
Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

author:Blue Eye Finance
Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple
"I don't care how much I have, if I have more than 1 million assets, I lose the meaning of personal possession. ”

Not long ago, a photo of two people who was captured at a banquet became popular on the Internet, causing a heated discussion on many social platforms.

The woman on the left side of the picture must be familiar to everyone.

The daughter of the gambling king, the former richest woman in Hong Kong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a female shopkeeper of a listed company... With a heavy halo, Pansy Ho is undoubtedly one of the models of contemporary Chinese women.

The older woman on the right, looking at the side of her face, is slightly unfamiliar.

She is plainly dressed, with a dark complexion, full of white hair, and a little hunchbacked, but she can talk with He Chaoqiong and is generous.

Dressed simply, she is actually "rich and rivals the country", and the slightly Versailles sentence at the beginning of the article comes from her mouth.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

Her name is Lei Jufang, the founder of Qizheng Pharmaceutical, and is known as the "Queen of Tibetan Medicine".

As a former physical scientist, she has been researching heavy ion accelerators for more than ten years, and her research results have won the China Science and Technology Progress Award.

From a "layman" in the pharmaceutical industry to becoming the leader of Tibetan medicine in China, Lei Jufang's painkiller plaster sells 1 billion a year, and now her net worth has exceeded 12 billion.

In the 90s, in order to respond to the call of the country, Lei Jufang went to the sea to start a business with "enthusiasm" and spoke publicly:

"I want to see if my research results are profitable, and I want to use my knowledge to create wealth and compete with foreign companies. ”

Standing at the moment and looking back, Lei Jufang did it.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

Lei Jufang is low-key, but has a "high-profile" heart.

Over the years, she has personally visited Tibet several times, consulted Tibetan medicine, and studied Tibetan medicine and Tibetan culture.

Founded in 1993, Qizheng Group has more than 30 subsidiaries and more than 3,800 employees.

In the field of Tibetan medicine, Qizheng holds 141 approval numbers, 2 national confidential prescriptions, exported to more than 20 countries, more than 100,000 acres of various research bases, and 3,090 acres of medicinal material protection bases.

"These medicinal material bases will not bring commercial profits in the short term, but as long as the medicinal materials are not destroyed, they are worth more than anything. ”

Interlaced like a mountain, how did Lei Jufang get in touch with Tibetan medicine and become the "Queen of Tibetan Medicine"?

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In 1953, Lei Jufang was born in a peasant family in Gansu, and since she was a child, she has had the ambition of "Mulan", obsessed with "Sun Tzu's Art of War", and is determined to serve the country as a soldier.

But it backfired.

Due to the need for scientific research talents in the country at that time, she had excellent grades since childhood, and finally entered Xi'an University of Physics as a "recommendation of workers, peasants and soldiers", and worked in Lanzhou Institute of Modern Physics after graduation.

A year later, the institute undertook a high-tech project: vacuum chamber surface cleaning technology.

At that time, this technology had been stuck overseas for a long time, and the older generation of domestic scientists had painstakingly researched it, but there was no breakthrough.

Lei Jufang saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart.

She borrowed relevant books from old scientists, bought some cutting-edge foreign materials to study, and finally tackled this topic two years later, filling the technical gap in China.

For more than 10 years, Lei Jufang has been engaged in heavy ion accelerator research, and has also won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and was rated as a senior engineer.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

But just when scientific research was in a good prospect, in response to the national call of "scientific and technological personnel to the main battlefield of the economy", Lei Jufang resolutely gave up the "iron rice bowl" and decided to go to the sea to start a business.

This year, 34-year-old Lei Jufang borrowed 10,000 yuan, rented two houses, got two tables, and single-handedly founded the Lanzhou Industrial Pollution Control Research Institute.

In the second year, Lei Jufang's research on rust removal paste and metal treatment agent and other products successfully won the international honorary certificate and the national key product award.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lei Jufang had not stepped off the podium that night, and the phone in the institute had already been blown up, and the orders were smashed like snowflakes, and it was too late to reply.

In just two years, Lei Jufang earned the first pot of gold in her life, as high as 1 million yuan.

However, the good times did not last long, and the "idealism" of intellectuals soon made Lei Jufang stumble.

Lei Jufang believes that everyone is working together, and the equity should be divided equally.

But it was this decision that made her lose her voice in the team.

Later, Lei Jufang thought that "all eggs can't be put in one basket" and suggested that it would be best to start a few new projects, but the partners believed that "what you earn now is wealth".

Since the opinions could not be unified, the partners all cashed out and left one after another, leaving only Lei Jufang, a bare-rod commander, and there was not much money left in his hand.

The first time I started my business, I fell short.

The huge blow made Lei Jufang lose the direction of her life in an instant, and she urgently needed to change a place to relax her tense nerves and find a sense of breathing again.

And Tibet happened to become the "turning point" of Lei Jufang's career.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In Tibet, she not only saw the snowy plateau, but also the simple folk customs, and her highly tense mental state was finally relieved.

In the following years, she began to try to go deep into Tibetan areas, conducted more than 100 investigations and studies, and also got the opportunity to have in-depth exchanges with Tibetan medicine masters.

It is worth mentioning that Lei Jufang also unexpectedly learned that the "Embryonic Development Map" drawn by Tibetan medicine was more than 1,000 years earlier than the microscope confirmed the embryonic development, which made her worship Tibetan medicine even more.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

After the conversation, Lei Jufang's eyes lit up, and she seemed to see a new direction of struggle: developing Tibetan medicine, publicizing Tibetan medicine, and relieving the pain of more people.

In 1993, Lei Jufang founded Qizheng Group, specializing in the research and development of Tibetan medicine.

Wherever it touches the field of medicine, products must rely on science and practice to achieve standardization, verifiability, repeatability, safety and effectiveness.

Soon after, a product developed by Lei Jufang came out, which is the best-selling [Qizheng Pain Relief Plaster] in the future.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

After the launch of the product, the question also arises, how to store the ointment to maintain the efficacy of the drug?

At that time, some pharmaceutical companies spent a lot of money to import vacuum freeze dryers from abroad to solve this problem, but the cheapest machine also cost more than 3 million yuan.

The pressure from finance, as well as the engineer genes in Lei Jufang's bones, made her decide to try it herself again.

Relying on solid basic physical skills, a vacuum freeze dryer was forced out by her, and it only cost 300,000 yuan, saving a lot of money for the company.

After solving the problem of product storage and transportation, the next hurdle is to sell the product.

There is no money for advertising, and there is no way to find an agent, so Lei Jufang can only carry a large bag of Qizheng pain relief plaster on her back, and walk the streets and alleys, and sell it to pharmacies door to door.

But as soon as she asked about the price, the pharmacy staff immediately pushed her out:

"6 yuan a sticker, half more expensive than ordinary plasters, why is your product worth this price?"
Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

Seeing this, the employees came to persuade Lei Jufang to reduce the price of sales, but she clearly refused:

"The value of medicine lies in the efficacy, and our products are worth the price. ”

Since you can't sell it, then give it away for free on the street.

Coincidentally, the Bayi basketball team was training in Lanzhou that year, and Lei Jufang decided to let the players try it for free, and the effect was indeed better than the plasters used in the past.

With the recommendation of the team members, Lei Jufang was full of confidence and came to the General Administration of Sports of China with the medicine to continue to try it for the high-level athletes here.

In 3 months, Lei Jufang sent out tens of thousands of plasters, which were worth a lot of money, and due to the long-term inability to make ends meet, the company's financial pressure was getting bigger and bigger.

That's when a miracle happened.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

With the extension of the timeline, the initial word of mouth among the athletes began to ferment in all walks of life, which played an excellent publicity effect.

Overnight, a large number of orders flew into Qizheng.

For a long time after that, Lei Jufang was busy on the production line every day, more than 200 workers took turns to work, and the machine continued to produce 24 hours a day, but it still couldn't keep up with sales, and the supply was cut off 4 times in 3 months.

But Lei Jufang is still sober and knows that "it is difficult to start a business, and it is even more difficult to keep a business".

To let Qizheng Tibetan medicine go further, we can't look at the immediate interests, we must take one step at a time, and do it in a down-to-earth manner, so that it can stand the test of time.

In order to bring Tibetan medicine to a wider market, Lei Jufang decided to build a factory in Tibet, so that Tibetan medicine could go to the world from his hometown.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In 1995, Lei Jufang was moved by the concept of "taking into account both righteousness and benefit" in the glorious cause, which coincided with the culture of Qizheng Enterprise "to be good and altruistic, and to be righteous".

She went to Tibet again and decided to build a factory in Nyingchi, Tibet.

Bricks were needed to build the factory, but there was no railway in Tibet at that time, and the cost of transporting bricks from Gansu to Tibet was too high, so Lei Jufang spent 30,000 yuan to buy a machine to produce bricks on the spot, reducing the cost of transporting bricks by 80%.

As for the rest of the necessary materials, they are transported by car on the roof of the world of more than 4,000 meters, which is thousands of kilometers at a time.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In addition, it is difficult for mainlanders to adapt to the cold and oxygen-deficient environment, and it is extremely difficult for R&D talents to take root here, and these difficulties are testing Lei Jufang.

Lei Jufang did not flinch, she firmly believed that the development of Tibetan medicine could not leave the soil of Tibet.

"Nyingchi is a God-given treasure land, and the Tibetan medicine resources and ecological conditions here are not found elsewhere. ”

When it was put into production and recruited, Lei Jufang recruited a large number of local farmers and herdsmen and people with disabilities, who were not basically uneducated and had no concept of production, but they had the same enthusiasm and drive as Lei Jufang.

In the concept of recruiting talents, Lei Jufang has always believed that the development of enterprises is inseparable from local people, and young people are the key to forming local talents.

It is precisely for this reason that Qizheng has been continuously absorbing Tibetan college students and graduate students from well-known universities in China, and at the same time building schools to continuously cultivate Tibetan, Han, Hui and other multi-ethnic compound talents.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In 2006, Qi Zheng built a staff apartment in Nyingchi, Tibet, and disabled employees were given priority to move in.

Now, they are the breadwinners of the family, and they have the dignity of life under the protection of Qizheng.

In the face of praise from all walks of life, Lei Jufang modestly said:

"We have not given them gifts, but they have created them with their own hands;

At the same time, they also brought an optimistic and positive culture to the company, and we didn't give them anything, just teach them to fish. ”

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

If it is said that the construction of the factory in Nyingchi is the original place of the materials of Tibetan medicine, then the construction of the factory in Yuzhong is to practice "altruism for good" and return to the hometown.

Qizheng's third pharmaceutical factory was built in Yuzhong, Gansu Province, a well-known impoverished county.

When selecting the site, Chengdu had offered very attractive support conditions, but Lei Jufang overrode public opinion and built the factory in Yuzhong.

This decision allows the company's finance to invest an additional 6 million yuan per year.

But Lei Jufang believes that running a business is to give back to the society, and hometown must be the first choice.

At present, Qizheng has become an important pillar of the local economy in Yuzhong, with a cumulative investment of hundreds of millions in public welfare, education, medical care and other aspects.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

In 2009, Qizheng Tibetan Medicine was proudly listed, becoming the first Tibetan enterprise to be listed on the small and medium-sized board.

Today, 15 years later, Qizheng Group has become a benchmark enterprise for the modern production of Tibetan medicine, with more than 30 subsidiaries and drugs exported to more than 20 countries.

In the field of Tibetan medicine, Qizheng holds 141 approval numbers, more than 100 patented technologies, and 2 national secret prescriptions, which are designated as China's famous trademarks.

Not only that, Qizheng also has more than 100,000 acres of various research bases and 3,090 acres of medicinal material protection bases.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

But at the same time, a helpless status quo is that the mainland seems to have "reduced" to the base of traditional Chinese medicine raw materials in Japan and South Korea.

In the world traditional Chinese medicine market, 80% to 90% of the market is monopolized by Japan and South Korea, while 75% of the raw materials of Japanese products are imported from China.

In recent years, some century-old traditional Chinese medicine enterprises in mainland China have even been strangled by overseas capital and encroached upon by foreign companies.

Not long ago, the news that Eu Yan Sang, which has a history of 145 years, was acquired by Japan for a huge sum of 5 billion yuan, is really surprising.

This is not the first time that Japan has acquired a Chinese pharmaceutical company.

Shaanxi Ziguang Chenji Pharmaceutical, established in 1918, has been controlled by Japan's Tsumura Pharmaceutical, and Tianjin Shengshi Baicao has also been acquired by Tsumura.

Moreover, while acquiring traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, Tsumura also invested in the construction of new joint ventures with domestic traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, and became more and more proficient in "making money through backdoors".

It is sad to see the precious legacy left by our ancestors become a meal for foreigners.

Physicists switched careers to study Tibetan medicine, with an annual income of 1 billion plasters, and this septuagenarian lady is not simple

Fortunately, there are still people like Lei Jufang in the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance team in the mainland.

"I want to see if my research results are profitable, and I want to use my knowledge to create wealth and compete with foreign companies. ”

With such self-confidence, what else do we need to be afraid of?

Changing her career from a female scientist to doing Tibetan medicine, tireless and enterprising, is the cornerstone of Lei Jufang's life.

It is foreseeable that under the leadership of Lei Jufang, Qi Zheng will bravely climb the peak and move towards one glory after another.

I also believe that we will carry forward traditional Chinese medicine and ethnic medicine.


1|Lei Jufang: Entering the rivers and lakes casually, chivalrous and benefiting others

2 China Tibet Net|Lei Jufang: Glory blooms on the plateau|Lei Jufang: From a female scientist to a female billionaire

4Lanzhou Daily|Write a legend by the east wind, stand at the head of the tide and benefit her - visit Lei Jufang, chairman of Qizheng Tibetan Medicine

Japan-South Korea Chinese medicine accounts for 90% of the international market, crushing traditional Chinese medicine

6. Japanese giants intensively acquire Chinese traditional Chinese medicine companies

Author: Bingyue

Editor: Lu Yao

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