in public.

I can only praise boldness.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

The second daughter is more normal, and low-key, and she also puts makeup on her mother.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

The youngest daughter, Koala, has obviously inherited her mother's boldness, and she dresses very coolly at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

Black camisole shirt.

The makeup is also exquisite.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti


With such three daughters under Chenghuan's knees, Zhong Liti is really happy.

The daughters didn't waste her good genes, and her appearance is very online, can you say that she is really good at giving birth?

Especially the second and third daughters, absolute sister flowers.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

Besides, Zhong Liti, when she was young, she really cooperated with the superstars at that time.

For example, with Jet Li's "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard".

To this day, it is a classic among the classics.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

and "The Legend of the Mermaid" with Ekin Cheng, and her name "Mermaid Princess" comes from here.

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

Although she has long lost the youth and beauty of her youth, her figure is still the same as before, extremely plump, refusing to be white and thin, she really does what she says.

A full waistline, and a sensual beauty.

In fact, I still like the show "Sister Lang", just because of one thing, that is, the sister who participates in this show must be over 30 years old.

Let sisters of different ages show the beauty of different ages.

Finally, I also hope that there will be more sisters like Zhao Yihuan and Zhong Liti on the show~~

Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti
Zhao Yihuan's pole dancing is invincible, and he is invincible, and he is finally defeated by the 50-year-old "sexy responsible" Zhong Liti

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