
Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

author:What to watch

Jet Li leisurely traveled with his family, and this news aroused the interest of many people. He has always shown himself as a tough guy, but at this moment he shows the side of his family, giving people a sudden sense of freshness. What's even more surprising is that the 62-year-old actress Li Zhi also traveled with her and made a rare appearance, which caused quite a stir.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Think about Jet Li's image in the film and television industry, always chic and heroic. However, seeing the photos of him playing with his family, I found that this tough guy also has a gentle and considerate side, which can't help but remind people of the famous saying: "A man has forty-one flowers." Although Jet Li is over forty, his mentality seems to be still young, and his love and companionship for his family is no less than when he was young.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

As for Li Zhi, her rare appearance has also sparked a lot of discussion. At the age of 62, she still maintains a beautiful face, with short hair and reading glasses, although she has lost the elegance of the past, she has more calm and indifference. This also reminds people of an old saying: "Time urges people to grow old, but it can also smooth out the traces of time." ”

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

This tourist event has made people see a different side of the life of celebrities, and they also need to put down their bodies and enjoy the happiness and warmth brought by their families. It's like an old saying: "Rather in Lushan, not in Jinyutang." "Celebrities are also ordinary people, and they also need the companionship and warmth of their families.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Such news may give people some enlightenment, no matter how successful a person is, family is always their most solid support. I hope that both Jet Li and Li Zhi can continue to stay healthy, enjoy life, and spend quality time with their families.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Jet Li leisurely traveled with his family, and this news aroused the interest of many people. He has always shown himself as a tough guy, but at this moment he shows the side of his family, giving people a sudden sense of freshness. What's even more surprising is that the 62-year-old actress Li Zhi also traveled with her and made a rare appearance, which caused quite a stir.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Think about Jet Li's image in the film and television industry, always chic and heroic. However, seeing the photos of him playing with his family, I found that this tough guy also has a gentle and considerate side, which can't help but remind people of the famous saying: "A man has forty-one flowers." Although Jet Li is over forty, his mentality seems to be still young, and his love and companionship for his family is no less than when he was young.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

As for Li Zhi, her rare appearance has also sparked a lot of discussion. At the age of 62, she still maintains a beautiful face, with short hair and reading glasses, although she has lost the elegance of the past, she has more calm and indifference. This also reminds people of an old saying: "Time urges people to grow old, but it can also smooth out the traces of time." ”

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

This tourist event has made people see a different side of the life of celebrities, and they also need to put down their bodies and enjoy the happiness and warmth brought by their families. It's like an old saying: "Rather in Lushan, not in Jinyutang." "Celebrities are also ordinary people, and they also need the companionship and warmth of their families.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Such news may give people some enlightenment, no matter how successful a person is, family is always their most solid support. I hope that both Jet Li and Li Zhi can continue to stay healthy, enjoy life, and spend quality time with their families.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Social commentator Zhang Xiang said: "Jet Li's move makes people see a real star image, no longer a tough guy image on the stage, but an ordinary family person." His comment sparked a wave of likes, and some netizens left a message: "Jet Li's behavior is worth learning from, family is always the most important!"

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

However, some people expressed concern about the current situation of Lizhi, with a film critic pointing out: "Lizhi's former style is no longer there, which makes people sigh the ruthlessness of the years and the unpredictability of the entertainment industry, which makes people sigh." This remark caused some controversy, some people supported his view, others believed that the years are fair, everyone will grow old, and the important thing is inner enrichment and growth.

Jet Li traveled with his family, and 62-year-old Li Zhihan appeared, with short hair and reading glasses like an ordinary old woman

Jet Li leisurely traveled with his family, and this news aroused the interest of many people. He has always shown himself as a tough guy, but at this moment he shows the side of his family, giving people a sudden sense of freshness. What's even more surprising is that the 62-year-old actress Li Zhi also traveled with her and made a rare appearance, which caused quite a stir.

Think about Jet Li's image in the film and television industry, always chic and heroic. However, seeing the photos of him playing with his family, I found that this tough guy also has a gentle and considerate side, which can't help but remind people of the famous saying: "Home and everything is prosperous." Jet Li's behavior aptly interprets the meaning of this sentence, the warmth and reunion of the family is the most precious wealth in life.

As for Li Zhi, her rare appearance has also sparked a lot of discussion. At the age of 62, she still maintains a beautiful face, with short hair and reading glasses, although she has lost the elegance of the past, she has more calm and indifference. This also reminds people of an ancient poem: "The spring silkworm is dead to the end, and the wax torch turns to ash and tears begin to dry." "Although the years will take away the youthful face, the inner precipitation and maturity are the best proof of the baptism of the years.

This tourist event has made people see a different side of the life of celebrities, and they also need to put down their bodies and enjoy the happiness and warmth brought by their families. As the proverb goes, "I'd rather sit at home than wander outside." "The warmth of family is the best place to be.

Such news may give people some enlightenment, no matter how successful a person is, family is always their most solid support. I hope that both Jet Li and Li Zhi can continue to stay healthy, enjoy life, and spend quality time with their families.

As the editor-in-chief of an entertainment magazine, I have a lot of respect for Jet Li and Li Zhi's actions. In their own way, they show their cherishing of their family and their love for life, and this sincere and plain attitude towards life is worth learning and learning from each of us. At the same time, I also hope that the stars in the entertainment industry can pay more attention to their families, take care of the warmth around them, and bring more positive inspiration to themselves and others.

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