
China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

author:Daughters are not as good as ice cream

The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article.

In a separate office building in Beijing, ornate marble floors reflect the reflection of the morning light outside the windows, and hallways are lined with portraits of prominent real estate developments.

In the office at the end of this hallway, sits a woman who is staring at market data scrolling on a computer screen.

The woman's name is Bian Mei, a former national bodyguard who is now the vice president of a large real estate company. What did Bian Mei experience in the transformation of her life?

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

From a military family to a police academy: Bian Mei's youth set sail

In Bian Mei's home, the walls are covered with honorary certificates and photos of her father's military career, and every corner of the home reveals a strong military atmosphere, from neatly arranged military equipment to various military books piled up on the shelves.

Under such an environmental influence, Bian Mei has been full of curiosity and enthusiasm for the military since she was a child. Whenever his father came home, he would always tell Bian Mei about his days in the army and explain various tactics and strategies.

Bian Mei listened to them with relish, and she was full of yearning for these stories. She didn't just grow up listening to her father's stories, she found her dreams in these stories.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

A small room in the house is used by Bian Mei as a "command center", and the walls are covered with various tactical maps and army formations drawn by her.

At school, Bian Mei was among the best in sports, especially good at sprinting and long jump, which required extremely high explosiveness and tenacity, which were in line with the qualities required in military training.

In her spare time, she often organizes her classmates to conduct "small military exercises", such as setting up obstacle races, simulating reconnaissance missions, etc., which not only enhance her teamwork skills with her peers, but also allow her to establish a leadership position among her peers.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Every weekend, Bian Mei's father would take her to visit the army's training base. Dressed in a custom-made trumpet uniform, she followed her father around the training ground to watch the soldiers train in formation and practice in actual combat.

The soldiers would smile when they saw little Bian Mei following behind their father, and sometimes they would teach her how to salute and how to distinguish between different ranks and medals.

Bian Mei's experience and her growth background made her choose the security major of Chinese People's Police University without hesitation in the college entrance examination.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

A dream come true: Admitted to the Chinese People's Police University

Bian Mei's life at the Chinese People's Police University was full of challenges and growth. Her choice of security major requires students not only to have a solid legal foundation, but also to be able to respond to a variety of emergencies.

The curriculum covers many fields such as criminal law, civil law, police practice, and public safety, making the study very heavy but also very practical.

During her college years, Bian Mei participated in a number of simulated police operations, which were usually conducted at a training base that mimicked a real urban environment.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Here, students deal with a variety of simulated scenarios, from traffic accident reenactments to violent incidents in public places. Bian Mei excelled in these drills, quickly analysing the situation, developing coping strategies, and effectively directing her teammates to complete the task.

In addition to classroom learning and simulation training, Bian Mei also actively participates in various practical activities organized by the school, such as community patrols and safety lectures.

These activities not only deepened her understanding of police work, but also honed her public communication skills.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

During the community patrol, Bian Mei and her classmates would communicate with residents to understand their safety needs and problems, and these direct exchange experiences made her more aware of the sense of responsibility and service that she needs to have as a police officer.

Bian Mei's leadership skills were prominently demonstrated in various team activities at the school. She previously served as the head of the Student Union's Security Department, where she was responsible for organizing safety inspections and emergency drills on campus.

Under her leadership, the work of the Department of Security has been widely recognized by teachers and students. A campus fire drill organized by her not only improved the students' fire escape ability, but also enhanced the safety awareness of the whole school.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Academically, Bian Mei pays special attention to the combination of theory and practice.

Her dissertation was on "Optimization Strategies for Urban Public Safety Management", in which she synthesized the legal knowledge she learned in school and practical experience to put forward a series of innovative safety management recommendations.

This paper was later highly praised by experts at academic conferences and recommended to participate in the National Public Safety Academic Symposium.

Bian Mei's university life was a challenging and rewarding four years. Through a wealth of coursework and hands-on practice, she has not only gained in-depth knowledge of law and policing, but also developed the ability to respond quickly to emergencies and excellent leadership skills.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Years at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse: The only female guard

In 1988, after graduating from the Chinese People's Police University, Bian Mei was assigned to work in the State Security Bureau. Because of her outstanding ability and proficiency in policing during her university years, Bian Mei was soon assigned to the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, a venue for important international diplomatic missions and hosting many heads of state and important foreign guests each year.

As an important place for the Chinese government to receive foreign dignitaries, the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse not only attracts guests from all over the world with its beautiful environment and profound cultural heritage, but also puts forward extremely high requirements for safety and security.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Here, Bian Mei became the only female guard, a rare position, as usually this level of protection is mostly performed by men.

Her main responsibilities are to be involved in the development of security measures, patrol inspections and direct escort of foreign guests.

Bian Mei's day-to-day work begins with a daily morning meeting, where she and the other guards are assigned tasks for the day, including checking the state guesthouse's security system, patrolling routes, and specially arranged receptions.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Since she is the only female security guard in the team, she is also particularly responsible for checking the security of the accommodation area and other facilities prepared for female guests.

During the reception of foreign heads of state or dignitaries, Bian Mei needs to work closely with the foreign affairs department and other security personnel to ensure that all receptions run smoothly.

For example, when foreign guests arrive, she is responsible for security checks at the entrance, while monitoring the guests' entourage to ensure that they all go through strict security procedures.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

In addition, she also needs to participate in night duty rotations to ensure that there are no blind spots in the 24-hour security monitoring inside and outside the state guesthouse.

As the only female security guard, Bian Mei has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and responsibility in her work. When escorting foreign guests, she always wears a neat uniform and wears the necessary equipment, such as communication equipment and sidearms, in case of any emergency that may arise.

Her performance earned the respect of her colleagues and the trust of her superiors, and she maintained a high level of alertness and professionalism despite the daunting tasks.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Professional female bodyguard

In 1988, former Indian Prime Minister Lagandi visited China, and Bian Mei participated in this high-risk conservation mission as a member of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Due to the high level of political sensitivity and security risks involved, Lagandhi's visit was seen as one of the most challenging.

For this mission, the National Security Agency has carried out rigorous planning and preparation in advance. Bien Mei and her colleagues received special training on the behavioral patterns of Sikh militants and focused on their past history of activities in India and other countries.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

This mission required not only general security knowledge, but also specialized skills in counter-terrorism and operating in high-risk environments.

A few days before Lagandhi's arrival, Bian Mei and her team members began intense preparations. They conducted a thorough security check on every corner of the State Guesthouse, including guest rooms, meeting rooms, and banquet halls.

All vents, elevator shafts, and areas that could be hiding spots are double-checked to ensure that there are no safety hazards.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

In response to a possible shooting, all security personnel were equipped with body armor weighing up to 8 pounds. Although these body armors are very reliable in terms of protection, their weight and thickness make the wearer appear bulky when moving, especially when quick reflexes are required.

Despite this, Bian Mei and her colleagues remained vigilant and ready to respond to emergencies that might arise during their mission.

During Gagilan's visit to China, Bian Mei was mainly responsible for his direct security protection. During Gandhi's public events, she always followed him closely around him, along with several other guards, observing every movement around her.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

She is also responsible for coordinating the work with the Indian security team to ensure that the security measures between the two sides are seamless.

A peak during the visit was Gandhi's public speech in Beijing.

A multi-level security gate has been set up on the periphery of the venue, and every spectator entering the venue must go through strict security checks.

Bian Mei and her team were responsible for the security of the infield, maintaining the highest level of alert during the presentations, reacting instantly to any anomalies.

Despite the potentially extremely high risk, Bian Mei and her team were able to ensure the safety of Lagandhi without any safety incidents during the visit. At the end of the visit, Lagandhi left China safely and returned to India.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Retirement and Transformation: The Leap from Police to Business

Wearing heavy equipment for a long time and dealing with a high-pressure working environment have put Bian Mei's body and spirit in a high-tension situation for a long time, which has made her health a red light.

In the end, Bian Mei decided to retire and ended her many years as a guard. Bian Mei's retirement does not mean the end of her professional life, but opens a new chapter in her life.

Instead of continuing her already familiar job as a bodyguard, Bian Mei decided to venture into the business world and try something completely new.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

She chose the real estate industry, an area she had not set foot in before, but full of potential and challenges.

In the early days of her career in the real estate industry, she quickly mastered the basic knowledge and operational skills of the real estate market with the rigorous work attitude and rapid learning ability she had cultivated in the Police University and the Security Bureau.

She joined an emerging real estate company, initially in a project management role. In this role, Mei is responsible for coordinating various project resources, managing construction schedules, and ensuring that projects are completed on time and with quality.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

Through continuous learning and practice, Bian Mei has a deep understanding of market dynamics and the complexity of real estate development. She pays special attention to detail, which is a very important quality in real estate project management.

The success of each project boosted her confidence and established her professional image within the company.

Bian Mei's ability and hard work were recognized by the company's top management, and in just two years, she was promoted from a project manager to the company's vice president.

In this new role, Mei is responsible for more strategic planning and business expansion tasks. Her work has expanded from a single project management to the management of operations across the company, including market analysis, fundraising, team building and new project development.

China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

As Vice President, Mei Bian has driven the development of several major projects of the company, which have not only increased the company's market share, but also greatly increased the company's brand value.

Through the implementation of these successful projects, Mei has established a strong presence within the real estate industry and is widely recognized for her decision-making and leadership skills.

Not only has Bian Mei been successful professionally, but her personal fortune has grown rapidly as the company's business has expanded. In just a few years, her assets reached hundreds of millions of yuan, and she became a veritable billionaire.

Xiao Lu.China's first "female bodyguard" Bian Mei[J].Chinese Times,1998(9):30-31
China's first female bodyguard Bian Mei: once wore 8 pounds of steel plates to protect foreign guests, and her net worth of hundreds of millions is still single

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