
Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

author:Shadow Of The Lost X

Recently watched a very depressing film "Confession", a comprehensive variety of online reviews, I dare not say what I understand, I just want to share what I see with you.

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

When I first heard the name of this movie, I thought it was a small Japanese fresh love movie

Wan didn't expect it to be so dark, and later learned that confession in Japanese has the meaning of confession and repentance.

Absurdity and justice intersect, reason and sensibility intertwine.

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

The film is made up of clips of confessions from several people, each dissecting the events from their own perspective. The plot of the story goes from shallow to deep, and it is even more layer by layer to remove the ugly face of human nature. Everyone has their own opinions, they are defending their interests and behaviors in different ways, and the sliding timeline makes people feel that the truth is confusing. But through excellent editing techniques, this film can not only let the audience know the truth from it, but also easily provoke your chicken skin, which makes people shudder. The story of teachers and students makes people understand what "simple" malice is.

This film embodies the typical Japanese film aesthetic, which is the so-called contrasting aesthetic. Using clear slow motion, gentle lyrical music, and the carefree noise of students, the school picture is created with a soft aesthetic, and the next second there will be more than a close-up of violence, blood stains and children's calm smiles

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

The clear and beautiful slow motion is matched with the lyrical and sweet light music, and the slow motion is used to slowly and meticulously express a key action, amplify the psychological feelings of the characters, and further enrich and deepen the audience's emotional senses. The cold face of the characters, the simple and direct violent performance, the exaggerated violence but to a certain extent of the reflection of reality, the aesthetic and gorgeous sensibility to the extreme, but there is no lack of rational philosophical beauty. Violence makes people's hearts beat faster, blood spurts, and horrors are struck. Elegant but with rose-like sharp spikes, it deeply pokes the audience's heart.

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

The film consists of five stories of paranoid personalities, each of which is the confession of five people.

Part 1 Yuko Moriguchi

Part 2 Mitsuki Kitahara

Part III: Yuko Shimomura (Mother of Naoki)

Part IV Naoki Shimomura (Junior B)

Part V: Shuya Watanabe (Junior A)

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

"Confessions" has a very exquisite script, exquisite structure, no monotony, especially borrowing from the routines of Japanese detective movies, and combining the director's usual gorgeous tones, it immediately becomes different. "Confessions" is basically a story about revenge, and can't help but remind you of "Virgin Spring" and "Killing People", but Tetsuya Nakajima will never use such a simple and rude way, but has done his best to create a terrifying spiritual destruction, yes, as our director Chen Da said, "the fiercest revenge, not killing, is killing", there is a creepy soul under the calm face, behind the extreme forbearance, is to obtain a long-lasting vicious revenge.

If you want to summarize the plot, it is roughly as follows, the four-year-old daughter of the female teacher Yuko Moriguchi was murdered by two of her own students, Shuya Watanabe and Shuki Shimomura, because the students were underage and the law did not punish them, and the resentful Yuko Moriguchi took revenge through her own way.

Such an unconventional story can easily be dismissed by apologists because it does not conform to established norms of social relations.

The story is controversial, but the film raises a rhetorical question about the laws and regulations that people jointly identify, from the other side of the ethics of family affection, and behind the unconventional story is the inherent defects of the legal provisions and the social problems of children's education. A challenging story, told in an anti-reasoning way, step by step and twists and turns, the high degree of suspense and thriller, ethics and crime and other elements make the film quite highly watchable

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

The director is very good at using color, although "Confessions" is full of oppressive and lonely cold tones, unlike Director Nakajima's other works such as "The Tale of the Wife", "The Life of the Abandoned Pine Nut", "Pagao and the Magic Picture Book", but under such a cold and silent background, the color of the blood is more dazzling, making the explosion scene more intense. It seems that every minute and every second of the reverse is carried with the sadness and poignancy of the strands, and then when the forward interpretation is performed, this pathos and poignancy is doubled, and the explosion in the film is very layered.

This movie and the original work fit very well, but for the treatment of Moriguchi this person is different, it is recommended that you watch the movie first, and then watch the original book. The impact of color helps to understand subtle emotions.

Is the world sick, or am I wrong?

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