
The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

author:Flow music

As the most "transparent" country in the world, what is the charm of Samoa?

In this world, there is a country that presents an unfettered state of freedom in their daily life, such as clothing and sleep. This country is Samoa, located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Samoans often go out of the house with only a cloth around them, even if they are dressed neatly, and they do not close the door when they sleep, which is simply unimaginable for us. However, in the country of Samoa, this "naked" and "open" way of life is a cultural symbol of pride.

What is it that makes the people of this country so candid and unabashed in their daily lives? We can find the answer in their history and culture.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Since the Age of Discovery in Bougainville, Samoa has been known for its unique "naked" culture. Here, men, women and children wear wide straw skirts, and some even go naked. This naked garment originated from the original way of life of the inhabitants of Samoa.

As we all know, the history of the development of clothing is often closely related to the living environment and production mode of a nation. Samoa's tropical rainforest climate as an island nation has meant that heavy clothing has not been necessary since ancient times. The original Samoans used only mulberry bark to make wide skirts to cover their bodies, which became their most basic garment.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Even though clothes have changed over time, Samoans' attitudes towards gender equality have never changed. Here, both men and women are free to wear skirts, which has long been a common custom in the region. This gender-breaking clothing culture has become a distinctive feature of Samoans.

In addition to the openness and freedom of clothing, Samoans also show a distinctive "transparency" in their sleeping habits. In our opinion, the closing of the door and the cover of the quilt are indispensable "privacy protection" measures when sleeping. But in Samoa, the situation is completely different.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Most of the houses here are rudimentary structures supported by trees and covered with leaves, with no walls, doors or windows. In such a "ventilated" room, people can come and go as they please, and there is no privacy at all. Even when sleeping, Samoans never close their doors and let the outside sun and sea breeze flow freely.

It's hard for us to understand such a way of life. After all, for most people, closing the door and wrapping themselves in a quilt at night is the most basic guarantee of security and privacy. In Samoa, however, this practice is a form of "restraint" and "confinement".

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

At its root, it has to do with a certain aesthetic and value of life for Samoans. In their view, enclosed rooms and the protection of privacy often mean isolation and alienation. An open and transparent lifestyle is a reflection of the importance they place on interpersonal communication and intimate interaction.

For Samoans, family and community ties are far more important than personal privacy. Here, people can walk into their neighbor's house at any time and participate in their lives. This atmosphere of mutual help and harmony is the embodiment of the "tribal culture" that they are proud of.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

At the same time, this open and transparent way of life is also closely related to the local natural environment and climatic conditions. Located in the tropics, the temperature is high and the summer heat is unbearable. In this environment, unsheltered houses are cooler and more comfortable, and are more conducive to the circulation of sea breezes. It can be said that the "naked" life of Samoans is precisely a kind of adaptation and harmony with the natural environment.

It is clear that Samoans are fundamentally different from us when it comes to lifestyle choices. They don't want to live a life of privacy, but instead choose a highly transparent and uninhibited approach. This choice stems from their unique cultural traditions and values.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

For those of us who live in modern society, this "naked" way of life in Samoa is undoubtedly a subversion and shock. But we should also understand that this difference does not mean that there is right or wrong. On the contrary, it is a vivid representation of the multiculturalism of human society.

Every culture has its own unique charm, and Samoa's "culture of transparency" is no exception. It not only shows the unique understanding of life of the residents of an island country, but also reflects their special understanding of interpersonal relationships and the natural environment.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Perhaps in our opinion, the Samoan lifestyle is a little too edgy and radical. But it is this "abnormality" that makes this country even more unique and dazzling in today's world. This clash of cultural differences not only adds to the charm of the country, but also allows us to examine and reflect on our own way of life.

In a way, Samoa's "culture of transparency" is a unique response to contemporary society's focus on privacy. It reminds us that a lifestyle that focuses too much on personal privacy may instead create alienation and estrangement between people. In contrast, Samoans' emphasis on human connection and community is something to learn from.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Therefore, we should not simply judge and belittle Samoa's culture by our own standards. Instead, we should be open and inclusive to recognize and appreciate this unique way of life, and look for the positive meaning contained in it. Only then will we be able to truly appreciate the charm of this "most transparent" country.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

The values embedded in Samoa's "culture of transparency".

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

We explored the unique way of life in Samoa, from clothing to sleep, that makes the country unique in the world. However, this unusual way of life is not just a façade, but also contains the unique values of the people of this country.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

First and foremost, Samoans believe in equality and inclusion. Here, men, women, and children are free to wear wide grass skirts, without any gender boundaries. This way of life, which breaks down rigid gender frameworks, reflects the importance that Samoans place on equality. They believe that everyone should have equal rights and freedoms and should not be subject to any discrimination or restrictions on the basis of their gender.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

This inclusive value is reflected not only in their clothing, but also in their social life. In Samoa, people can freely enter and exit neighbors' homes, helping each other and building a strong community bond. They don't see personal privacy as an overriding value, but rather prioritize human interaction and community cohesion. This emphasis on the "collective" rather than the "individual" has led to a harmonious and inclusive atmosphere in Samoan society.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Secondly, Samoans revere nature and simplicity. The houses they built are fully integrated into the local natural environment without any artificial decorations. In contrast, the modern houses we are familiar with often pursue complex structural design and exquisite decoration, emphasizing artificial beautification. But in Samoa, what is more important is the ability of a house to make the most of natural resources and bring convenience and comfort to life.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

This respect for and conformity with the natural environment is also reflected in the food, clothing, shelter and transportation of Samoans. They don't need much human intervention and get everything they need from the surrounding vegetation. This simple way of life not only brings them closer to nature, but also cultivates their recognition and preference for simple life.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Finally, Samoans believe in freedom and openness. As we mentioned earlier, they don't see personal privacy as an overriding value, but rather focus on human connection. Here, people can freely enter and exit each other's houses without any inhibitions. This unfettered state of life gives them a greater sense of freedom and security.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

In contrast, the increasingly stringent privacy protections in our modern society have sometimes become a constraint and a restriction. We overemphasize the protection of personal privacy, which in turn leads to alienation and defense of interpersonal communication. Samoans, on the other hand, are able to find security in openness and experience freedom in intimacy, which is undoubtedly worth learning from.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Overall, the "transparent culture" that Samoans present is not just a difference in lifestyle, but also a reflection of their unique values and aesthetics. Here, the pursuit of equality, the admiration of nature and the cherishing of freedom have become an important part of the country's cultural charm.

The most transparent country in the world: men and women don't pay attention to privacy, and they don't even close their doors to sleep at night

Although it is difficult for us to fully identify with and accept the Samoan way of life, we should still appreciate and learn from their cultural values with an open and inclusive mind. It is this difference that makes this small island nation unique in the world today and a cultural treasure worth exploring.

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