
Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?


In my clinic, I often encounter patients who have indigestion problems because of their eating habits. One patient, in order to achieve a soft pasta, often used a lot of yeast to make bread and steamed buns. Soon after, he began to feel an upset stomach with frequent acid regurgitation and flatulence. He initially thought it was just an occasional digestive issue, but as the symptoms persisted, he decided to come and seek my help. This is not uncommon, and many people lack a clear understanding of the relationship between yeast consumption and stomach problems. The relationship between yeast and stomach diseaseThe digestive process of yeast is mainly digested and absorbed in the small intestine after yeast enters the human body. Because the high temperature during the roasting process usually kills yeast cells, live yeast rarely goes directly into the digestive system. This means that yeast itself does not directly affect the health of the stomach as it is mostly inactive before it reaches the stomach.

Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?

The relationship between yeast and stomach problems

The claim that yeast may cause stomach problems comes mainly from the misconception that people are allergic to food or intolerant to specific ingredients. In fact, normal yeast consumption has little effect on the stomach health of healthy adults. Yeast can cause indigestion or other stomach problems only in rare cases, such as when an individual is extremely sensitive to yeast or has a specific health problem, such as yeast allergy or immune system dysfunction. Scientific OpinionMost scientific studies have shown that yeast is safe for regular intake as a food additive and starter culture. There is not sufficient evidence to support a direct link between yeast and stomach disease. Conversely, yeast is even considered a prebiotic in some cases and may contribute to gut health. Yeast intake in a regular diet is safe for most people and does not cause stomach problems. Regarding the relationship between yeast and stomach problems, we should focus more on individual differences and specific health conditions, rather than looking at yeast as a general threat to stomach health. This understanding helps to dispel unnecessary concerns and leads to a more scientific view of the relationship between food composition and health.

Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?

Leavening materials: Comparison of yeast, baking soda and baking powder

1. Yeast yeast is an active bacteria that produces carbon dioxide and alcohol by fermenting sugars, which makes the dough swell. It is commonly used in bread, pizza, and other pasta dishes that take time to rise slowly. Yeast has the advantage of adding texture and complex flavor layers to pastries, especially during long fermentations, where yeast helps the dough develop its unique texture and aroma. 2. Baking Soda Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a single alkaline substance that, when combined with acidic ingredients (e.g., yogurt, lemon juice), rapidly produces carbon dioxide, causing the dough or batter to rise immediately. It is suitable for quick baking of goods such as biscuits and certain cakes, where the baking time is shorter and quick onset of action is required. The use of baking soda needs to be precisely dosed, as excess may result in a bitter taste in the finished product. 3. Baking powderBaking powder is a mixed starter culture that typically contains sodium bicarbonate and one or more acidic substances (such as pyrophosphate). It is designed to self-react without the need for additional acidic components and can produce carbon dioxide under the dual effects of humidification (e.g. adding liquids) and heating. As a result, baking powder is ideal for cakes, muffins, and many other baked goods, as it ensures good swelling even without the addition of acidic ingredients.

Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?

How to choose?

The choice of starter culture depends mainly on the type of food you want to bake and the specific texture and flavor you want: for pastries that take time to ferment slowly and have a rich texture and flavor layer, choose yeast. If you need a quick roast and your recipe contains acidic ingredients, baking soda is ideal. For baked goods that don't need to add additional acidic ingredients and need to expand evenly, baking powder is the best choice. Practical application: how to choose the right starter culture

Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?

1. Understand the basic functions of different starter cultures

Yeast: An active biologic, mainly used for leavening. Yeast produces carbon dioxide through the fermentation process, which makes the dough expand, and is suitable for making bread, pizza, and other foods that need to ferment over time. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate): A single chemical that produces carbon dioxide quickly when exposed to acid. It is suitable for foods that need to be expanded instantly, such as biscuits and certain pastries. Baking powder: Usually a mixture of baking soda and at least one acidic substance, such as tartaric acid, that can spontaneously produce carbon dioxide without the addition of acid. Suitable for cakes, muffins, etc. 2. Choose the specific scenario of the starter culture to make the bread: Yeast was chosen because it can ferment stably over a longer period of time, giving the bread a good structure and flavor. Bake snacks quickly: If you need to make a quick snack, such as muffins or cookies, baking powder is a better choice because it reacts quickly and forms bubbles during the baking process, making the finished product fluffy. Adjust the pH of foods: Using baking soda neutralizes the acidic components of foods, making it suitable for those recipes that contain acidic substances (e.g. yogurt, lemon juice), while it also helps with swelling.

Eating yeast often is easy to get stomach problems?Should you use yeast, baking soda or baking powder for dough?

3. Health & Nutrition Considerations

When choosing a starter culture, the nutritional balance of the food should be taken into account. For example, excessive use of baking soda may result in a finished product containing more sodium, which may not be the best option for people who need to control their sodium intake. 4. Experimentation and innovationWhile each starter culture has its traditional uses, try them in non-traditional foods to explore new mouthways and flavors. For example, try adding a small amount of baking powder to traditional sourdough bread and you may find a new twist in the texture of the bread. By understanding the chemistry and application scenarios of each starter culture, you can master baking techniques more precisely to create foods that are both delicious and healthy. Make smart choices in your daily cooking to achieve the best quality and taste of your food.

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