
The production lineup is full of big names! Sonic the Hedgehog live-action film may be released next November

author:NetEase loves to play

NetEase loves to play original reports, reprint please indicate the source!

Hollywood Reporter, a well-known entertainment media in the United States, recently released news that the film based on the image and story of Sega's well-known game character "Sonic the Hedgehog" will be released on November 15, 2019.

The production lineup is full of big names! Sonic the Hedgehog live-action film may be released next November

The film is distributed by Paramount Pictures, a veteran Hollywood manufacturer, and plans to present it in the form of CG + live-action, and the production lineup can also be described as a large number of big names, including the producer of the "Fast and Furious" series of films, Neil Lee. H. Moritz, Deadpool director Tim Miller, and more.

The production lineup is full of big names! Sonic the Hedgehog live-action film may be released next November

Josh Miller, the producer of Fox's adult animation Ogre Golan, will write the screenplay for the film, and although jeff Fowler, director of the film, has no previous experience directing feature-length films, but his director's 2004 version of Gopher Broke was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film in 2005, and he obviously has some experience in animating the dynamics of virtual characters.

The production lineup is full of big names! Sonic the Hedgehog live-action film may be released next November

The live-action film of "Sonic the Hedgehog" released some preliminary information as early as 2016, initially led by Sony Pictures Entertainment Co., Ltd. of the United States, but then the project seemed to encounter difficulties and almost died, and later took over by Paramount to continue development. However, until today, the producer has not released any information related to the specific content of the film, including the main characters other than Sonic, the story background, the scene setting, etc., and it seems that players interested in this game will have to wait for a while.