
Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

author:On Yun Xuan
Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

All the content of this article has official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the middle of the article


Most people are more familiar with judo than Jiu-Jitsu, and compared to Chinese Jiu-Jitsu, everyone prefers Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

In fact, in the mainland, there is also our own jiu-jitsu culture, and unlike Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the mainland's jiu-jitsu does not focus on grappling.

Instead, it pays more attention to the flexibility of the body, the control skills of the body.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu is more like acrobatics, but it is more difficult and not as widespread as acrobatics.

In the mainland, there are very few well-known jiu-jitsu actors, but the one who is impressive is --- Liu Teng.

Not only has she won a number of world records, but also promoted mainland jiu-jitsu to the world, and is known as the "Queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu" in the world.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

The origin of Jiu-Jitsu

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu was formed during the Western Zhou Dynasty and is also known as Water Jiu-Jitsu.

It is not so much a traditional acrobatic project in the mainland, but it is different from the traditional acrobatic project.

Acrobatics is mostly training in technique, but Jiu-Jitsu is training in the body, more accurately in pain.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Because Jiu-Jitsu trains the flexibility of the body, that is, to complete difficult flexible movements by stretching the ligaments.

Therefore, Jiu-Jitsu requires not only a soft body, but also strong perseverance and determination.

This is also the reason why most of the people who practice Jiu-Jitsu are women, and why there are fewer and fewer practitioners of Continental Jiu-Jitsu.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Women are more flexible, but few can hold on.

Because in Jiu-Jitsu, the lower waist and split when learning to dance are just the most basic requirements.

Those who learn jiu-jitsu have to endure the pain of torn ligaments every day from the age of seven, and they will be able to learn it more than ten years later.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

But even so, after completing the study, there are many people who are unknown and no one cares.

In mainland jiu-jitsu, the most influential is undoubtedly Liu Teng, who is known as the "Queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu".

With a beautiful face and a perfect body, such a girl can choose other art categories and choose a better life.

But for the sake of her love, she chose the most difficult path of jiu-jitsu.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records
The original article was published on Liaoning Satellite TV's ---Shocking Soft Bone!, the first Jiu-Jitsu queen Liu Teng
Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Liu Teng, who can "boneless".

Liu Teng is the child of an opera family in Henan, born in Anhui, and his parents are both opera actors.

When he was 5 years old, Liu Teng had a cameo role on his parents' stage, and at the age of 6, Liu Teng began to learn piano.

Obviously, his parents wanted Liu Teng to work in the arts, opera or music.

But contrary to his wishes, Liu Teng's development direction is completely different from what his parents hoped.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Having seen Jiu-Jitsu performances on TV, she became interested in this traditional acrobatic skill.

Parents naturally know the hardships of practicing jiu-jitsu, but Liu Teng likes his parents and can only choose to support them.

I have to admit that Liu Teng has an extremely high talent in jiu-jitsu.

At the age of 8, she decisively gave up her studies and entered Shandong Acrobatic College to study, and began to train in jiu-jitsu.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

As mentioned above, the age of Jiu-Jitsu practice is generally 7 years old, and Liu Teng's age is significantly older.

But fortunately, the physical condition is relatively good, and he quickly caught up with the progress of his peers.

Although he had prepared before, Liu Teng still felt very painful after actually entering the training.

At that time, the test to enter the school was just an entry brick, and splitting and lowering the waist were only the most basic operations.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

When studying at school, Liu Teng had to fold his body almost completely.

The whole body is like a soft animal without bones, and it can complete various bends and folds.

Most of this process cannot be persistent, and Liu Teng also revealed that there are fewer and fewer people in training, and Liu Teng is an exception.

At the age of 12, Liu Teng completed all his learning tasks and successfully graduated from the college.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

But after starting to perform, Liu Teng found that Jiu-Jitsu's income was very meager.

Jiu-Jitsu has received very little attention in our country, especially the mainland's own Jiu-Jitsu.

Most people know about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, but almost unheard of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu.

No visibility means no audience, and no audience means very little revenue.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Even like Liu Teng, there are many people who successfully graduate from the college and can't find a job, or find a job but have a very low salary.

Although Liu Teng has excellent appearance and outstanding ability, he only performed in the theater in the first few years and was not famous.

It wasn't until she was 19 years old that Liu Teng was invited as a guest performer by Hubei Satellite TV's "Challenge Joke King", and she began to be well-known to the public.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

After that, he frequently appeared in front of the screen.

From the age of 20 to 21, Liu Teng successively received invitations from Liaoning Satellite TV, Jiangxi Satellite TV, Henan Satellite TV, Anhui Satellite TV, Hubei Satellite TV and other satellite TVs to become a special guest and perform jiu-jitsu related programs on the stage.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Liu Teng's frequent appearances in the public eye, and her talent has also attracted the attention of CCTV.

Since 2013, Liu Teng's acting career has ushered in the peak moment.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records
The original article was published in The Paper 2019-02-02 about "Jiu-Jitsu Liu Teng: 20 years of hard training to win three world records, paralyzed I also admit it"
Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Spring Festival Gala stage, Guinness World Records

For every actor, including acrobats, CCTV's Spring Festival Gala stage is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of ability.

And with his hard work, Liu Teng not only stepped onto the coveted stage, but also achieved a world record.

In 2013, Liu Teng was invited by CCTV-3 to participate in a number of variety shows, and they were all very influential programs at that time.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Such as "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala", "Very 6➕1", "Variety Show" and other programs.

On Chinese New Year's Eve that year, Liu Teng also successfully realized his dream of entering the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and became a member of the Spring Festival Gala stage.

More and more people know and understand this gentle and soft girl, and Liu Teng at this time has also begun to enter another track.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

From a simple performance, he entered the competition and began to challenge various Guinness World Records.

Guinness World Records contains new world records in a variety of fields, including many softness events.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

In 2015, Liu Teng was invited to participate in the "Guinness China Night", and his opponent was the "softest girl" who exploded on the Internet.

is a beautiful girl from Russia, Zlata, Liu Teng represents the mainland.

At that time, the challenge was a one-minute handstand and flower holding event, that is, the person who achieved the most handstand flowers in one minute won.

During the game, Liu Teng's perseverance and hard work left a deep impression on the audience, and he also won the game.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

In 2016, this project was successfully broken by Liu Teng under the witness of the official Guinness World Records recorder.

This became the beginning of Liu Teng's journey to break the Guinness World Record.

In the shortest event of rolling forward 20 meters with his chest, Liu Teng once again surpassed himself.

Directly broke the Guinness World Record, which he had held for four years, and set a new world record.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Liu Teng also set three world records: "the most movements that can unlock the body in one minute", "the most flowers in the lower waist in one minute", and "24 balloons in one minute".

After that, Liu Teng was also known as the softest person in the world.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

At that time, Liu Teng, who had done all this, was already in his thirties, which was already past the best age for a jiu-jitsu actor.

Her body is no longer as easy to control as before, and there are many old injuries due to long-term training.

During the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, because he did not control his waist properly, Liu Teng fell from a high altitude.

On the spot, his face hit the ground, and he was drenched in blood.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

But Liu Teng only cleaned up the blood stains briefly, and complained again to the training.

When breaking the Guinness World Record, he also went into shock on the spot because it was too difficult to fold.

But even so, Liu Teng refused to give up at that time, for her, she would rather be paralyzed than give up the career she loved.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

It's a pity that the years are not forgiving, although she has the heart to create brilliance again, but her body begins to be powerless as she grows older.

So in recent years, Liu Teng has gradually begun to fade out of the audience's field of vision.

However, it can be known from her social platform that Liu Teng still loves life and is in a very good state.

Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records

Nowadays, it seems that there is still a long way to go to promote traditional Chinese jiu-jitsu.

Whether it is from the difficulty of training or the popularity among the masses, it is a problem that learners need to worry about when learning Jiu-Jitsu.

I hope that mainland jiu-jitsu can be known by more and more people, so that more people will learn jiu-jitsu.

Don't let traditional acrobatics be buried forever!


The original article was published on China Daily.com2019-01-11About "I Am an Orator" Jiu-Jitsu Queen Demonstrates the Difficult Way to Apply Lipstick"
Chinese Jiu-Jitsu Queen Liu Teng: Easily put on extreme poses, 20 years of hard training to win three world records
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