
【Delivery channel anti-drug 100 days to attack】Online drug shopping? scratch!

author:China's drug control

"Please, don't go to my house, don't let my family neighbors know." In the face of the police, Xu moumou and Li mou mou reacted the same.

On the same day, the two invariably received a "mysterious package" from Haitao, and at the same time, the police also appeared in front of them...

Seized on the spot

Recently, with the continuous development of the anti-drug 100-day concentrated investigation and seizure operation in the delivery channel of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the anti-narcotics brigade of the Xiaoshan District Public Security Bureau received a clue from the Hangzhou Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau and found suspicious items in two parcels sent to Xiaoshan, which were identified as the spiritual substances triazolam and midazolam, that is, new drugs.

The recipients of the parcels are Xu X and Li X.

After clarifying the relevant clues, the anti-drug brigade immediately made a decision, together with the postal administration, deployed police forces near the suspect's residence, and prepared to personally seize the stolen goods when the suspect received the package.

In an apartment building, the police arrested Xu Moumou, who was about to take the package, on the spot, and seized more than 10 midazolam liquid reagents and 10 triazolam tablets.

【Delivery channel anti-drug 100 days to attack】Online drug shopping? scratch!

▍ The police arrested Xu Moumou

At about 3 p.m. on the same day, the police were at the door of a residential express station, and the suspect Li Moumou who would take the package was arrested on the spot, and 20 midazolam tablets, 10 midazolam liquid reagents, and 20 triazolam tablets were seized.

【Delivery channel anti-drug 100 days to attack】Online drug shopping? scratch!

▍ The police arrested Li Moumou

"Sea Shopping" drugs

Suspect Li Moumou is a network anchor, live broadcast games, beauty and other content, usually will go to the extranet to search for materials to use for live broadcasting. When browsing the website, they see a small "special" advertisement on it, and out of curiosity, they click on the link and follow the prompts to make a purchase.

Another suspect, Xu Moumou, is an ordinary employee, who also bought out of curiosity after seeing a "special" small advertisement on the website, and did not expect to be caught by the police for the first purchase.

【Delivery channel anti-drug 100 days to attack】Online drug shopping? scratch!
【Delivery channel anti-drug 100 days to attack】Online drug shopping? scratch!

▍ New drugs seized by the police

At present, the two suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures by the Xiaoshan police in accordance with the law because they are suspected of smuggling drugs, and the relevant cases are being further handled.

Don't touch the red line

In 2007, the State Food and Drug Administration, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Health jointly published the Catalogue of Psychotropic Substances, which clearly pointed out that triazolam and midazolam were psychotropic drugs regulated by the state.

Article 357 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China states that drugs refer to opium, heroin, methamphetamine (methamphetamine), morphine, marijuana, cocaine and other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that can cause people to become addicted to addiction.

Triazolam and midazolam belong to the category of new drugs, and the harm is no less than that of traditional drugs. Triazolam and other new drugs, after smoking will produce coma, amnesia and other symptoms of poisoning, long-term smoking will cause anxiety, panic and other reactions, serious will be deranged, and even convulsions, shock, stroke death.

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Article 347 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China states that smuggling, trafficking, transporting or manufacturing narcotics, regardless of the quantity, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility and given criminal punishment. The psychotropic drugs involved in this case, such as triazolam and midazolam, were mailed to China through cross-border express delivery and belonged to the category of smuggling.

Police remind: Please do not have any luck, once you touch the red line, you will be severely punished by the law!

【Contributed by: Xiaoshan Public Security】

The Office of the National Narcotics Control Commission reminds you:

Cherish life away from drugs

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