
A person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress

author:Yi Jin returned
A person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress

407. A person's diet can reflect a person's cultivation progress.

Many people are entangled in the problems of eating meat, vegetarianism, and nutritional matching, but in fact, it is completely unnecessary.

Because: your body will tell you what it needs to eat.

Instead of experts telling you what you should eat.

My diet, like 90% of the people, loved good food, and I could eat from the street to the end of the street, which was very satisfying.

After 10 years of practice, my body has undergone subtle changes that I didn't even realize it.

Once, I ate pork knuckle and actually got sick, and the whole person felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

I told my friends that I couldn't eat pork anymore.

Friends say that it is uncomfortable to eat without meat. Anyway, it's what I mean.

It lasted for about 5~6 years, and my diet gradually changed from meat-based to light.

90% are vegetarian.

It's not that I'm deliberately vegetarian, it's that my body doesn't allow it.

As soon as I eat meat, I feel uncomfortable and want to vomit.

A person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress

Once when I went to a shopping mall, I passed by the cafeteria, and I was hungry and went in to eat a little.

I ate less than a quarter of what other people ate, meaty chicken, fish, pork, mutton, seafood, each tasted a slice, after eating, immediately regretted it, wanted to find a place to vomit, the body was very uncomfortable.

I think that I have been insulated from "big fish and big meat", and it is the life of enjoying pure blessings, and a light, fresh diet is suitable for me.

However, I have a secular family that stubbornly believes that if you don't eat meat, you won't be nutritious. I was always advised to eat more shrimp and more meat.

Really, your own body, you know.

If you don't feel good after eating, why should you go with the world?

Since then, I've rarely eaten with others.

I basically don't eat the meat that other people eat. Even if you eat it, it is the same dust as the light, which means it.

Later, I realized that a person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress.

This is a natural reaction of the body and is not controlled by humans.

Those who are pure should eat light food;

Those who are turbid should eat meat and fishy food.

Now, I have basically found a balanced diet: eat one meal a day, mainly vegetarian.

There really is no need for precepts, no taboos, no restraint.

Anyway, some things, no matter how delicious or expensive they are, make you want to vomit as soon as you finish eating, and you can't get rid of the turbidity of heavy food.

Slowly, those who should and those who should not quit are quitting.

Don't spend much money on food.

I need to spend time on nourishing my essence, qi, and spirit, because this is the source of energy for my life.

A person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress

408. Rich people think differently.

Yesterday, I swiped the video of the villa for sale and saw someone commenting, don't buy the villa, the money to pay the property fee is enough for you to pay a month's rent.

Before I was 40 years old, I was a poor man's mindset. So, very understanding of the thoughts of the poor.

Later, I changed my poor thinking and found that rich people think differently.

  • First, the confidence comes from the market.

If you have 30 million and take 3 million to buy a house, you will be very easy because you will only spend one-tenth of it.

Similarly, you only have 500,000 yuan, but you need a loan to buy a house of 3 million yuan, pay in installments, it seems that you have a house, a car, a face, and a wife, but you are a real "big loser", and you have worked for the bank for most of your life.

The reality is so cold.

The poor dedicate their lives to a suite.

Freedom is a scarce commodity.

Freedom of thought, freedom of life, freedom of dreams, it is possible for a person to achieve financial freedom.

A person's diet can reflect a person's spiritual progress
  • Second, the more high-end, the more valuable.

Most wealthy people buy things not by the value for money, but by the long-term value.

A Maybach, 5 million, who will buy it?

People who have ideas, will buy.

This car, the value of the representative, will attract more resources and popularity to itself.

Popular people, take a few more cooperation projects, an average of 50~1 million for a project, and it won't take long for the money of a car to be earned.

At the same time, things that have long-term value can also be replaced.

A top-of-the-line Maybach, if you don't want to drive it, you can recoup 5% off if you sell it.

Overall, there will be no losses, and there will be gains.

If you think about it this way, buying expensive things is not that people are stupid and have a lot of money.

People who have ideas and strength, dare to think, dare to buy Maybach.