
Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

author:Yaksha bipolar
Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Transformers battles have both exciting and accidental

Unlike other animations that have been popular and then released merchandise, Transformers is the quintessential "contract processing" animation: Hasbro needs to create a wonderful story for a Transformers toy that has already been designed to drive the global sales of the series. It has to be said that Hasbro has created a commercial miracle, but it is inevitable that there will be many loopholes in animation works. The collapse of various combat forces in the play is one of the problems that makes the audience scratch their heads.

A laser bird whose combat power is a mystery

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Laser birds that may have high combat effectiveness

In the early confrontations between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the cause of the fight between the two sides was often a single bird. He is the Decepticons' gold spy Laser Bird. No matter how heavily guarded the forbidden place is, it can't stop the all-pervasive laser birds. It was he who brought a steady stream of information about the Autobots to Megatron in advance, and the Decepticons had the advantage of being the first in every way.

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Laser Bird has created quite a few amazing records

In addition to this, he was also an assassin with incredible combat effectiveness. Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, has been hit hard by the Laser Bird many times, and being mended in "Divide and Conquer" can also be said to be a laser bird falling into a well, and in "True and False Optimus Prime", the laser bird is a head-on knockdown of the full state of Optimus Prime. You must know that the eldest brother just easily defeated the flanking attack of the three red policemen,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Knock down Optimus Prime

In an instant, he was shot down the cliff by a laser bird. Could it be that the Laser Bird is more powerful than the entire tracker team?

In addition to that, in the same episode,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Red spiders are also inferior to laser birds

The Red Spider was also easily knocked down and captured by the laser bird. One of the best characters in the Transformers was so controlled by the laser bird, was he the strongest at the time?

The fragile spider of blood

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Red spider is pretentious

Red Spider has always regarded himself as the leader of the Decepticons' destiny in the play, and no matter how bad he is, he is also the number two person in the team, and he has openly challenged Megatron several times, but his actual combat performance is like a joke. It's not the opponent of Optimus Prime and Megatron, and it's also frequently deflated in front of other Autobots: he was thrown off the platform by the big man,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

The Red Spider is in line with his father

was captured by the air and forced to recognize his father,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Attacked by bumblebees on a daily basis

He was even attacked and fell to the ground by the likes of Bumblebee on the battlefield. The original extremely high combat effectiveness of the red spider was not reflected in the play, but it was like a joke contributor in the play, full of embarrassment. With this ability, how did he have the face to covet the Decepticon throne?

Megatron with thunder and rain and small drops

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Megatron was incredibly powerful

As the number one villain in the play, Megatron not only has a cunning military mind, but his power is even more terrifying. His fusion cannon is said to be able to easily take the lives of a team of Cybertrons, and his transformative blow is even more devastating. However, such a terrifying power is shown very mildly in the play, except for various misses, even if it hits the Autobot warrior head-on,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

Megatron's power has shrunk

The other party is also only injured and not killed. In addition to his old rival Optimus Prime, Dahan and Ironhide have also been attacked by Megatron and have all been spared. Is destroying the Emperor's prestige just a scare?

Rivals of great disparity

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

The Panther and the Patronus are rivals

The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons has created a number of rivals, and the two sides are often close in strength and can stage an evenly matched confrontation, but the duel between the Panthers and the Patronus is not among them. The Mixed Sky Leopard once performed amazingly in his own theme series,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

The Mixed Sky Leopard once caused an uproar

Beat Hercules, forced the palace to Megatron, and captured Cybertron, but such a powerful beast,

Is it too hard or intentional?Take stock of the famous scenes in the Transformers animation where the power collapses

A bastard leopard that was shot into ashes

In the face of the Patronus, he was vulnerable and was bombarded into a pile of wreckage. While the audience is amazed by the domineering Patronus, they can't help but question whether the role of the Mixed Sky Leopard is too watery?

Since the production of Transformers animation has to take into account the regulations of American children's animation that people cannot die, it is understandable that the marksmanship of the characters in the play is inaccurate, and the enemy is only injured but not killed. In the big movies that followed, many indestructible characters suddenly became extremely vulnerable, which also caught the audience off guard. It can be seen that the performance of the characters in the play actually comes from the needs of real business, and of course, it is not excluded that the producer's "excessive force" has led to many accidents that have led to the collapse of combat power. What do you think about this, let's talk about it in the comment area.

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