
The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

author:Jess talks about history

In the history of Chinese volleyball, there is a name that everyone knows - Yang Xilan. She is not only an outstanding captain of the women's volleyball team, but also a sports hero in the hearts of countless people. After retiring, Yang Xilan chose to live in seclusion in Switzerland, away from his former volleyball career, and lived a life without contention. However, her volleyball story continues to inspire generations after generations. Do you want to know how the former captain of the women's volleyball team grew from a girl from an ordinary working family to the soul of the national team, and why did she choose to retire and live the life of her dreams? Let's walk into the world of Yang Xilan and uncover the mystery of her life.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

In a family of ordinary workers in Tianjin, Yang Xilan was born on March 16, 1961. Her childhood was not easy, and the hardships of three years of natural disasters did not stop her from growing strong. The educational philosophy of my parents is simple but firm: "If you don't endure hardship, you can't do anything." This sentence has become the motto of Yang Xilan's growth road.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

At the age of 11, Yang joined the volleyball team of Hongguangli Primary School, opening the door to a new world. For her, volleyball is not only a sport, but also a kind of fun, a way of life. Although the training was extremely hard and she was too tired to move after each time, it didn't dampen her love for volleyball in the slightest.

After entering Tianjin Nanlou Middle School, Yang Xilan's volleyball path was not hindered by poor facilities. She often watches the training of the school volleyball team from the sidelines, and uses her own way to learn and improve silently. Her enthusiasm and persistence eventually impressed coach Li Yang, a young coach who had just graduated from sports school, decided to let her join the team.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

This decision is undoubtedly wise. Yang Xilan is not only satisfied with completing the training tasks assigned by the coach, she always tries her best to understand the meaning of each movement and master the essence of each technique. Her volleyball skills have been honed day by day, and gradually she has grown from a primary school student to a key player on the school team.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, Yang Xilan's name began to emerge in competitions at all levels. At the age of 20, she represented the Chinese women's volleyball team in the international arena, not only winning glory for the country, but also winning the hearts of countless fans.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

Yang Xilan's volleyball career was not all smooth sailing. On the court, she has experienced numerous failures and setbacks. But none of this broke her, but made her stronger will. She believes that only after the toughest challenges can she stand on the highest podium.

In 1988, after experiencing countless honors and challenges, Yang Xilan chose to retire, ending her brilliant volleyball career. Many people are puzzled, why did they choose to leave at the peak moment? Yang Xilan's answer is simple and profound: "Life is not only volleyball, there are more unknowns waiting for me to explore." Subsequently, she took her family to Switzerland and started a new life.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

In a small town in Switzerland, Jan bought a 1,200-square-meter villa, away from the hustle and bustle of the past and the pressure of the arena. Her life has become simple and comfortable, and growing flowers, raising fish, and cooking have become her daily pleasures. Occasionally, she also participates in some community activities, communicating with the locals, sharing her volleyball experience and understanding of life.

Despite being away from the volleyball court, volleyball is still an integral part of her life. By chance, she set up a small volleyball camp to help children who love volleyball learn and improve their skills. In this way, she passed on her love of volleyball and sportsmanship to the next generation.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

Yang Xilan's life story is full of legends, but she herself has always maintained a humble and low-key profile. She once said, "I just did what I was supposed to do and loved what I was supposed to love." This kind of extraordinary in the ordinary has moved countless people.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

After retiring, Yang Xilan proved in her way that life is not only about what is in front of you, but also about poetry and distance. Her story inspires everyone to pursue their dreams, defy the odds, and persevere, both on the pitch and in life.

The former captain of the women's volleyball team retired and lived in seclusion abroad, no longer touching volleyball, and now lives happily with 1,200 square meters of villas

Yang Xilan's story is a story about chasing dreams, perseverance and transformation. From the alleys of Tianjin, to the international volleyball arena, to the tranquil countryside of Switzerland, every step she takes seems so determined and profound. She used her life to show us that everyone's life can be a wonderful adventure. And the real victory is not only about winning the game, but also about how you face every choice in life. The story of Yang Xilan is worth savoring and learning from each of us. Are you ready to follow in her footsteps and embark on your own adventure in life?

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