
An important decision at the age of 27

author:Lu Kevin

In 2009, I was in Wangniudun Town, Dongguan, a women's clothing company called Yin Jiani as the manager of the planning department.

There were nine people in the team at that time, two of them were cronies of the boss and two were cronies of the vice president, and they fought every day, and I was not able to deal with the fierce fights between them, and I couldn't sleep in pain every day.

At that time, Yu Shiwei's management was popular, and I watched Yu Shiwei's videos after work every day, hoping to find the answer to the problem.

In fact, Yu Shiwei's things are widespread, he is mainly a joker, the content is more like a workplace talk show, I seriously watched his video several times, but it is useless for my workplace and later entrepreneurship, I can't find the answer at all.

At that time, I had to grab my hair every day and think: How should I let this person work? How should I let her work without turning her face against the boss? Why did the vice president suddenly get angry, this matter has nothing to do with me?

I live every day with trepidation.

One of the boss's cronies, originally wanted to be a planning manager, because of the report of the vice president to engage in small actions, was suppressed by the vice president, and could not be promoted, but the boss needs the vice president, knowing these things and getting along with the vice president politely, the status of the boss's cronies is very embarrassing, she sits in front of the computer every day to read novels, and she directly throws aside the CAD drawings and 3D drawings I assigned to her, and shows me a look.

Sometimes the drawing is urgent, and I, the manager, have to beg this ordinary clerk.

After working for half a year, I felt that this work was really unpushable, the company's infighting was too fierce, and my level was really like that, and I didn't have the ability to balance the forces of all parties, so I had the idea of resigning.

At the end of 2009, the boss invited a director to be my boss, and his face was a little old-fashioned.

He is a native of Guangzhou, has worked in a Hong Kong design company for two years, that year to work in Hong Kong or developed countries, in the workplace is a very glorious thing, our fashion design director went to Paris once, she was stunned to say two years, so when he said lightly about this work experience, we can feel that he is full of pride in the depths of his heart.

The long life experience and work experience flowed out of his calm eyes, and there was a sense of stability in everything, which was much more reliable than me, a short, fat and ugly manager.

Colleagues also think that he, a middle-aged man, is better than me, a hairy guy, because he can teach people to do things, such as drawing 3DMAX diagrams from time to time to point out others a few times, and a few colleagues with fierce infighting will also give him a little thin noodles to deal with work.

I'm really far inferior to him.

So I had more intention to retreat, I was originally the head of the department------ although I was a weak leader, but at least I was the first leader, now I have a boss, I can't hold back the team infighting, I really don't have a face, I want to find a new way, and the heart of resignation is stronger.

In the second half of 2009, before the director came, I took the initiative to take over Taobao's work in the company, and I did this very well.

The most important point of making up my mind to resign was to hear the director report his age at the meeting, he was 43 years old, I was stunned, and immediately decided that I must resign and start a business, and said to myself in my heart:

I don't want to be like him at the age of 43, and at the age of 43 he is still working as a director in a clothing company, which is also too bad.

In fact, people are not bad, in 2009, people took 20,000 yuan a month, which was sky-high, because I was conceited and proud at that time, and I found a reason to comfort my heart.

But on the other hand, young people should be a little conceited, not conceited, so fragile experience and ability, it is easy to be critnized by life to shatter confidence.

There should be a little narcissism in life, leave some space, and cheer yourself up.

I was 27 years old at the time, and I had only saved a little money not long after paying off the debt of my mother's death from a serious illness, but I was so angry that I was already thinking about what would happen 16 years later.

When the director heard that I was going to resign, he talked to me and asked me why I was resigning.

I said I was going to Guangzhou to start a business and sell women's clothing on Taobao.

He kindly persuaded me: Do you know how many SKUs you need in a quarter to make women's clothing? How many stocks you need to stock? How many styles there are in a year? How much inventory will there be? Do you have a stable and good supply of goods? How much does it cost to shoot? Have you determined the style and subdivision of the population? How much money do you have to start a business?

I said I had saved a total of 80,000 dollars.

The director said that what can you do with 80,000 yuan? It costs 300 yuan to find the worst part-time model in Guangzhou, and it is easy to fail if you can't withstand a quarter of tossing.

I was not recognized by him, and my temperament came up, I said that I knew that failure was very likely, but failure was failure, I was only 27 years old, and it was a big deal to fail again, anyway, this level would have to be passed sooner or later, I want to accumulate failure experience now, and no matter how bad it is, I will pass this level.

In fact, when I said this, it was three points of anger, and seven points was also the truth in my heart, I really wanted to do a career, but because my family was poor, I couldn't save money, and I didn't have the opportunity to play a game for a long time, the 80,000 yuan is not much, but I can finally give it a try.

If you fail, you fail, will it be more bitter than when I was 25 years old and paid off my debts every day? Will it be more bitter than when I was 19 years old when I stood on the assembly line?

The director saw that I was resolute, so he didn't keep me.

In fact, I was not 100% resolute, and I went to my girlfriend's house in Kunming during the Chinese New Year to see if I could get along, yes, I was disgusted again, and then gritted my teeth and cried back to Guangzhou. (See Shimmer)

Men still have to be self-reliant, and men can't rely on anyone.

As soon as the New Year passed in 2010, I started my business in Guangzhou, and went to 13 Banks to get goods to sell on Taobao.

Every morning crowded on the face of the bus, about an hour to ride, to get off at the thirteenth line, I am not familiar with the supplier, one by one asked, people are impatient, and finally a few finally agreed to give me the goods, but I take less goods, the price is actually much more expensive than others, close to the retail price to me.

Taking model pictures, retouching pictures, writing product descriptions, and putting them on the shelves, it turns out that the workload is so large.

The model is really expensive, the director didn't lie to me, the worst part-time model for college students, it also costs 300 yuan a set.

Shooting 50 sets is 15,000 yuan.

There are 9 SKUs for each style, and each SKU must have at least one or two pieces of clothing, right?

Charging goods is another big sum of money.

The goods in the first season have just been filmed and put on the shelves, and in less than a month, dozens of small pieces of clothes have been sold, and the second quarter is about to start again, and the original goods have all become inventory.

I slept in a farmer's house in an urban village in Guangzhou every night, wondering how much money I had left, and whether I would run out of money to eat.

I often wake up in the middle of the night, thinking about whether I can lose money every quarter, and I am so scared that I don't know what to do.

The director was right, I went bankrupt in half a year, and I lost 80,000 yuan.

returned to work in Dongguan Zhangmutou workplace, and when the first salary was paid, there was only 60 yuan left in his pocket, and he almost starved to death.

However, I myself am right.

When I started my business again in 2015, I first repaid the mortgage for half a year in advance, so as not to fall into a desperate situation again, and then start again with 20,000 yuan.

This time it's stable.

I no longer bet on goods, no longer bet on inventory, reduce the cost to the minimum, and then use the supply chain of acquaintances established over the years, let others help me with a dropshipping, I only concentrate on operation, and several stores are finally profitable.

By the time I reached 2017, I could earn about 1.5 million to 2 million a year, and I said goodbye to my part-time job completely.

In 2009, I was right, failure is failure, I was only 27 years old, and it was a big deal to come back if I failed, anyway, I had to pass this hurdle sooner or later.

It's better to pass this at the age of 27 than at the age of 33.

The superintendent walked steadily in his life, but he didn't dare to pay the tuition again, and I fell and was injured, but I paid the tuition early.

The path you should take in life is unavoidable, and if you avoid it, you won't get better results.

At that time, I was a little conceited, dissatisfied and negative, but the reason and the general direction were correct.

In my career, I have indeed far surpassed the director, and I have far surpassed the vice president of the company.

They do have good intentions, and I do have some negative intentions, and we are not wrong.

Things are multi-angled, and it is not wrong to look at the problem from any angle, and your judgment will not be wrong, but the point is whether you are making a short-term judgment or a long-term judgment.

It is customary to judge from a short-term perspective that everything you do is wrong, but from a long-term perspective, everything you do is right.

Only by getting used to long-term vision and macro planning can mistakes accumulate into experience, otherwise mistakes are mistakes and meaningless.

Don't be afraid of short-term hardships, don't complain, make longer-term plans, and do it when you think about it, so that you don't regret it.

(Many people have never started a business, they always think that what I write is chicken soup, no, what I write is blood and tears)