
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

author:Entertainment 100%.
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

First, the talent is beginning to appear, and the dream is set sail

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

In the world of Jiu-Jitsu, there is a bright star, and she is Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu. Liu Teng has shown an amazing talent since he was a child, as if he was born for jiu-jitsu. At the age of 8, she stepped through the doors of Shandong Acrobatics Institute and began her challenging and brilliant Jiu-Jitsu journey.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

For an 8-year-old, it takes a lot of courage and determination to leave the warmth of family and devote himself to hard training. However, Liu Teng has a love for jiu-jitsu in her heart, and this love has become her motivation to move forward. At Shandong Acrobatics Institute, she had to face high-intensity training every day, sweat soaked her clothes, and exhaustion invaded her body and mind, but she never had the slightest idea of retreating.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Like those young athletes who have made their mark in the world of sports, Liu Teng knows that talent is important, but only through unremitting hard work and perseverance can talent be transformed into true strength. With tenacious perseverance, she overcame one obstacle after another and gradually made her mark in the field of jiu-jitsu.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

2. Twenty years of hard work to create brilliance

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

"The edge of the sword comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold." Liu Teng used 20 years of hard work to interpret the true meaning of this famous saying. In the past 20 years, she has put in unimaginable efforts. She trains for hours every day, from stretching and twisting the basics to repetitive practice of difficult movements.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

In order to be able to strike those extreme poses, Liu Teng has experienced countless failures and setbacks. Injuries have long been a regular occurrence for her, but she has never given up because of them. Once, while practicing a difficult twisting move, she accidentally fell and injured her lower back. Doctors advised her to rest for a while, but she was only able to get back to training after the injury had improved slightly.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

It is this perseverance and persistence that allows Liu Teng to easily pose in amazing extreme poses. Her body seemed to have no bone limitations, and she was able to bend and twist as she pleased. Her three world records are not only a testament to her personal efforts, but also a testament to Chinese Jiu-Jitsu's success on the world stage.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

For example, in an international jiu-jitsu competition, Liu Teng showed off her unique "folding" technique, which was a stunning bend of her body, and eventually won the championship and set a new world record. This achievement has attracted the attention of the whole world and made more people understand the charm of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

3. Persistence and love, the achievement of life

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Liu's success is not accidental, but stems from her deep love and consistent persistence in Jiu-Jitsu. On the road to pursuing her dreams, she has also faced many temptations and choices. Other industries have offered her an olive branch and offered seemingly more relaxed and generous treatment, but Liu Teng has always stayed true to her original intention, and she knows that Jiu-Jitsu is her life's pursuit.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Her story has inspired countless young people to pursue their dreams bravely. No matter how great the difficulties and setbacks are, as long as there is love and perseverance in the heart, we will be able to overcome everything. As Liu Teng said, "Jiu-Jitsu is a part of my life, and I am willing to give everything for it." ”

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

In today's society, many people are prone to give up in the face of difficulties, and Liu Teng's experience tells us that only by persevering can we realize the value of our lives. Not only is she a leader in the Jiu-Jitsu world, but she is a role model for each of us to learn from.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Fourth, inheritance and development, the responsibility is on the shoulder

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Today, Liu Teng is a representative of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu, but she is not resting on her laurels. She knows that Jiu-Jitsu, as a part of traditional Chinese culture, needs to be inherited and developed. As a result, she actively engaged in the promotion and teaching of Jiu-Jitsu.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

She often goes out into schools and communities to show children and the general public the charm of Jiu-Jitsu and spark their interest in Jiu-Jitsu. At the same time, she has also cultivated a group of outstanding Jiu-Jitsu students, injecting new vitality into the future of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses


Liu Teng used his actions to let more people understand and love Jiu-Jitsu. She believes that with the joint efforts of her and many Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts, Chinese Jiu-Jitsu will be able to shine more brilliantly on the world stage.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu, has written her own legend with her persistence and hard work. Her story will always inspire us to forge ahead in the pursuit of our dreams.

I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses
I never expected ☞ that Liu Teng, the queen of Chinese Jiu-Jitsu: three world records in 20 years of extreme poses

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