
Xiao San's self-report: I don't love cheating men and refuse to leave, because cheating men give benefits!

author:Su Yue - the separation of the third party

Xiao San's self-report: I don't love cheating men and refuse to leave, because cheating men give benefits!

Why does Xiao San obviously not love cheating men, but he still wants to continue cheating.

Even if the cheating man hurts the mistress and abandons the mistress in order to maintain the marriage, some mistresses still have to entangle.

Is it because the junior is unwilling and can't accept losing to his original wife?

Of course not, most women who can be juniors will not be unwilling.

It's more because you don't want to lose an ATM, lose a cash cow.

No matter how good a cheating man is, at least the cheating man gives enough money.

As long as there is this one, it is enough for Xiao San to hold on to the cheating man.

Xiao San's self-report: I don't love cheating men and refuse to leave, because cheating men give benefits!

Su Yue had been in contact with a junior before, and wanted to entangle the cheating man.

This junior works in the factory, and the piecework is the lowest wage in the entire factory.

If it weren't for the fact that it was more difficult for the factory to recruit workers and go to work less, Xiao San would have been fired a long time ago.

And Xiao San is very open, she and a man who has a bit of an official position, both have some ambiguities.

A little lighter is to meet and laugh a few words, and the more serious ones have already derailed.

So before Xiao San was with this cheating man, she also had other lovers.

The reason why these men are ambiguous and develop emotional relationships with the little three.

On the one hand, she needs to be taken care of by others and wants a man to revolve around her.

On the other hand, it is for someone to spend money on her and give her all kinds of consumption.

The junior has ambiguous objects to recharge his meal card, and some people buy his usual cosmetics.

And many of these people are married, so they don't make a noise and know each other's situation.

But it won't make a fuss, it's very harmonious.

The cheating man that Xiao San has to entangle is the general manager of the factory.

It's the highest position that the junior can access.

is almost 20 years younger than the third junior, and the junior took the initiative to send it to the door.

The cheating man is not bad to the mistress, and he changed the position of the mistress more easily.

also gives money to the mistress every month, and this mistress is in order to please the cheating man,

The man who doesn't lose the benefits he gives and can still be an ATM is not ambiguous with other men.

looks like a prodigal son who turned back for a cheating man, and from then on only loved a cheating man.

Until Xiao San was discovered by his original wife, the cheating man showed that he also had true feelings for Xiao San.

But in order to keep his interests, the cheating man will ruthlessly abandon the mistress.

Xiao San's self-report: I don't love cheating men and refuse to leave, because cheating men give benefits!

This mistress can also see it clearly, she said that she knows why the cheating man broke up,

The cheating man may like her a little, but this liking is nothing compared to the benefits.

The original family's conditions are very good, and there are relatives in the factory who are in high positions.

Although the original partner did not embarrass the mistress, he did not make a big deal of it.

But this original pair of men cheated, and they also had a zero-tolerance attitude and insisted on divorce.

I even found a divorce lawyer, and the agreed divorce was all drawn up.

A cheating man may want to struggle for an extramarital affair at first.

But with this attitude, the cheating man quickly turned off the fire, and he didn't dare to shout to continue the affair.

In order to save his marriage, he let his wife dispel the idea of divorce.

directly began to throw the pot to Xiao San, saying that it was all Xiao San's problem, and that Xiao San herself was a water-based Yang Hua woman.

The behavior of cheating men has a certain effect, and the original partner said that he could give him a chance.

As long as the cheating man and the mistress are completely broken, the cheating man begins to concentrate on separating the mistress.

This mistress said that although the things that cheating men do are disgusting.

But the advantage of cheating men is that they are more than other cheating men.

She has been with the cheating man for less than a year, and the benefits given by the cheating man,

has exceeded her previous year of time, and many people are ambiguous at the same time,

She is not a young and beautiful woman, and the ambiguous object relies on taking the initiative to flirt.

She felt that if she lost this cheating man, it might be difficult to find such good conditions and give so much in the future.

This is the reason why Xiao San insists on pestering cheating men, looking for people everywhere to help make suggestions, and also to save cheating men.

But the cheating man will not be swayed by the mistress.

Because the cheating man looks down on Xiao San from the bottom of his heart, it can be seen from the water-based Yang Hua before he said Xiao San.

The cheating man and the mistress cheating, the picture is freshness and excitement.

And the junior broke off with other men, which also satisfied the sense of conquest of the cheating man.

Xiao San feels that the cheating man gives a lot, and maybe the cheating man thinks that he doesn't give much at all.

For the sake of profit, the cheating man will definitely not continue to renew his relationship with the mistress.

On the contrary, it may be because the mistress hinders him from saving his marriage and takes revenge on the mistress.

Xiao San's self-report: I don't love cheating men and refuse to leave, because cheating men give benefits!

In the end, Su Yue wanted to say that many juniors only pay attention to what they want and what they get.

But I haven't paid attention to it, what does the cheating man want you?

Especially the third party who has a similar situation with the junior in this case.

What does a cheating man want? The picture is fresh and exciting, and he has a contemptuous attitude towards the mistress.

Once there is a stir, Xiao San will be abandoned, and he still has to carry the role of the black pot.

If you also have an extramarital affair and don't know what to do, you can follow Su Yue and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Su Yue, an emotional mentor who can really help you solve your marriage problems.