
finally knew why outsiders would think that Zheng Kai had picked up a treasure by marrying Miao Miao, but Zheng Kai himself never felt it, because people are in two states to outsiders and familiar people. Miao Miao is good-looking

author:Talking about entertainment


苗苗因为长得好看,36岁生了二胎,还是那么苗条,那么有气质,看着很像是20出头的女孩子,所以外人觉得郑恺捡到宝了。可是苗苗在外人眼中,是短期相处的关系,用的是自己的优势,让别人认识自己,外人也没机会跟苗苗长期 相处,不知道苗苗的缺点。





finally knew why outsiders would think that Zheng Kai had picked up a treasure by marrying Miao Miao, but Zheng Kai himself never felt it, because people are in two states to outsiders and familiar people. Miao Miao is good-looking
finally knew why outsiders would think that Zheng Kai had picked up a treasure by marrying Miao Miao, but Zheng Kai himself never felt it, because people are in two states to outsiders and familiar people. Miao Miao is good-looking
finally knew why outsiders would think that Zheng Kai had picked up a treasure by marrying Miao Miao, but Zheng Kai himself never felt it, because people are in two states to outsiders and familiar people. Miao Miao is good-looking

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