
Fun May Day | Love to say it out loud! The scene said that the matchmaker is open, and sincerity is nirvana

author:Foshan News


"It's not that Kaifeng can't afford to go, but Foshan is more cost-effective", "the wind of the media" still blows to Foshan!

On May 1, the Foshan News and Media Center held a live media activity of "Bay Area Love: Guangdong Sister Blind Date Square" in Shunlian Park. Guangdong "Sister Da Yan" appeared to host, with vivid performances, excellent eloquence and excellent field control skills, as well as many interesting and fun interactive links, for the single guests who made an appointment to sign up on the spot, quickly matched, and found the favorite him/her.

Fun May Day | Love to say it out loud! The scene said that the matchmaker is open, and sincerity is nirvana

"Look, isn't this beauty very beautiful, the young man in the audience must seize the opportunity" "Love must be bold to say it", Guangdong's "Sister Dayan" used witty and relaxed words on stage to mobilize the emotions of the scene, help young men and women relieve tension and embarrassment, and break the threshold of dating. This kind of unscripted live matchmaking is full of surprises throughout the whole process, which is not only full of fun, but also more authentic, so that everyone on and off the stage is very participatory.

Fun May Day | Love to say it out loud! The scene said that the matchmaker is open, and sincerity is nirvana

The atmosphere of the media scene is warm, integrating the fun of Guangdong's local matchmaking and modern blind dates, attracting many single people who are destined to come to the scene, they boldly come to the stage to interact, say their ideal type, fully demonstrate their personal charm, and sincerely look for a good match. Some people talk eloquently, share interesting things about work and life, and look forward to meeting people of the same frequency, while some people are introverted and calm, and use sincere words to talk about their interests and hobbies, hoping to find people with complementary personalities to see the scenery of life together...... The audience also actively interacted with each other, cheering for the young people with applause and laughter, and some people took out their mobile phones to record the sweet moments and pass on the happiness at the moment.

"This blind date is more down-to-earth and interesting, and if you can meet your other half on the spot, it's also quite romantic. Ms. Chen said that offline matchmaking can see each other up close, which can not only improve the efficiency of blind dates, but also expand the scope of mate selection, which feels more reliable than online blind dates.

"Compared with the crampedness of two people communicating alone, offline matchmaking activities are more relaxed and enjoyable, and the host who plays the matchmaker is also more professional and very good at mobilizing, and will not let both parties be cold. Mr. Liu said.

Fun May Day | Love to say it out loud! The scene said that the matchmaker is open, and sincerity is nirvana

"Matchmaking" is a way of making friends that combines traditional elements with a modern lifestyle. With the popularity of the media trend, many young people have traveled thousands of miles to meet a very new kind of kin, and the yearning for beautiful love has also become a topic of great social concern.

Liang Yanhua has been engaged in "Sister Da Yan" for 5 years, she said that for young people who are under pressure and have no time to meet new friends, the live media provides an interesting communication platform, and young people can have a little more channels to meet people, solve the current single dilemma of young people, promote young people to have the courage to pursue love and happiness, and help build correct family ethics and values.

The organizer said that on April 28, the 2024 Foshan Consumer Goods Trade-in Action and Night Consumption Festival was launched in Shunlian Park. As one of the important activities of the consumption festival, the 2024 Foshan New Consumption Carnival will be held from April 28 to May 3, combining various elements such as auto shows, home furnishings, home appliances, food, concerts, night economy, and parent-child activities to create a "fun, interesting, and affordable" consumption scene. The on-site media activity was held on the main stage of the 2024 Foshan New Consumption Carnival, aiming to build a "magpie bridge" and a platform for single men and women with marriage and dating needs to communicate and express their true feelings, and use all-media platforms and resources to carry out publicity and increase online and offline attention.

In addition, during the event, the "Foshan + Friendship Blind Date Corner" was also set up, and hundreds of high-quality guests recruited friends on the spot, attracting a large number of young people and parents to stop and watch. Many citizens filled out the "Friend Card" for themselves or their relatives and friends on the spot, wrote down their personal information such as hobbies, love declarations, etc., and looked forward to meeting their other half, bravely taking the step of meeting a romantic relationship.

Text/Lu Lihua, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

Photo/Foshan News Media Center reporters Tian Chonghao and Lu Lihua

Video/Foshan News Media Center reporter Tian Chonghao