
The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

author:Jess talks about history

In this materialistic society, no one would have thought that in a remote mountain village in Hubei, there was a priceless treasure hidden. This is not the plot of the movie, but the story that really happened to Lao Yang's family. Imagine a family living in an old house worth "800 million", doesn't this sound like a fantasy? What secrets does this dilapidated wooden house hide, which makes its value skyrocket to hundreds of millions? Let's uncover the mystery of this humble old house and see what makes it a unique treasure in the country.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

In the village of Dahe Town, Laifeng County, Hubei Province, there is a corner forgotten by time, where a farmer named Lao Yang lives. The life of the old Yang family can be described as "precarious", and the family barely survives on meager state handouts. The residence of the old Yang family is a wooden house that has been inherited for more than 400 years, this wooden house looks dilapidated, but it has a great value that no one knows.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

The turning point in this story occurs on an ordinary afternoon, when a sweaty businessman, Chen Kezhong, knocks on Lao Yang's door. It turned out that Chen Kezhong was an investor in Enshi Lin Expo Park, and he was looking for a precious building that could be used as a "treasure of the town". He heard that there was such an old wooden house in the village, and he came to see it with great interest.

As soon as Chen Kezhong entered the door, he was attracted by the faint fragrance in the house. The scent was so unique that it reminded him of the precious golden silk nanmu. In a conversation with Lao Yang, Chen Kezhong learned that the wooden house not only has a long history, but also has a solid structure, and even the heavy rain in Hubei Province has not caused it to leak at all.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

Chen Kezhong took out a knife from his pocket and lightly scraped it a few times in the corner of the wooden house. Then he shone it with a flashlight, and the scraped place was shining with gold, which made him excited. His instincts told him that this could be an extremely precious golden silk nanmu.

In order to further verify his judgment, Chen Kezhong then invited experts from Beijing to conduct an appraisal. Chen Kezhong was ecstatic by the expert's confirmation - this is indeed a wooden house built mainly of golden silk nanmu. It is understood that because of its rarity and high hardness, it was a royal wood in history, and if the people use it without authorization, it will even violate the law.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

Every inch of wood in this wooden house reveals the agarwood of history, and its value in the market is incalculable. Just a few years ago, the price of golden silk nanmu once reached its peak, and a table of golden silk nanmu from the Ming Dynasty was auctioned for hundreds of millions of yuan. According to this calculation, the overall value of the 120-square-meter golden silk nanmu house of the old Yang family is at least "800 million".

This sudden sky-high price made Lao Yang's family from a poor and white life to a "rich" with a net worth of more than 100 million. For Lao Yang, this unexpected wealth did not change his feelings for home. In his heart, this wooden house carries the emotions and memories of generations of the family, which cannot be measured by money.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

Out of respect for the protection of cultural relics and respect for the old Yang family, Chen Kezhong proposed to buy this wooden house. He hopes that the entire wooden house will be relocated and restored so that more people can appreciate this unique cultural heritage. For this proposal, the old Yang family finally decided to accept it after careful consideration. They believe that this will not only preserve the wooden house, but also allow more people to understand and appreciate the family's history.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

The relocation of a wooden house is very complex. The experts used state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure that every piece of wood could be safely moved to a new location. Throughout the process, the villagers came to watch, and this old house, which was once regarded as an ordinary house, has now become the pride of the whole village.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

In the new site where the wooden house was rebuilt, it was designed as an open exhibition hall. The story of Chen Kezhong and Lao Yang was also recorded as part of the exhibition. Tourists come here not only to feel the preciousness of the golden silk nanmu, but also to get a glimpse of the history of an ordinary family and the cultural heritage of China's vast countryside through this wooden house.

The old farmer's golden silk nan wooden house is estimated at 800 million, and "donated to the country free of charge" is a rumor, and now his wealth is free

Lao Yang's Golden Silk Nan Wooden House is not only a warm story about unexpected wealth, but also a precious memory about family memory and cultural inheritance. This wooden house, which has continued from the Ming Dynasty to the present day, has been baptized by the times and finally revitalized in a new way, and is known and cherished by more people. It reminds us that every seemingly mundane corner may hide an untold story and priceless value. In the pursuit of rapid development of modernization, should we also slow down and savor those treasures carved by history?

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