
Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

author:Green Emotional House
Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

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As a leading figure in the cross talk industry, Zhao Benshan is full of praise for Liu Liu's performance. His eyes are like torches, and he knows that only people who have a deep passion for cross talk can shine in this field.

Therefore, despite the opposition of other protégés, Zhao Benshan still resolutely included this "layman" in his disciples.

Since then, Zhao Benshan has regarded Liu Liu as a treasure and devoted himself to cultivating. He did not hesitate to share all his experiences and experiences, and always inspired Liu Liu.

Liu Liu naturally did not disappoint the master, he worked harder than ever, whether it was basic skills training or stage performances, he always strived to achieve the ultimate.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

Sometimes, in the dead of night, when others are asleep, Liu Liu is still working hard alone. Every time he saw such a scene, Zhao Benshan would feel sincerely gratified, and he knew that he had sown the "seed" of Liu Liu in the fertile soil.

Under such guidance and self-hard work, Liu Liu gradually emerged in the cross talk industry, won many awards, and successfully stepped into the big stage of CCTV, gradually became popular all over the country, and became a household name! Looking back on the past, in the face of doubts and ridicule, Liu Liu can always deal with it with a calm smile.

Only after going through those bumpy years can we create today's brilliant achievements, and it is precisely because of that difficult initial stage that Liu Liu has such a firm and tenacious characterC. With the continuous growth of the company, Liu Liu has been highly praised by Zhao Benshan.

After becoming a cross talk superstar, Liu Liu was fortunate to get acquainted with Zhao Benshan, and the two hit it off and hated to see each other late. Zhao Benshan has always been discerning and talented, and he is full of praise for Liu Liu, a disciple.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

He admired Liu Liu's wisdom and talent, and knew that his attainments in the field of cross talk had reached the peak, so Zhao Benshan did not hesitate to extend an olive branch to Liu Liu and sincerely invited him to join Benshan Media Group.

Liu Liu accepted this invitation without hesitation. He knows very well that the cross talk market is gradually declining, and if he can't keep up with the pace of the times, he will eventually be eliminated by society. And Zhao Benshan's Benshan Media is undoubtedly an excellent platform for him to show his talent.

In this way, Liu Liu officially joined Benshan Media and quickly became Zhao Benshan's most relied on right-hand man. Under Liu Liu's careful planning, Benshan Media has opened a new chapter in its career.

With a keen insight into the market, Liu Liu has planned a series of eye-catching film and television works for the company, such as "Country Love" and "Benshan Happy Camp", which have quickly won the enthusiastic pursuit of the audience.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

In particular, it is worth mentioning the series "Country Love", which can be called a masterpiece that turns stones into gold. In the play, Liu Liu personally played the role of "Liu's big head", vividly portraying this rural character with a sense of humor, leaving an unforgettable memory for the audience.

With the guidance of this series, Benshan Media has successively launched a series of rural works close to life, which are deeply loved by the audience.

During this period, Liu Liu, with his keen insight and extraordinary leadership skills, actively discovered and cultivated a large number of outstanding new generation actors, such as our well-known Xiao Shenyang, Yadan and others, and created a well-designed display platform for them, so that these young artists have the opportunity to stand out and reach the peak of success.

There is no doubt that without the help of Liu Liu, a wise man, Benshan Media may not be able to lead the trend in that era, and the limelight is incomparable.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

Zhao Benshan has a deep understanding of the value and role of Liu Liu. At one point, he even publicly promised that he would not hesitate to promote Liu Liu to the position of vice president of the company as long as the company could continue to maintain its current vigorous development momentum.

It can be seen that Zhao Benshan's high level of respect and trust in Liu Liu is breathtaking.

In the following years, Liu Liu has always served as the core figure in the expansion of Benshan's media business. With his extraordinary wisdom and unique vision, he has planned many popular and wonderful programs for the company, which has gradually risen to become a new entertainment force that cannot be ignored, and has won wide praise and recognition in the industry.

And Liu Liu himself, because of his outstanding performance in Benshan Media, exudes a more dazzling brilliance.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

However, just when Benshan Media was in full swing, Liu Liu resolutely chose to leave. This decision is as shocking as "cutting the kidney", which makes the outside world jaw-dropping.

However, there is one person who has no doubts about Liu Liu's choice, and that is his dearest and dearest wife, Ms. Ma Lan.

As a veteran in the cross talk industry, Ms. Ma Lan has a unique understanding and appreciation of her husband's talent. She knows that Liu Liu not only has excellent intelligence and foresight, but more importantly, he has an extremely passionate love for the art of cross talk.

It is this persistent pursuit of dreams that inspired Liu Liu's brilliant achievements in the future.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

Therefore, when Liu Liu put forward the idea of leaving Benshan Media and setting up another door, Ms. Ma Lan did not hesitate to give her understanding and support. Despite the twists and turns of the road ahead, Ms. Malan has an unwavering belief in her husband, and she firmly believes that with enough effort, she will one day be able to realize her ideals and ambitions.

Facing his wife's firm gaze, Liu Liu felt extremely stable and comforted in his heart. With the solid backing of Ms. Ma Lan, he seems to have gained endless strength and is full of confidence and expectation for the future.

With the support and encouragement of Ms. Ma Lan's enthusiasm and firm belief, Liu Liu bravely took a decisive step - resolutely and resolutely created his own cultural media enterprise.

However, the company's initial operations were not all smooth sailing, but rather like a ship navigating rough seas, there were many difficulties and dangers.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

In the face of such a difficult situation, Ms. Malan has always remained calm, knowing that her husband's choice was the right one, so she has never had the slightest doubt or waver in his decision-making. Whenever Liu Liu was in trouble, she always stood up without hesitation and patiently and meticulously gave him comfort and encouragement.

"My dear, if a tree wants to grow into a towering tree, it must go through the baptism of harsh winter and heat. Ms. Ma Lan smiled and said, "You have gone through countless twists and turns, and I firmly believe that as long as you work harder, you will be able to create new brilliance!"

Liu Liu was deeply touched by his wife's words full of wisdom and determination, and the confusion and uneasiness in his heart disappeared in an instant. With Ms. Ma Lan's strong support and encouragement, he is full of confidence and determined to go all out to develop and grow the company.

With the firm support and encouragement of his wife, Liu Liu successfully overcame one difficulty after another, and the company finally got on the right track, showing a thriving scene.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of Ma Lan's indomitable solid backing that Liu Liu was able to go further and further on the road of entrepreneurship, and finally achieved remarkable achievements.

Since founding the cultural media company, Liu Liu has not been satisfied with this. As a proud disciple of a generation of cross talk masters, he feels a great responsibility to inherit this ancient art.

Therefore, cultivating excellent cross talk actor disciples has become his most urgent task at present.

Liu Liu, as the master of Zhao Benshan, has a deep understanding and comprehension of the essence of cross talk art and the way of practice. He unreservedly passed on the valuable experience that his teacher had taught him back then to a group of diligent and studious disciples.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

Under Liu Liu's rigorous and scientific guidance, each of these disciples made remarkable progress. Whether it is in terms of basic skills or stage performance, they have reached a very high level and can be called rising stars.

Some of the disciples have even made a name for themselves in the industry and have a bright future.

It is with this group of talented students that Liu Liu's cultural media enterprises can stand out in the industry and become well-known in the industry. With the passage of time, the company has continuously launched a series of fascinating cross talk programs, which have aroused enthusiastic responses from all walks of life.

Colleagues in the industry have spoken highly of the fledgling company. Someone praised: "Although Liu Liu's company has just emerged, the sophistication of the programs it produces has approached or even surpassed the highest level of other fellow artists, which shows how deep their understanding and comprehension of the art of cross talk is!"

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

Another experienced actor said with emotion: "In this rapidly changing era, it is really commendable to carry forward the long-standing art of cross talk and continue to innovate.

Liu Liu not only respects tradition, but also has the courage to accept new things, which is really terrifying!"

In this way, in the unanimous praise of peers, Liu Liu's cultural media company has gradually grown, and its influence in the industry has also increased. In just a few years, the company has come to prominence, showing Liu Liu's extraordinary courage and determination.

In the face of the company's vigorous development, Liu Liu was not complacent. He always keeps in mind the original intention of starting his own business, and meets challenges with a more positive and enterprising attitude, and bravely climbs the peak of his career.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

We firmly believe that as long as he persists, he will be able to build the company into a stronger company and become a leader in the industry.

Although Liu Liu has left Zhao Benshan's Benshan Media and started his own entrepreneurial journey, the teacher-student friendship between him and his mentor Zhao Benshan is still deep and has never changed.

This disciple, who was personally cultivated by Zhao Benshan, has won him countless honors, and the relationship between the two is naturally extraordinary.

Some people have questioned whether Liu Liu's choice to leave Benshan Media was because there were some rifts or contradictions between him and Zhao Benshan. However, this speculation soon turned out to be baseless, because at the wedding of Liu Liu's daughter, Zhao Benshan personally assumed the role of a witness.

Liu Liu: In the rising period of his career, he chose to "get rid of" Zhao Benshan and set himself up as the king, what did he do?

That day, when the bride smiled brightly and slowly walked into the red carpet, Zhao Benshan stood in the center of the stage, with a happy smile on his face. Watching his beloved daughter's precious daughter usher in an important moment in his life, the joy in his heart is indescribable.

When the ceremony entered the highlight moment of the newlyweds exchanging wedding rings, Zhao Benshan praised in a deep and sincere manner: "Liu'er! The relationship between me and your teacher and student is not just a simple emotional bond. "

Liu Liu was deeply touched by the master's affection, and a sweet smile involuntarily appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stared at the teacher Zhao Benshan, who had worked hard to cultivate him, and for a moment his heart was as complicated as turning over the river and the sea: the master's teaching grace made him feel deeply unable to repay it, but he never felt the slightest regret for the decision to leave Benshan Media.

Now, on this crucial day in his life, it is undoubtedly his greatest honor to have Master himself as the wedding celebrant.

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