
White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners


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White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Beside the vast borders of the mainland, there is an incomparably special army, dressed in clean and neat white uniforms, and their skin is pale, which is different from the image of traditional Chinese soldiers in our minds.

However, they hold guns made of steel, are always on high alert, and their eyes are like torches patrolling every corner of the motherland, and they have consistently and firmly guarded the territorial integrity of our great motherland.

Whenever someone mistook them for foreign friends, these soldiers would always frown slightly, and there was a faint hint of dissatisfaction in their eyes. How can they be mistaken for foreign soldiers? In the depths of their hearts, their burning patriotic feelings are not inferior to those of any Chinese sons and daughters, and their loyalty to the motherland has not diminished in the slightest.

This amazing army is none other than the Tajiks, a long-standing and weathered minority. Although they are different from our Han compatriots in terms of skin color and language, they deeply love the land that nurtured them, regard it as the destination of life, and bravely defend the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Let's take a closer look at the world of Tajik soldiers and learn more about this mysterious ethnic group known for their white complexion and wearing Chinese military uniforms for the country's borders. They have perfectly interpreted what the big family of the Chinese nation is with practical actions, and they have told the world with their personal experience that the appearance is only the external performance, and the patriotic enthusiasm in the heart is the foundation of life.

As early as the fifth and sixth centuries B.C., the Tajik people were already active in the seemingly inhospitable land of the Pamirs. For generations, they have lived a nomadic life in pursuit of water and grass, and speak a language that belongs to the Iranian language family.

Despite the extremely harsh living conditions, the Tajik people have never given up and continue to work hard day after day, and despite the hardships of life, they are always full of hope.

In the second century B.C., in order to unite the legendary "Da Yue Clan" to resist the powerful enemy Xiongnu, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions. This magnificent expedition spread the prestige of the Han Dynasty throughout the 36 countries of the Western Regions, and for the first time launched in-depth cultural exchanges with the Tajiks.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Since then, the Tajik people have gradually been influenced by the Han civilization.

With the passage of time, from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the two Jin dynasties, the dominance of the Central Plains Dynasty gradually weakened. The Tajik people, on the other hand, seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and successfully established their own state on the Pamir Plateau by virtue of their familiarity with the terrain of the Western Regions.

Located in the strategic location of the Silk Road, this country has a unique geographical advantage, which enables it to levy "tolls" and "bridge tolls" on business travelers, and then the national strength is increasing day by day, and the people's living standards are also rising.

Through the mysterious and unique era of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the country of Shupantuo is like a bright and glorious pearl, dazzling at that time, the country has built more than ten magnificent and majestic cities in the territory one after another, and there is a majestic temple in the center of each city, which enshrines hundreds of high monks, making the entire country of Shupantuo one of the most important Buddhist holy places in the Western Regions.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Just as it was prosperous, the great Master Xuanzang embarked on the long and arduous journey of "learning scriptures from the west", passing through the country of Shupantuo. After in-depth and detailed investigation, Xuanzang was full of praise for the local advanced agricultural irrigation technology, and in his book "The Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", he recorded in detail the local "scientific thinking" far beyond the agricultural civilization of the times.

However, the glory of the kingdom of Shupantuo eventually faded with the passage of time. In the late Tang Dynasty, another powerful force located in the northwest border, the Tubo Kingdom, gradually rose. At that time, the Tang Dynasty sent the princess Jincheng to the Tubo Kingdom and officially concluded an "uncle-nephew relationship" with her.

As a result, the Tubo State was recognized by the Tang Dynasty, and its ambitions grew day by day, and it began to gradually encroach on the surrounding weak and small country, and the Shupantuo State was not spared, and this once prominent country disappeared into the torrent of history.

Although the state of Shupanta no longer exists, the resilience of the Tajik people has allowed them to live freely for centuries to come.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, Xinjiang was once again in turmoil, and although the famous Qing general Zuo Zongtang succeeded in recovering Xinjiang, Tsarist Russia and Britain were greedy and tried to invade from the Pamirs to compete for and divide China's territory.

In the face of the iron heel of the invaders, the Tajik people living in this land are full of righteous indignation. They spontaneously organized a brave and fearless patrol team, each with his eyebrows tightly knitted, his spear clenched, his head held high, and firmly guarded his homeland, never allowing any foreign enemy to set foot in the half.

The Tajiks, wearing heavy felt hats on their heads and dusty faces, their steps steady and powerful, their straight bodies bearing the marks of time, and their eyes staring resolutely into the distance.

Although the skills of these members of the patrol formed by chance are still a little jerky, the deep love for the land under their feet and the incomparable loyalty to the great motherland that exudes in their eyes cannot be concealed.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

In that turbulent era, the admiration and attachment of ordinary Tajik people to Chinese civilization was transformed into fearless courage and endless strength to defend their homeland.

After the Xinhai Revolution, Xinjiang was freed from the shackles of the Beiyang government, but the oppression and exploitation faced by the Tajik people are still pervasive. Faced with such a predicament, the vast numbers of Tajik people fought bravely and were filled with righteous indignation.

And in every place full of tribulations, there is always the unswerving figure of the Communist Party members who shine brightly, and they have become the most reliable guides on the road of the people's advancement.

In 1938, our great party established representative offices in the pastures of the Tajik ethnic group, and worked together with compatriots of all ethnic groups to finally usher in the dawn of new China. In December 1949, the bright and dazzling five-star red flag was raised on Tajik territory, marking the true freedom of the Tajik people after the baptism of war.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Since then, the Tajik people have had a new career choice – joining the army and defending the frontier for their homeland. During the recruitment season, thousands of young Tajiks change into brand new uniforms and stand majestically in front of the government compound, waiting with antiquation for their call.

When they received the honorable soldier certificate from the army, everyone's eyes flashed with that sparkle of determination and pride.

Joining the ranks of national defense construction, Tajik soldiers have shouldered the sacred responsibility of guarding the 10,000-mile border defense line. Whether it is a scorching summer or a cold winter, they are vigorous and vigilant, patrolling every inch of the motherland, and resolutely preventing any external threatening forces from touching our motherland.

They are the strong guardians of our homeland and the perfect interpretation of the spirit of patriotism.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

Entering a new era, with the loud clarion call of the mainland's poverty alleviation campaign, the lives of the Tajik people have also undergone earth-shaking changes. This once barren land is now full of seeds of hope and vitality.

Brand new houses have sprung up one after another, sweeping away the decadent scenes of the shabby adobe houses of the past! The Tajik compatriots are ecstatic to move into their new homes, eager to turn on the shining new electrical appliances in their homes, the washing machine, and make a "buzzing" roar, as if telling the desire and expectation for a better life.

The front of the log-colored house is painted with festive red lacquer, symbolizing the endless blessings of good luck.

Smoke rises softly from the chimneys of new houses, and Tajik housewives are busy preparing family feasts to entertain the wanderers who have been reunited after a long absence.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

The rich aroma permeates the whole family, and the family is about to sit around the warm fire, sharing the delicious delicacy - the fragrant lamb risotto, pouring out the warmth of family affection.

Children are playing happily and driving their newly purchased small electric vehicles along narrow country roads. Their innocent smiles are filled with endless yearning for the future.

In the distant border defense line, a team of Tajik warriors is completing the changing of the guard and is about to return in triumph. They stripped off their heavy woollen coats and carefully tied up the warm tents.

The soldiers sat on the ground, opened the steaming beef noodles that had just been served, and tasted them in large gulps without hesitation, filled with deep gratitude for this hard-won food.

White-skinned Tajiks, dressed in Chinese military uniforms to defend the territory of the motherland, do not like to be called foreigners

After a simple but sumptuous lunch, the soldiers looked at each other and smiled and raised their glasses to celebrate another year of peace and tranquility in the border line. As loyal guards of the territorial security of the motherland, they shoulder the sacred duty of permanently guarding every inch of the motherland.

Today, the picture of the Tajik people's peaceful and happy life is a testimony to the hard work and selfless dedication of all the staff members of our great Communist Party since the founding of New China! The happiness of the Tajik people is the common well-being of all the Chinese people, and this deep feeling of happiness will remain in the hearts of every Tajik homeland forever.

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