
In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

author:jokes about a hundred years of elegance

Liu Zhi was once a capable general under Chiang Kai-shek, and he was an important figure within the Kuomintang. But his military career always seemed to revolve around failure. Especially the Battle of Xu Beng in 1948, which made Liu Zhi famous and made him a great shame for the Kuomintang.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

The name Liu Zhi is infamous in modern Chinese history. He was not favored in the first place, but in 1948 he was reactivated by Chiang Kai-shek and served as the commander-in-chief of Xuzhou, which was undoubtedly a big test for him. Many people were unhappy with the decision, and even made heated accusations that he was simply useless. The arrangement of fate is always unpredictable, and Liu Zhi embarked on his ill-fated journey.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

As soon as he took office, the situation took a turn for the worse. Kaifeng, Henan Province was soon lost, and then Yanzhou and Jinan were conquered by the People's Liberation Army one after another. Liu Zhi's military talents were seriously questioned, but he also didn't have much time to prove himself. In the case of Du Yuming's suggestion to abandon Xuzhou, Liu Zhi chose to be stubborn and launched a large-scale battle of Xubang with the PLA. The battle ended in a crushing defeat for the Nationalist army, and the PLA won more with fewer victories, so that three of the five main forces of the Kuomintang were crushed.

The defeat of this battle was devastating for Liu Zhi. Chiang Kai-shek was so disappointed in him that Liu Zhi was marginalized and even exiled overseas for many years. He and his family drifted to Indonesia until they were finally able to return to Taiwan with the help of his old friend He Yingqin. This period of exile was a difficult time for Liu Zhi. He has changed from a commanding general to a homeless wanderer, and this gap is embarrassing.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

In 1964, Liu Zhi went to the United States for treatment due to illness, and by the way visited the West Point Military Academy that he had always longed for. There, he had a casual conversation with a student about his former time as a Chinese general. When the student excitedly asked about the details of the Huaihai Campaign, Liu Zhi's expression suddenly became embarrassed, and he hurriedly diverted the subject, apparently unwilling to mention the heartbreaking past. This scene is undoubtedly the most unspeakable pain point in Liu Zhi's life.

The reason why Liu Zhi was able to become the head of Chiang Kai-shek's "Five Tiger Generals" was not for nothing. Although his military career was full of ups and downs, there were also moments of glory. It's just that the fiasco of Xu Beng's battle has become an indelible stain in his life. This battle caused heavy losses to the Kuomintang and directly affected the course of the entire Chinese civil war.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

Let's take a look at the specific process of this battle. In June 1948, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to break Bai Chongxi's power in the Central Plains, decided to reactivate Liu Zhi and make him the commander-in-chief of Xuzhou's "suppression". Despite the opposition of many generals, Chiang Kai-shek stood by his opinion. He believes that Liu Zhi is assisted by a good general like Du Yuming and can give full play to their strengths.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

The reality is brutal. Liu Zhi's command skills were far from what people expected, and his decisions repeatedly led to the deterioration of the war situation. Especially in the Battle of Xu Beng, he insisted on a head-on conflict with the People's Liberation Army regardless of the actual situation, which resulted in heavy losses for the national army. After this battle, Chiang Kai-shek was completely disillusioned with Liu Zhi, which also marked the actual end of Liu Zhi's military career.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

Liu Zhi's story makes people feel a lot of emotion. His life can be said to be a classic example of falling from the top to the bottom. What was once glory and trust turned into accusation and abandonment in the blink of an eye. This kind of ups and downs in life is a huge blow to Liu Zhi personally, and it also deeply reflects the cruel reality of that turbulent era.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

Although figures like Liu Zhi have often been criticized and misunderstood throughout history, their experiences have provided a deeper understanding of that era. Every decision and choice can be seen as an inevitable product of specific historical conditions, and these choices shape the destiny of the individual and also affect the course of history.

In 1964, Liu Zhi visited the West Point Military Academy, and when asked about the Battle of Xu Beng, Liu Zhi: Let's talk about something else

By digging deep into the story of Liu Zhi, we see the rise and fall of a general, and we also see a magnificent history. Liu Zhi's life is a microcosm of the Chinese military of that era, and his experience reflects many important events and turning points in China's modern history. Although he ultimately failed to clear his reputation as "General Pig", his life undoubtedly provides us with deep reflections on loyalty, trust, betrayal and redemption. In the evaluation of history, perhaps we should be more fair and objective, and give each character a more comprehensive understanding and evaluation.

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