
Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

author:Hefei Hongjian baking pastry training

Learn West Point, to Hongjian!

"I want to learn pastry baking, what are the reliable training schools?" This is also the early doubt of many pastry baking students.

Because I haven't understood, I don't know what kind of pastry baking training school is reliable, and today's baking training schools are also various, so how to choose a reliable pastry baking training school?

It is recommended that you consider the curriculum, faculty, facilities and equipment, teaching mode, logistics support, employment creation and strength

01 Curriculum

Understand and compare the training course content, training format, learning duration and training materials provided by the West Pastry Baking Training School to determine whether it can meet your learning needs.

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

Hongjian Baking Education is a comprehensive and professional pastry baking training school. The course content is cake decorating, Korean decorating, bread baking, French desserts, coffee drinks, etc., which can give students a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of pastry.

In terms of the specific setting of the course, according to the learning objectives of the students, a variety of comprehensive courses have been developed and formulated in terms of time and learning content.


A good school must have a good curriculum, and a good curriculum must have good teachers, so when choosing a school, you should also pay attention to whether the school has good teachers. In terms of skill learning, it is important to see whether these teachers have practical experience.

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school
Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

Whether it is in curriculum research and development, or in school education and teaching, every teacher of Hongjian Baking Education is a leader with rich practical experience in the industry, and they let students have good course choices, so that students can master solid skills and learn cutting-edge technology.

03Equipment and facilities

A good pastry baking training school must not only have "soft power", but also hardware equipment to keep up.

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

When you come to the class of Hongjian Baking Education, you will see the baking equipment used by the students in each classroom, such as: international first-line brand Gaobi, Frakes series freezers, Xinmai noodle machine, etc.

Good hardware equipment provides a high-quality learning environment for students to learn, and a high proportion of tools is proportional, so that students can practice without queuing, and efficient practice can learn faster and more solidly.

04 Teaching mode

The technical learning classroom is a classroom that distinguishes it from test-oriented education, and its classroom must be practical.

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

In the teaching of Hongjian, the school adopts visual and three-dimensional teaching modes such as demonstration teaching, full practical exercises, inter-class guidance, after-class summary, and regular assessment, so that the students' skills can be learned more firmly.

05 Logistics support

If you want to study with peace of mind and peace of mind, you must also have good logistics support.

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school
Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

Hongjian baking education adopts semi-closed management, and male and female students are managed separately. In the residential apartment, air conditioning and WiFi are fully covered, 24-hour uninterrupted network and electricity, bedding and quilt covers are provided, and sanitation is equipped with special personnel to clean it. The school is also equipped with a dedicated canteen and restaurant, and three meals a day are delicious and delicious.

06Job creation and strength

Learn a good technique|A guide to choosing a pastry baking school

Choosing a good baking school also depends on brand endorsement. Hongjian Bakery West Pastry Training School is established by Anhui Baking Industry Association, which is a West Point Baking Education Base integrating West Point Skills Training, Vocational Skills Evaluation, Baking Knowledge Dissemination, and Baking Market Research and Development.

At the same time, Hongjian Baking is also a vocational ability training base and vocational skills evaluation center for the baking industry in Anhui Province.

In terms of job creation, there are many employment opportunities for trainees, and there are solid channels for entrepreneurship in all aspects.

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