
Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

author:Shangshan said entertainment

On September 19, 1970, a girl destined to be extraordinary was born in Vancouver, Canada. She is Zhong Liti, her father is a Chinese architect, and her mother is a Scottish stay-at-home wife.

This unique pedigree brought the grace of an Eastern woman and the enthusiasm of a Western woman, laying the foundation for her to become the focus of the Asian entertainment industry in the future. Zhong Liti, who grew up in Vancouver, has shown extraordinary beauty and intelligence since she was a child.

She was the eldest in her family and excelled in her studies. When she grew up, she enrolled in the Department of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University. When she was in college, she was beautiful and attracted countless eyes, but she did not become complacent because of this, but worked harder to enrich herself.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

In 1993, 23-year-old Zhong Liti participated in a beauty contest that changed her fate. With the unique appearance, fluent language skills and self-confidence of "mixed-race", she won the "Miss International Chinese" championship and the "Miss Most Photogenic" award in one fell swoop.

At that time, she stood in the spotlight, with bright eyes and bright teeth, and a bright smile, as if indicating the bright life she was about to usher in. This victory opened the door to the showbiz for Zhong Liti.

She quickly became the focus of attention in the Hong Kong entertainment industry and was known as "the first beauty in Zhejiang". Zhong Liti, who originally participated in the beauty pageant just to earn tuition, suddenly found herself stepping into a whole new world.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

However, under the joy of fame, Zhong Liti also felt the pressure. She knows that beauty alone can't stand in this competitive circle for long. So, she began to work hard to learn acting skills and improve her professional ability.

The experience of starting a part-time job at the age of 16 has made Zhong Liti more independent and strong than her peers. She knows that behind this glamorous and glamorous, it takes unimaginable efforts from ordinary people.

But she is not afraid, but full of energy and ready to take on new challenges in life. In this way, this mixed-race beauty from Vancouver, with her dreams and determination, stepped onto the stage of the Asian entertainment industry and started her legendary acting career.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

In 1995, Zhong Liti played the snake spirit in the movie "God of Food" and made a stunning appearance. Her performance attracted a lot of attention from the audience and made more directors pay attention to the newcomer.

In the same year, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the Taiwan Golden Horse Awards for "Privacy", and her acting skills were recognized. This is undoubtedly a huge encouragement for Zhong Liti, who has just entered the industry.

In 1996, Zhong Liti ushered in an important turning point in her acting career. In the movie "Golden Branches and Jade Leaves", she played a very challenging role of "mermaid". Zhong Liti was wearing a shiny miniskirt, revealing her slender legs and a sweet smile on her face, which instantly captured the hearts of countless audiences.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Since then, "the most beautiful mermaid" has become synonymous with her, and it has also established her sexy image in the film industry. In the following years, Zhong Liti's career was in full swing. She starred in many blockbuster movies such as "Golden Branches and Jade Leaves 2" and "97 Happy Events", and cooperated with first-line stars such as Stephen Chow, Tony Leung, and Leslie Cheung.

Her performance has received unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders, and her popularity has been rising. In 1999, 29-year-old Zhong Liti ushered in the peak of her career. She was voted "Asia's Sexiest Woman" by the British men's magazine FHM, pushing her sexy appeal to the top.

This title is not only a recognition of her appearance, but also an affirmation of her efforts over the years. However, behind the fame is unimaginable hardship. In order to maintain a perfect figure, Zhong Liti has to do a lot of exercise every day.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

The cold and intense work on the set also made her suffer. But instead of complaining, she worked harder. "I know how lucky I am to get these opportunities, so I have to work hard," she said.

At this stage, Zhong Liti is not only a successful actor, but also an iconic figure in the Asian entertainment industry. Her beauty, talent, and professionalism have allowed her to gain a foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry, and have also made her the dream lover in the hearts of countless people.

However, with the success of her career, Zhong Liti also began to think about the direction of her life. She longs for love and longs for a family. This desire eventually led her to make an important decision that changed the trajectory of her life.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Faced with the choice of career and family, Zhong Liti resolutely chose the latter. "I think being a mom is the best job in the world," she said. In order to take care of her family, she began to fade out of the film industry and reduce her workload.

This decision surprised many people, but for Zhong Liti, family always comes first. However, the first marriage did not go her way. Although Zhong Liti gave a lot, this relationship eventually came to an end.

In 2001, 31-year-old Zhong Liti fell in love again and married an American businessman. The following year, she gave birth to twin daughters. In order to take care of her three daughters, Zhong Liti almost completely withdrew from the entertainment industry and focused on family life.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

This decision undoubtedly affected her career development. When she tried to make a comeback, she found that the film industry had changed dramatically. The image of the former "sexy goddess" is no longer popular, and there are many newcomers, and Zhong Liti is difficult to find a suitable position for herself for a while.

"I know I missed a lot of great opportunities, but I don't regret it," she admitted. "However, life is not always smooth sailing. The second marriage also came to an end for various reasons.

In the face of successive emotional setbacks, Zhong Liti was not defeated. She said strongly: "I believe in true love, and I believe that one day I will meet the right person." At this stage, although Zhong Liti has encountered a bottleneck in her career, she has found a new meaning in her family life.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

She is no longer the glamorous "sexy goddess", but a mother who devotes herself wholeheartedly to her children. This change of role has given Zhong Liti's life a new dimension and depth.

Despite the challenges, Chung remains positive and optimistic. She believes that as long as she doesn't give up, life will always give her new opportunities. This perseverance is the source of strength that sustains her through difficulties.

After 2002, Zhong Liti tried to return to the film industry, but found that the entertainment industry was no longer what it used to be. Several of the works she participated in received mediocre responses, and it was difficult to regain their former glory. The image of the former "sexy goddess" is no longer popular, and there are many newcomers, and Zhong Liti is difficult to find a suitable position for herself for a while.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Faced with such a predicament, Zhong Liti did not give up, but began to look for a new direction of development. She tried to transform into a business, investing in restaurants and clothing brands. However, shopping malls are like battlefields, and Zhong Liti soon tasted the hardships of entrepreneurship.

She admitted: "It's really hard to do business, it's much harder than acting. Still, she wasn't discouraged and learned a lot of valuable lessons. At the same time, Zhong Liti is also facing the challenges brought about by aging.

In this entertainment industry that admires youth, she has to work harder to maintain her condition. She insists on exercising every day and strictly controlling her diet, just to stay in top shape in front of the camera.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Zhong Liti said: "I know that I am no longer young, but I believe that as long as I work hard, I will definitely find my own position. In 2002, "Prison Storm" starring Zhong Liti was stopped, which dealt a big blow to her career.

But she didn't give up and continued to look for opportunities. She has participated in some small and medium-cost film and television works, although it is not as glamorous as before, but it has also allowed her to maintain her presence in the entertainment industry.

In this process, Zhong Liti showed great resilience and perseverance. "I know I've missed a lot of great opportunities, but I don't regret it," she said. I believe that as long as you persevere, there will always be a turnaround.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Despite the bottleneck in her career, Zhong Liti never gave up on her dream. She actively participates in various activities and strives to stay in the public eye. She tried to participate in variety shows to show her versatility and let the audience see a new Zhong Liti.

Zhong Liti at this stage, although she is no longer the radiant "sexy goddess", she has shown more resilience and perseverance. Her story teaches us to maintain a positive and optimistic mindset and face life's challenges bravely, even in the face of adversity.

As she said: "Life is like a marathon, what matters is not temporary success or failure, but the courage to persevere." In 2015, 45-year-old Zhong Liti met Zhang Jin, who was 12 years younger than herself, at an event.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

This handsome and handsome kung fu star captured Zhong Liti's heart with her gentle and considerate attitude. Despite the significant age gap, the two quickly fell in love. This relationship has attracted a lot of attention and questions.

Some people think that Zhong Liti is too old, and some people suspect that Zhang Jin has other plans. However, in the face of doubts from the outside world, Zhong Liti behaved extremely firmly. She said frankly: "Love has no age, the important thing is whether two people really love each other."

Zhang Jin's appearance brought new hope and strength to Zhong Liti. With his encouragement, Zhong Liti regained her self-confidence and began to actively participate in variety shows and return to the public eye.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

The vitality and charm she showed in the show made people see a new Zhong Liti. In 2016, after a year of falling in love, Zhong Liti and Zhang Jin officially entered the marriage hall.

On the wedding day, Zhong Liti wore a white wedding dress and happily snuggled in Zhang Jin's arms, like a princess in a fairy tale. This image has touched countless people and also given some hope to those who have lost faith in love.

This marriage not only brought happiness to Zhong Liti, but also injected new vitality into her career. She began to try to diversify her development and participate in various forms of performing arts activities such as variety shows and live broadcasts.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

Zhong Liti said with a smile: "After meeting Zhang Jin, I feel ten years younger. After entering the age of 50, Zhong Liti is still trying to balance family and career. She actively participates in variety shows and shows vitality that does not match her age.

In programs such as "Wife's Romantic Trip", Zhong Liti's performance allows the audience to see another side of her - she is not only a sexy goddess, but also a gentle and virtuous wife and mother.

At the same time, she also devoted herself to her family and became a good mother to her three daughters and stepson. Zhong Liti often said: "My greatest happiness is to watch my children grow up healthy and happy."

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

However, controversy has always been with her. Some people questioned her marriage, arguing that the age gap was too big; Some pointed fingers at her age, believing that she should "age gracefully".

In the face of these, Zhong Liti chose to respond with a smile and calmness. "I don't care what other people think, the important thing is that my family and I are happy," she said. Today's Zhong Liti, although she is no longer the "sexy goddess" who amazed the audience, she interprets elegance and calmness in her own way.

Her story shows us that no matter how old you are, as long as you maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, life will always be full of possibilities.

Asia's sexiest woman, Miss Chinese champion, "The Most Beautiful Mermaid", Love Brain ~ Zhong Liti

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