
How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

author:Pocket Movie Ten

Speaking of Northern Europe, it feels small, cold, but rich, and highly educated and musically literate.

How high is the level of musical literacy?

For example, Finland in Northern Europe is the country with the largest number of heavy metal bands per capita, with 53.5 metal bands per 100,000 people, which can be said to be an individual playing metal in Finland.

Oh yes, in this place known as the happiest region in the world, their favorite music is not the elegant soothing music of love and peace, but the kind of heavy metal rock music with a rather character.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Roaring, shouting, alternative lyrics, fierce style...

Today's film tells the story of a heavy metal band in Finland.

"Heavy Metal Journey"

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

In general, the movie is very routine, that is, a few young people who are looked down upon, after suffering, finally prove themselves through music.

But how could the brain circuits of the Nordic people be so simple? The film brings the high "cold" humor of the Nordic people to the fullest.

The band is made up of four small-town youths in Finland, what about the four?

Lead singer, cleaning staff of the nursing home. A flowing and supple "brown long straight", introverted and shy, often ridiculed as a guy and a female cannon;

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Guitarist, the son of a reindeer slaughterhouse owner, looks wilder;

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

The bassist, the librarian, is a genius who has never forgotten the melody, but has some mental problems;

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

The drummer, on the other hand, is a happy and simple little fat man, who is devoted to music, often practicing obliviously and ignoring life and death. (That's how it spells)

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

They grew up together and have been playing heavy metal for nearly 12 years, but they have never performed on stage, first because they are a bit withdrawn, and second, they don't have original songs.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

In order to be able to perform on stage, they decided to write original songs.

However, the original is not easy to write, because it listens too much, and if you are not careful, it becomes plagiarism of others, and it is fortunate to be recognized by the genius bass player.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

What to do?

Rest assured, inspiration comes especially quickly.

One day, the guitarist was still working in the slaughterhouse, and accidentally accidentally sent half a reindeer with a knife into the shredder, but he did not expect that the machine was jammed, and some dynamic rhythm was emitted.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

As soon as the guitarist listened, my God, it was this feeling, immediately seized the inspiration and made up a riff, and the lead singer also took the dissatisfaction with life and quickly wrote a cynical song.

Thus, the band's first original song, "Screams from the Reindeer Souls," was so pleasantly completed.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

It's just so magical!

One day, the slaughterhouse came to buy deer blood, and this customer happened to be the organizer of the Norwegian Metal Music Festival, although there was a little accident, but the drummer still seized the opportunity, handed them the recorded demo up, and volunteered to appear in the music festival.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

To this end, they also gave the band a very "cool" name - "Insert Rectum";

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Then smashed the pot to sell iron, bought a truck that was still "cool";

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

News of the festival soon spread throughout the town.

"Wow, the boys in our village are going to perform at a big music festival, it's just the hope of our village!"!

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

As a result, they were suddenly welcomed in the town with an unprecedented enthusiasm:

The who once mocked them, paying tribute to them;

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

The mayor of the town even sent a pennant on behalf of the government and residents.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

According to inertia, there must be a reversal at this time.

Yes, first of all, they suddenly got a call from the festival organizers informing them that they could no longer perform on stage.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Then, performing in a bar, before singing the lead singer, he "vomited" first...

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Then, their vans were confiscated by the police.

One night back to before liberation...

But as a new generation of young ogs, how can they compromise so easily?

The little fat drummer took the lead, went to the police station to steal the van, and on the way back, the speeding driver flipped into the ditch, so unexpected, reasonable to receive the box lunch.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

After all, there is still a "neurotic" drummer waiting to join.

The good brothers have died, and it is still for their dreams, so, with the encouragement of their crush, the band is ready to regroup and continue their journey to Norway.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Taking the mentally ill who were good at drumming from the mental hospital to join the band, and then digging the good brothers out of the grave and bringing them, a band set off neatly.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Along the way, of course, sand sculptures and joy.

The police of the two countries chased and intercepted them, forcing them to the edge of a cliff.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

The dead drummer gave the answer, and his coffin jumped into the sea first, at which point the brothers of course had to keep up.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

So, they jumped into the sea en masse, and luckily washed ashore, where they met a bunch of fat friends who were experiencing cosplay Vikings.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

With their help, the band members made it to the festival.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Then, of course, go to the pinnacle of life.

On the stage of the music festival, although the lead singer once again threw up, their passionate performance was wildly sought after by the fans on the stage.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

After that, the lead singer brother finally plucked up the courage to confess to the sister of the crush and successfully, and the love career was double harvested.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

That's the end of the film. The editor who watched all the way was both enthusiastic and laughed to the point of pounding the bed, this kind of serious funny, the Nordic people really did it to the extreme.

The little brothers seem to be wild, but in fact they are shy and cute, a band of four people, no normal people, all kinds of off-line, black humor.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

It is said that 75% of the work of rangers in Finnish forest parks during the year is to search for members of heavy metal bands who got lost from making album covers in the vast forest sea.

And the little brothers in our movie didn't bother the rangers, they gave this heavy responsibility to the police uncle.

Their promotional covers, taken on a speed-measuring camera, the photos reached the police station directly...

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

There is also the lead singer, who is very nervous every time he takes the stage, and then vomits, and the neurotic drummer brother tells him a story that makes him "face the lion inside" and overcome his inner fear, and he actually runs to the zoo in the middle of the night to find a wolverine to try his hand...

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

I'm sorry, I'll laugh for a while

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Although some of the plots of the movie are very middle two, they can make people feel their faith in music and the blood energy brought by music.

Break through yourself and move forward.

In life, we all have difficulties that need to be faced, at this time, we must face the fear in our hearts to face the difficulties.

How could I like such a "sand sculpture" band?

Warm reminder, the film is especially suitable for in the cold afternoon without the sun, lying in the bed to watch, you will laugh like a fool the whole time, after watching it and it is extremely comfortable, your "gloomy afternoon" suddenly open.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author himself)