
Remind your parents not to make 3 mistakes when wearing reading glasses, so that you can match a suitable pair of reading glasses

author:Pediatrician Zhou Xiangheng

In my medical career, I have encountered many dilemmas faced by middle-aged and older patients when wearing reading glasses. They often feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied with the results of their reading glasses because of some common mistakes. For example, Mr. Zhang, a retired teacher who loves to read, once bought a pair of cheap finished reading glasses on his own. At first, he thought it was just a temporary replacement when reading a book, but it didn't take long for him to complain of eye strain and blurred vision. During a chance medical check-up, he brought this issue up to me. I suggested that he have a professional vision check-up, and it turned out that the prescription of his original reading glasses was not suitable for his actual needs.

Remind your parents not to make 3 mistakes when wearing reading glasses, so that you can match a suitable pair of reading glasses

Common mistakes in choosing reading glasses

As we get older and our eyes lose the ability to adjust their visual distance, reading glasses become an indispensable tool. However, in the process of choosing reading glasses, many people often make some mistakes due to lack of understanding. Below, I'll share three of the most common mistakes when choosing reading glasses, hoping to help you avoid these pitfalls.

Mistake 1: Ignoring professional optometry

Many people think that reading glasses are universal and can be picked up directly at the pharmacy or supermarket. This is a very common misconception. Although reading glasses look simple, everyone's vision state and the power they need are different. If it has not been tested and recommended by a professional optometrist, directly using commercially available finished reading glasses may lead to aggravated vision problems such as eye fatigue and blurred vision due to inappropriate prescriptions.

Remind your parents not to make 3 mistakes when wearing reading glasses, so that you can match a suitable pair of reading glasses

Mistake 2: Ignoring the comfort and size of the frame

When choosing reading glasses, in addition to the power of the lenses, the comfort and size of the frame are equally important. An ill-fitting frame can cause a number of problems, such as a frame that is too tight and causes pain in the ears and head, or a frame that is too wide to slip off. The right thing to do is to try on before you buy to make sure the frames are neither too tight nor too loose to fit steadily and comfortably on your face.

Mistake 3: One shot is used for multiple purposes, ignoring the requirements of the scene

The use of reading glasses is not suitable for all situations. For example, reading a book and looking at a computer screen at different distances can be uncomfortable if using the same reading glasses. The ideal thing is to choose reading glasses that are designed for a specific distance according to your specific needs, such as computer work or reading for long periods of time. This not only improves visual comfort, but also better protects eyesight.

Remind your parents not to make 3 mistakes when wearing reading glasses, so that you can match a suitable pair of reading glasses

How to choose the right reading glasses

As we enter middle age, changes in vision often make it more difficult to read and work in close proximity. Reading glasses have become a necessity for many people, but choosing the right pair of reading glasses is not just about picking a prescription. Here are the right steps to choose your reading glasses to help you improve your vision while ensuring comfort and efficiency.

Step 1: Perform professional optometry

Before choosing reading glasses, the most important step is to have a professional vision exam. While there are many ready-to-use reading glasses available for immediate purchase, the prescription of these lenses is often universal and not suitable for each individual's specific needs. With a professional optometry service, you can find out exactly what you need, including your prescription and whether you have other vision problems such as astigmatism.

Go to a professional optician or hospital for optometry: A professional ophthalmologist or optometrist can provide you with an accurate vision test to ensure you get the best lenses for your eye condition.

Remind your parents not to make 3 mistakes when wearing reading glasses, so that you can match a suitable pair of reading glasses

Step 2: Choose the right frame

When choosing a frame, in addition to focusing on the style, what is more important is the comfort and size of the frame. An ill-fitting frame can cause headaches, tenderness in the ears and bridge of the nose, and other problems.

Consider the shape of the face and head: the width of the frames should match the width of your face, and the length and curvature of the temples should fit your ear position.

Try-on experience: When shopping, try different frames and wear them for a few minutes to see if they are comfortable. Make sure the frame doesn't cause pressure on the bridge of the nose or ears.

Step 3: Consider the usage scenario

The use scenario of reading glasses is also very critical to the choice of lenses. For example, if you often need to work in front of a computer, you may need a pair of reading glasses designed specifically for mid-distance.

Multifocal lenses: Progressive lenses are a good choice for people who need to see both near and medium distances. These lenses allow you to see clearly near and far without changing lenses.

Blue light protection: In modern life, computer and mobile phone screens are everywhere, and choosing lenses with blue light protection can reduce the damage of blue light to the eyes.

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