
Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

author:The waves of the lively sea breeze

Edit: Sea Breeze

Copywriting: Sea Breeze


Physics is a discipline that explores the mysteries of the natural world, and the emergence of the Large Hadron Collider is a big step forward in our understanding of the natural world, whether it is the origin of human beings or the formation of the entire universe, the collider plays an irreplaceable role in it, it can be said that without the existence of the collider, the current scientific community is definitely missing a large piece of knowledge. However, as collider technology continues to evolve, more and more people are worried about the collider, and they fear that the collider could trigger some catastrophic consequences, and even destroy the entire universe.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

The origin of the large collider

It is precisely because of the importance of the collider that there is such a huge project, this collider is called the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, which is located at CERN and is currently the world's most energetic and powerful collider.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

The construction of the LHC was not completed overnight, the entire project lasted more than 30 years, involved more than 10,000 scientists and engineers from hundreds of well-known universities and research institutions around the world, and cost 20 billion US dollars.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

The LHC is 27 kilometers long in diameter and needs to be embedded in the ground to a depth of 100 meters, and the collider mainly uses superconducting magnets to accelerate the speed of protons, and then let two beams of protons collide in a vacuum environment.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

Physicists' concerns

Physicists have always been full of expectations for LHC experiments, they believe that through LHC experiments, some major scientific results can be found, which can have a huge impact on the entire human society, but with the continuous progress of LHC experiments, more and more physicists have begun to have some concerns about the safety of LHC, and they are worried that LHC may produce some uncontrollable dangers in the experiment.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as long as there is a high enough energy density, it is possible to produce miniature black holes, and the LHC collision experiment is carried out at ultra-high energy density, some physicists are worried that the LHC experiment may accidentally produce some miniature black holes, and these miniature black holes, once formed, may quickly devour the surrounding matter, and eventually cause the entire earth to be swallowed by black holes.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

Of course, the LHC experiment may also produce other dangerous substances, such as quark-gluon plasma, which is very rare in the modern universe, and scientists do not know its specific properties or how it will affect the surrounding environment, so once this substance is produced on the earth, it may bring immeasurable danger to the earth and the entire universe.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

More seriously, some physicists believe that the LHC experiment may trigger vacuum decay, they believe that the universe we live in is not a real vacuum, but a pseudo-vacuum, once the energy state inside the pseudo-vacuum changes, it is possible to trigger vacuum decay, when the matter in the entire universe will be rapidly disintegrated, until the next reconstitution of the universe will regenerate matter.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

The development of the collider

Although many people have some concerns about the safety of the collider, this has not affected the development of collider technology, on the contrary, with the continuous progress of science and technology, the technology of the collider has also been continuously improved, and some countries and regions have begun to prepare to build larger and stronger colliders, for example, China plans to build its own super collider around 2030

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

The diameter of this collider will be several times larger than that of the LHC, which will require more money and energy to build, and of course the danger of the collider will also increase, after all, there will be more high-energy particles that can be produced, so in the process of building the collider, scientists must fully consider all possible risks and take all necessary measures to ensure that the experimental process of the collider is safe and controllable.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe


As an ordinary human being, we cannot grasp all the details of the collider experiment, nor can we accurately predict what kind of impact the collider may have, but scientists will definitely fully evaluate all the possible risks of the collider experiment, and they will definitely do their best to ensure the safety of the collider experiment.

Physicists fear that future large colliders could trigger a vacuum decay that would destroy the universe

After all, the collider can bring us too much scientific knowledge, which can help us better understand the natural world and explore the mysteries of the universe, and this knowledge is very valuable to us and can bring a huge impetus to our future social development.

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