
"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

author:Go to and from the place of inquiry
"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

In 2014, the loyal viewers of "Country Love" were greeted with a disturbing surprise. When the new season of the episode started, they were surprised to find that the much-loved "Liu Tou" was missing.

This sudden change caused an uproar among the audience.

The internet was soon flooded with speculation and rumors. Some people think that Liu Liu may have made some serious mistake and was ruthlessly fired by Zhao Benshan. There is also speculation that he may have betrayed his mentor and voluntarily chose to leave.

For a time, accusations and doubts came one after another.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

In the face of these disturbing remarks, the 56-year-old Liu Liu chose to remain silent. He neither came forward to explain nor refute these speculations. This unusual silence has heightened public curiosity and suspicion.

Liu Liu's life trajectory can be called dramatic. Born in Heilongjiang, he has shown extraordinary physique since he was a child. His father saw this and was determined to train his son to be a good athlete.

Sure enough, Liu Liu showed amazing talent when he first entered the sports school and soon became a member of the curling team. According to common sense, he should have shown his skills on the ice rink and won glory for the country.

However, fate always likes to joke. When everyone thought that Liu Liu would make great achievements in the field of sports, his heart was deeply attracted by another art form - cross talk.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

Faced with his father's expectations and his own heart's desire, the young Liu Liu made a bold decision. He plucked up the courage to confess his true thoughts to his father, and resolutely chose to join the local quyi troupe.

Liu Liu, who first joined the quyi troupe, was just a temporary worker with no formal establishment, but he put 100% enthusiasm into it. Every day, he will seize every possible time to practice cross talk and strive to improve his acting skills.

This dedication soon paid off. The famous cross talk master Zhao Chuntian noticed this diligent and studious young man and happily accepted him as a disciple.

In this way, the former curling player turned into a rookie in the cross talk industry. Although he started late, Liu Liu quickly emerged in the cross talk circle with his hard work and talent.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

His performance style is unique, which not only retains the flavor of Northeast Dajiaozi, but also incorporates modern elements, which is deeply loved by the audience.

However, the turning point in Liu Liu's life is far from over. Just when he was making a name for himself in the cross talk world, a bigger opportunity quietly came. This opportunity not only changed the trajectory of his career, but also allowed him to shine more brightly on the comedy stage.

The gears of fate are turning again, and a man named Zhao Benshan is about to enter Liu Liu's life and write a new chapter in his life.

By chance, Liu Liu met Zhao Benshan, who was on the rise in his career. The two hit it off at first sight, and Zhao Benshan keenly sensed Liu Liu's potential, and did not hesitate to include him under his command.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This decision not only completely changed the trajectory of Liu Liu's life, but also injected new vitality into Benshan culture.

After joining Zhao Benshan's team, Liu Liu is like a fish in water. Not only did he excel on stage, but he also showed amazing talent in management. With a unique sense of humor and excellent organizational skills, Liu Liu soon became the second-in-command of Benshan Culture Media, taking full charge of the company's day-to-day operations and performance preparations.

With the assistance of Liu Liu, the culture of Benshan is thriving. His high emotional intelligence and meticulous work attitude make every performance perfectly presented. From the actors' costumes to the stage layout, Liu Liu did it himself, striving to be foolproof.

His dedication has been highly recognized by Zhao Benshan, and every year at the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Benshan will invite Liu Liu to perform on the same stage. Even if he doesn't have the opportunity to go on stage, Zhao Benshan will hand over the important work in the background to Liu Liu, which is undoubtedly a great affirmation of his ability.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This period of Benshan culture can be said to be the golden period of Liu Liu's career. He not only appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, but also won the hearts of the people with the role of "Liu Big Head" in "Country Love".

The audience was captivated by his witty and humorous performance, and "Liu's Big Head" became a household name in comedy.

However, just when his career was at its peak, Liu Liu's heart began to become restless. Despite his enviable position as "vice president", he always felt that something was missing.

After careful consideration, Liu Liu decided to confess his thoughts to Zhao Benshan: he longed to have his own career.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This decision undoubtedly surprised Zhao Benshan. After all, Liu Liu has achieved great success in Benshan culture, and the future is bright. But as a mature leader, Zhao Benshan understands and respects Liu Liu's choice.

He knows that everyone has the right to pursue self-realization.

With the support of Zhao Benshan, Liu Liu started his new journey. However, he did not know what challenges and doubts awaited him. Leaving the familiar environment and the aura of Zhao Benshan, Liu Liu is about to face the biggest test in his life.

But in any case, this experience in Benshan culture has become the most valuable wealth in Liu Liu's life, laying a solid foundation for his future development.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

In 2014, when Liu Liu faded out of "Country Love", the audience's reaction was far more intense than he expected. Over the years, the role of "Liu's big head" has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience, and the sudden changes have made it difficult for many people to accept.

What's more, he began to make up all kinds of speculations to question whether there was a contradiction between Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan.

In the face of the influx of doubts, Liu Liu chose to remain silent. He was well aware that at this point, any explanation could lead to more speculation. Only by proving oneself with practical actions can we truly respond to these doubts.

With a vision for the future and a little apprehension, Liu Liu began his own entrepreneurial road.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

With the rich experience accumulated in Benshan Culture, Liu Liu soon established his own media company. However, the road to entrepreneurship has not been easy. After leaving Zhao Benshan's aura, Liu Liu had to start from scratch and prove his strength again.

Every decision, every investment, tested his wisdom and courage.

In this difficult process, Liu Liu showed amazing vision and courage. He has keenly discovered some talents that have not yet been fully tapped by the market, the most famous of which is comedian Qiao Shan.

Although Qiao Shan was already well-known at that time, he was still some way from becoming truly popular. Liu Liu decisively took him under his command and tailored a set of "popular plans" for him.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

Facts have proved that Liu Liu's choice was correct. Under his training, Qiao Shan soon became a rising star in the comedy industry. This not only proves Liu Liu's insight, but also shows his talent as an agent and company manager.

Qiao Shan's success brought the first pot of gold to Liu Liu's company and won the company's recognition in the industry.

However, success did not make Liu Liu forget his roots. He always remembered Zhao Benshan's cultivation of him, and passed on this spirit. In his company, every newcomer is carefully cultivated and given the opportunity to showcase their talents.

Liu Liu knows that only by continuously discovering and cultivating new talents can the company's vitality and competitiveness be maintained.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

Despite leaving Zhao Benshan's team, Liu Liu was not estranged from his former mentor. On the contrary, the friendship between the two grows. Liu Liu often asked Zhao Benshan for advice on how to do business, and Zhao Benshan always paid attention to Liu Liu's development, providing advice and support when he encountered difficulties.

On the road of entrepreneurship, Liu Liu encountered many setbacks and doubts. Some people say that he will not be able to leave Zhao Benshan, and some people question whether his company can operate for a long time. In the face of these voices, Liu Liu chose to respond with practical actions.

He led the team to continue to innovate, launched a series of popular variety shows and online dramas, and gradually gained a firm foothold in the highly competitive media industry.

Today's Liu Liu, although he is no longer the "Liu head" who makes the audience laugh, has grown into a successful entrepreneur and an excellent Bole.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

His story is not only a history of the growth of an artist, but also an inspirational story of courage, perseverance and reward.

At Liu Liu's daughter's wedding, an unexpected figure attracted the attention of all the guests - Zhao Benshan personally came to the scene to congratulate. This scene not only surprised the guests present, but also surprised the outside world who have been paying attention to the relationship between the master and apprentice.

At the wedding scene, Zhao Benshan's arrival instantly became the focus. He not only attended the wedding, but also served as a witness himself. At the marriage ceremony, Zhao Benshan humorously said to the groom: "If you dare to treat her badly, our uncles and aunts in the entire Zhao family class will attack her."

These half-joking words not only amused the guests at the scene, but also conveyed a clear message to the outside world: Liu Liu has always been a member of the Zhao family, and there is no estrangement between the two.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This scene is undoubtedly a powerful response to the rumors that "Liu Liu betrayed his master". It proves that Liu Liu's independent development did not affect his deep friendship with Zhao Benshan.

On the contrary, Zhao Benshan's support for Liu Liu shows the mind of a true Bole and a good teacher.

After the wedding, Zhao Benshan and Liu Liu sat opposite each other and toasted together. The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the years of working together many years ago. At this moment, all misunderstandings and suspicions vanished, leaving only pure friendship and mutual blessings.

Zhao Benshan's move not only broke many speculations about their relationship with the outside world, but also demonstrated the power of sincere friendship. It teaches the world that true friendship transcends the boundaries of a career and can stand the test of time and distance.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This wedding is not only an important moment in Liu Liu's daughter's life, but also a turning point in the relationship between Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan. It proved to the world that although Liu Liu chose to develop independently, the friendship between him and Zhao Benshan was not weakened by this.

On the contrary, this friendship has been sublimated in the growth and development of each other.

Since then, rumors about Liu Liu's "ingratitude" have been self-defeating. People began to re-examine Liu Liu's choice, and understood that the pursuit of self-development did not mean betraying his mentor.

Zhao Benshan's generosity and support, as well as Liu Liu's gratitude, together interpret a sincere friendship across time and space.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

This incident not only resolved the misunderstanding of the outside world, but also injected new impetus into Liu Liu's career development. With Zhao's public support, Liu's company has become more stable in the industry and has won the trust of more partners.

The years are like flowing, and in a blink of an eye, Liu Liu has entered the year of knowing the destiny of heaven. Although he no longer frequently appears in the spotlight of the entertainment industry, he still maintains his enthusiasm for life and career.

On his personal social media, Liu Liu often shares his daily life and maintains intimate interaction with fans. The "big head Liu" that once made the audience laugh, is now incarnated as the driving force behind the scenes, silently cultivating China's comedy career.

Looking back, Liu Liu's life is legendary. From athletes to cross talk actors, to regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala and corporate executives, and finally to start a company on their own, every step is full of challenges and opportunities.

"Liu Tou" Liu Liu: Who is to blame for getting to this point? Cheng Yu Zhao Benshan lost to himself

In this journey of ups and downs, Zhao Benshan undoubtedly played a pivotal role, giving Liu Liu unlimited support and trust.

Today's Liu Liu, although he is no longer the "big head Liu" who makes the audience laugh, he is still working silently and contributing his strength to China's comedy industry.

His company continues to discover new talents and cultivate batch after batch of comedy talents. In the days to come, we look forward to seeing more newcomers trained by Liu Liu to shine on the stage, and we also look forward to him continuing to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Zhao Benshan and write a new chapter for China's comedy career.

Liu Liu's story tells us that the road to success is not always smooth, but as long as you keep your original intention and have the courage to pursue your dreams, you will be able to create your own wonderful life.

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