
planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times

author:The wind rises in the lecture hall
planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times

[Feng Qitang original | Do not compile or pass on, have a source and evidence, share the entrepreneurial legend of the business world, and interpret the management wisdom of the big guys. 】

References: Mu Dao's "Fat Donglai Born to Goodness", Liu Yang's "Awakening Fat Donglai", Wang Huizhong's "How Do You Learn Fat Donglai".

planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times


Yu Donglai: I planned to earn 20 million, but I earned 140 million

You can't imagine that today, in a modern business, the boss is affectionately called "big brother" by the employees.

That's right, it's not a quack.

This is Fat Donglai, a trading group company in Henan, which has supermarkets, department stores, and shopping centers.

But it is this company that started as a supermarket that has now become a "Huawei"-like existence in the domestic retail industry, which can only be looked up to.

Just when almost all shopping malls in China were wailing that physical retail was struggling, Yu Donglai said, "Last year, I originally planned to earn 20 million, but I ended up earning 140 million." ”

That's right, this is Fat Donglai!

The minimum income of employees is more than 7,000 yuan per month, and the monthly salary of employees in most stores is generally higher than 8,000 yuan.

Moreover, the highlight of such an income is that in Fat Donglai, even a cleaner can reach a monthly salary of 7000;

That's right, this is still Fat Donglai!

Under the current situation that the physical environment is not optimistic, how can Fat Donglai be so rebellious?

In fact, just as Huawei can have today, it is inseparable from Ren Zhengfei, Fat Donglai also has a spiritual leader, that is, Yu Donglai.

Fat Donglai's "big brother" Yu Donglai often said:

"After so many years, what I have done the most is to divide power and money. ”

"In the development of enterprises, the care for people is always the first. ”

"Why is Fat Donglai's employee good execution? is because he wants 100 yuan, and the company gives him 150 yuan, so he is very satisfied. ”

"Business owners can't always put everything in their pockets, you have lost respect, friendliness, love, what do you talk about trusting and beautiful?"

"Are our employees rich, how do we build a happy team, how do we make the most of them?...... It's something I think about a lot. ”


planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times


Yu Donglai: Take young people out to start a business, and they are usually not allowed to go out

It's hard for you to imagine that Fat Donglai is like a family, and Yu Donglai is the head of this family, the "big brother".

At the beginning of Yu Donglai's business, there were not many employees, and everyone ate and lived together, just like family.

In 1995, Yu Donglai stepped into the first Wangyuelou fat shop in the retail industry, when the average salary in Xuchang was about 300 yuan, and the salary of Yu Donglai's employees started at 1,000 yuan. Not only that, in the second year, Yu Donglai raised the salary to 1,200 yuan for employees, and in the third year it rose to 1,400 yuan (in 1998, the monthly salary of my teachers was only 390 yuan).

Yu Donglai said that the employees at that time were all from the countryside, and a year's salary could build a small courtyard in the village. Everyone was very happy and motivated.

Yu Donglai recalled that he was very strict with the young people he brought out, and he usually didn't let them go out. There are a few girls who go home to see the holidays at most times a year, and they can only take them back by themselves and give the money and benefits to their families...... Boys must get their own permission to go out.

Yu Dong said: "First, I am afraid that they will cause trouble and learn badly, and I can't explain to his family, after all, his family handed over the child to me, and I am responsible for them." "

At that time, Yu Donglai didn't know what dividends were, but he was willing to give bonuses to employees, what he thought was that these young people followed him, "how much money can be earned in a year, and how many things can be done".

In 1999, Fat Donglai made about 17 million at the end of the year, and Yu Donglai directly took out 10 million of it to the employees.

Since 2002, Yu Donglai has divided 80% of the money that Fat Donglai earns every year, leaving only 20% for himself......

Now, Fat Donglai divides 95% of the operating profit every year, half of which is distributed to ordinary employees and half to management.

"Have our employees been trained to become talents, have they become rich?" is a question that Yu Donglai often considers.


Brother Donglai, who is the least like the boss

Yu Dong said: The salary is high, and the rest is vacation.

Yu Donglai often said to the management, "With so many people working with us, we must be responsible for them, take care of them, just like our own relatives, let them feel warm at all times, and always be by their side."

As long as you treat them sincerely and solve their difficulties and worries, they will do their job with their hearts. "

planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times

In order to allow employees to work happily and live happily, Fat Donglai closes the store every Tuesday, and employees work no more than 7 hours a day;

In order to allow employees to reunite with their families for the New Year, Fat Donglai closed for 5 days during the Spring Festival;

In order to alleviate the pressure of employees, Fat Donglai set up a special "10-day unhappy leave" and stipulated that the management shall not refuse approval;

And also

All employees who have been employed for one year can enjoy 30 days of paid annual leave, including cleaners;

Fat Donglai's female employees have 98 days and +3 months of maternity leave;

Fat Donglai middle-level can travel out of the province for 20 days a year;

Fat Donglai's employees, when they are not busy, can look at their mobile phones and listen to music.


Do you think that Yu Donglai is not like a business boss, but like a parent of an employee, always worried that his children are tired, unhappy, and unable to earn money?

Therefore, Yu Donglai is the "Donglai brother" and "big brother" of the employees.

In fact, this is Yu Donglai's positioning.

What happens to employees in such a company?

Of course, it's not working for the boss, it's fighting for yourself and your home!

Yu Donglai admitted that he has always been like a parent for so many years, and he treats employees more like children, and always wants everyone to live happily.

This kind of culture has gradually been solidified in Fat Donglai and has become a culture.

Therefore, some people say that Yu Donglai is the boss who is the least like the boss.

Many people think that Fat Donglai cannot be copied and can't get out of Henan, in fact, it is because Yu Donglai dares to share the money, and many bosses can't do it.

planned to be 20 million but earned 140 million, when Yu Donglai led young people to start a business: they were not allowed to go out at ordinary times


Yu Donglai: Boss who doesn't want to share money, don't learn from Fat Donglai

Once, there was also a boss who "taught" Yu Donglai: "Donglai, you can't tell the truth to others, don't tell your employees that you make money." ”

Yu Donglai listened to it and felt very helpless.

Yu Dong said: I am not such a person.

Yu Donglai has been doing business since he started, and as long as he makes money, he happily shares it with everyone.

Because from the perspective of Yu Dong, the money earned is everyone's hard work and the value of everyone's hard work.

Therefore, giving employees high wages and benefits, and allowing employees to work in freedom and love, is the respect for people.

Yu Donglai suggested that those entrepreneurs who want to learn from Fat Donglai: If the bosses are reluctant to give 50% of the profits to the employees, then don't come to Fat East to learn, and they can't learn when they come!

Perhaps, this is the fundamental reason why Fat Donglai cannot be replicated.
