
None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

author:Cute pet war

A very popular topic some time ago, netizens found that many cats were tied up!

But after understanding, I found that none of the cats that can be leashed up are good at stubble, and there is really no need to sympathize with them!

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

When you see the dog being leashed, I believe everyone will not feel strange, but when you see the cat being leashed, you will feel very surprised, and feel sympathy, feel that the person who leashes the cat is simply abusing the cat, and does not love the cat at all!

But in fact, the truth of the cat being tethered is like this......


My family lives in the countryside and has a raccoon cat, which is free-range. For a period of time, people from the village came to my house every day to complain, and their dogs were tied up in the yard, and my cat went to beat people indiscriminately, and also bit people's little milk dogs, chickens and ducks to death in the village. I was stunned that a cat could beat someone's dog!

Later, I really couldn't help it, so I tied it up, but it still bit the rope and went out to commit the crime, and my dad got angry and welded an iron cage to lock it up!

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!


When I went shopping before, I saw an orange cat tethered to the door of a store, and I thought it was very pitiful and completely lost its freedom, thinking that its owner was abusing it. So I found the owner of the store, only to know that this orange cat is very playful, often run out, do not look at the car, there were two accidents before, the boss spent a lot of money to cure it, but it always ran out, because it was worried that it would have an accident again, so it had to be tied up.

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!


There is a cat in our village that has been leashed, and it looks fierce, and it has carried an unknown number of "dog lives" at a glance. After learning its story, I found that its brilliant record, killed two big roosters and a big goose in one day, and the owner lost a lot of money.

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!


My rebel son has also been chained, don't ask why, ask if it does a lot of evil, and it can't be tied up!

I have a little female cat next door, she goes to other people's places every day to eat and drink, and makes people's stomachs bigger, and other people's owners have come to the door several times. Also, it's a good cat, eats and drinks well every day, and even runs to the trash can to rummage through it, do you think I can not tie it up?

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

After reading the experience of netizens, I completely understand why so many cats are leashed, and I even see many cats being leashed up and dragging a hammer to run out.

No wonder it is said that none of the tethered cats are good stubble, and every cat has its story, usually must be evil, no need to sympathize and feel sorry for them!

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

However, most people now raise cats in indoor captivity, which can prevent cats from going out to "commit crimes".

To keep cats indoors in captivity, excrement shovelers also need to pay attention to the following points in order to benefit the health of cats!

(1) Regular deworming

Even if the cat is indoors, it can be infected with parasites, so be sure to deworm the cat regularly. It is recommended to carry out in vitro deworming once every 2 months and in vivo deworming once every 3~4 months.

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

(2) Pay attention to mental health

After raising a cat, you should insist on interacting with the cat for about 20~30 minutes every day, and give the cat enough companionship to keep them healthy. When you find that your cat is not in the right mood, you should immediately soothe its emotions and reward it with some small treats to make it happy!

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

(3) Pay attention to weight control

Cats in indoor captivity, be sure to give it enough space to move, appropriately increase its amount of exercise, and pay attention to the light diet, pay attention to control the weight of the cat, it is best to choose a cat food with an oil content of about 13% ~ 18% to avoid excessive obesity.

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!

Conclusion: Have you ever seen a cat on a leash?

You can leave a message in the comment area and share your cat raising experience~

None of the cats that can be leashed are good at stubble, so you really don't need to sympathize with them!