
Michelle Yeoh was awarded the highest medal of honor by Biden and is tied for a world-class figure

author:Sing Tao Entertainment

The 61-year-old Oscar-winning actress and Malaysian Chinese actress Michelle Yeoh (Michelle) appeared at the White House on May 3, US time, and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from US President Joe Biden, which is the highest civilian medal of honor in the United States, and Michelle Yeoh is the first Chinese actress to receive this medal.

Michelle Yeoh was awarded the highest medal of honor by Biden and is tied for a world-class figure

Michelle Yeoh appeared at the White House on May 3, US time, and personally received the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded by US President Joe Biden. President Joe Biden said Michelle Yeoh has broken stereotypes and glass ceilings throughout her career, enriching and enhancing American culture.

Biden also said: "Her personas transcend gender, culture, and language, from martial arts to romantic comedies to science fiction, to show us what we have in common." Biden also praised Michelle Yeoh for building cultural bridges, inspiring and opening hearts: "This is what she has been doing." ”

Michelle Yeoh was awarded the highest medal of honor by Biden and is tied for a world-class figure

Michelle Yeoh, who showed herself in a long black dress, was the first Chinese actress to receive this medal, showing a happy smile throughout the whole process, and waved to the camera cordially after receiving the medal.

Michelle Yeoh was awarded the highest medal of honor by Biden and is tied for a world-class figure

过往曾获总统自由勋章的演艺界人士有已故“猫王”普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)、金像影帝汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)、好莱坞大导史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)等,已故诺贝尔和平奖得主特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa)和已故英国前首相撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)等。

Michelle Yeoh was awarded the highest medal of honor by Biden and is tied for a world-class figure

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