
More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

author:Drunk and self-acting

More than 800 stores have been closed! The online giant, which used to boast of being comparable to LV, is now being ridiculed by netizens: I couldn't afford it, but now I don't want to buy it

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Once upon a time, this online retail giant, which prides itself on being high-end and claims that its brand value is close to LV, has set off a lot of waves in the fashion circle. However, the recent news that the brand has closed more than 800 stores has surprised many fashion lovers. In the face of this sudden change, netizens said: "I couldn't afford it before, but I don't buy it now." ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

In the bustling city, fashionista Xiaomei and her friend Xiaoli are chatting in a café. Xiaomei is a veteran of the fashion industry and knows all the major brands, while Xiaoli is an ordinary girl who loves fashion and has her own unique views on fashion.

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei picked up the coffee cup, took a sip, and then sighed: "Do you know? The online retail giant that once boasted of being comparable to LV has recently closed more than 800 stores. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaoli's eyes widened in surprise after hearing this: "Really, I have always thought that brand is quite high-end, why did it suddenly close so many stores?"

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei shook her head and said, "I didn't expect it either. However, it is said that their sales strategy has always been problematic, relying too much on online sales and neglecting the development of offline markets. And the price of their products has been high, which has put many people off. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaoli nodded and agreed: "Indeed, I have also paid attention to their products before, but the price is too high to afford at all." Now that they're closed, I don't think there's anything to be sorry for. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei smiled and said, "Actually, this is also a market law. In the highly competitive fashion circle, if a brand cannot keep up with the trend of the times and meet the needs of consumers, then it is easy to be eliminated. This online retail giant is a prime example. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaoli asked again, "Then what do you think they should do now?"

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei pondered for a moment, then said, "I think they need to re-examine their market positioning and sales strategy. First, they need to lower the price of their products so that more people can afford them. Secondly, they need to strengthen the development of the offline market and enhance the brand influence. Finally, they also need to continue to innovate product design and marketing methods to attract the attention of more young consumers. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

After hearing this, Xiaoli felt that it made sense: "What you said is indeed very reasonable. If they can do what they do, they might be able to rise again. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

The two continued to chat about the topic of the fashion circle, bursting into laughter from time to time. And the once glorious online retail giant has gradually faded out of people's sight in this change.

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Time flies, and a few months later, Xiaomei and Xiaoli meet again. This time at a fashion event, the two excitedly exchanged the latest fashion trends and hot items.

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei suddenly remembered the online retail giant: "Speaking of which, have you paid attention to the news of that brand recently?"

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaoli shook her head: "No, how are they now?"

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei sighed: "There is still not much improvement." While they tried some new marketing strategies and product designs, they didn't seem to have much of a response. Nowadays, many people say that they can't afford it before, but they don't buy it now. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaoli also felt a little regretful: "It's really a pity." If they had paid more attention to market demand and consumer experience, they might not have come this far. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

Xiaomei nodded in agreement: "That's true." In the fashion world, the relationship between brands and consumers is very important. Only brands that truly pay attention to consumer needs and continuously improve product quality and service levels can be invincible in the highly competitive market. ”

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now

The two continued to exchange fashion topics, but they couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the once glamorous online retail giant. They hope that the brand will find a new direction of development and rejuvenate it soon.

More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now
More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now
More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now
More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now
More than 800 stores have been closed! Compared with LV, only online sales, netizens: I couldn't afford it before, but now