
If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content


In my daily practice, I often encounter a special type of patient: they always feel hungry very fast because of blood sugar problems, but they are afraid to eat because they are afraid of blood sugar spikes. This situation has caused great distress to their daily lives. For example, Mr. Zhang, a 50-year-old middle-aged man, often feels low on energy due to diabetes. One day at noon, Mr. Zhang was dizzy from hunger at 10 a.m. because he only dared to eat some vegetables and two slices of whole wheat bread for breakfast. He was worried that eating too much would cause his blood sugar to be too high, so he kept putting up with it. As a result, he couldn't wait for lunch, he fainted on the bus due to low blood sugar and was taken to our hospital.

If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content

Understand low GI (glycemic index) foods

First, the glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food causes a rise in blood sugar. Foods with a GI value below 55 are considered low GI foods. These foods release sugar slowly during digestion and can help us avoid a rapid spike in blood sugar while providing a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. Here are some common low GI foods: Oats: Choose oats for breakfast, which not only have a low GI value, but are also rich in fiber, which helps control blood sugar. Whole wheat bread: Compared with ordinary white bread, whole wheat bread has a lower GI value, which is more suitable for friends who need sugar control. Lentils: Lentils are a high-quality source of plant-based protein with a low GI, making them ideal as a main course or as part of a soup. In addition, I would recommend some simple low GI recipes for my patients, such as trying oats with some nuts and blueberries for breakfast. Not only is this combination delicious, but it also provides sustained energy and helps keep blood sugar stable. Through the sharing of this part of the content, I hope that everyone can better understand and choose low GI foods that are suitable for them, effectively manage blood sugar, and enjoy the fun of food at the same time.

If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content

Distribute meal timing and portion sizes correctly

1. Allocation of eating time: Meals should be divided into three meals plus one or two small snacks throughout the day. The key is to maintain a regular eating schedule to stabilize blood sugar levels: Breakfast: It should be consumed within 1 hour of waking up, as your blood sugar may be low because you haven't eaten overnight. Lunch: Approximately 4 to 5 hours after breakfast, do not postpone and avoid low blood sugar. Dinner: It should be eaten 4 to 5 hours after lunch, preferably no later than 3 hours after bedtime, so as not to interfere with sleep. Small snacks: Can be eaten between main meals, such as once in the morning and once in the afternoon, to help keep blood sugar stable.

If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content

2. Portion control: Reasonable portion control of food portions at each meal is essential for blood sugar control. In general, the amount of food per meal should be as recommended as follows: Carbohydrates: Choose low-GI carbohydrates, such as whole-grain bread or oats, and keep portions to about 30 to 45 grams per meal. Protein: Include a serving of a protein source such as lean meat, soy products, or fish at each meal, about the size of your palm. Vegetables: Make up at least half of your plate, and choose non-starchy vegetables such as leafy vegetables, carrots, and broccoli. Healthy fats: Add in moderation such as olive oil or nuts to about one scoop per meal. By following these simple principles of meal timing and portion portioning, you can control your blood sugar more effectively while still enjoying delicious food without worrying about hunger or overeating. Always remember that adjusting your eating habits is a gradual process, and you can only see results if you do it consistently.

If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content

Incorporate moderate exercise to improve blood sugar control

Why is exercise so important for blood sugar control?Exercise can help lower blood sugar levels because when you move your body, your muscles need more sugar to produce energy, which lowers the amount of sugar in your blood. In addition, regular physical activity increases your body's sensitivity to insulin, which means that your body's insulin is able to work more efficiently. Implementation Advice Choose the right type of exercise: For most people, walking is the easiest way to get started. It is recommended to walk for at least 30 minutes a day. If you're used to more intense activity, try running, swimming, or cycling. Yoga and tai chi are also excellent options, as they not only increase muscle strength and flexibility, but also help reduce stress.

If you are hungry and dare not eat? Master these 3 tricks to let you control sugar scientifically and eat to your heart's content

Determine the best time to exercise: In general, exercising moderately one hour after a meal can help lower blood sugar after a meal. However, everyone's body responds differently, and you may need to monitor your blood sugar response to find the best time to exercise. Consistency: Regularity is key. Try to incorporate movement into your daily routine, such as walking to the office or using stairs instead of elevators. Remember to accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day. Stay safe: It's best to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions. Also, carry fast-acting carbohydrates (such as candy or juice) with you during exercise in case your blood sugar gets too low. By incorporating these simple yet effective exercises into your daily routine, you can not only better control your blood sugar, but also improve your overall health. It's not just a way to manage your condition, it's a way to enjoy life actively.