
Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

author:Mellen talks about life

1. Open your heart and welcome the beautiful arrival

In the early morning, the sun is like gold and warm like fire. Dressed in a delicate satin dressing gown, Yi Nengjing stood in the spacious bedroom, quietly admiring the view from the window. A ray of golden light shone through the gap in the curtain on her beautiful face, and she gently closed her eyes, as if embraced by the warm sunlight.

Despite her middle age, her skin is still smooth and elastic, and although a few shallow wrinkles have appeared at the corners of her eyes, they add to her mature charm and wisdom.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

Yi Nengjing turned gracefully and walked towards the huge mirror in front of the dresser. She carefully looked at herself in the mirror, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a satisfied smile. The 54-year-old woman is still full of energy, bright eyes and full of confidence.

Her life has gone through ups and downs, but she has always faced life with an optimistic attitude and managed every moment with her heart.

In terms of career, Yi Nengjing has always remained modest and cautious, diligent and hardworking, and has steadily moved forward in the highly competitive entertainment industry. Recently, she is carefully planning the filming of a new drama, and despite the pressure of being a producer, she enjoys it.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

The family life is also happy, although her husband Qin Hao is ten years younger than her, he cares for her and treats her as a treasure.

"Teacher Qin is my strong backing and the strongest wall in my life!" Yi Nengjing said affectionately, having such a considerate partner makes her life happier and more satisfying.

She gently stroked herself in the mirror, her face glowing with happiness.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

2. In-depth understanding and gratitude for the kindness of in-laws

After getting married, the relationship between Yi Nengjing and her in-laws became deeper and deeper. Although she has integrated into this new family, she has never treated her in-laws as strangers, but rather treats her real parents with care and care.

My father-in-law is used to going to bed early and waking up early, while my mother-in-law is a typical night owl with a completely different schedule. In order to take care of the living habits and needs of the two elderly people, Yi Nengjing specially arranged an adjacent but independent room for them, and did her best to take care of their daily life.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

When traveling, Yi Nengjing cares for her in-laws and is attentive everywhere. As a daughter-in-law, she will accompany her in-laws to travel around the world, enjoy exotic scenery and appreciate the unique charm of different cultures.

During the trip, Yi Nengjing always takes care of her in-laws and pays attention to her in-laws' every move, so that they have no worries and enjoy the pleasure of travel.

Every time Yi Nengjing finishes her busy work and goes home to face her in-laws' kind and kind smiles as warm as the sun, her heart is suddenly filled with joy and satisfaction. 3. Look back on the past and remember the past.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

In addition to having two such amiable in-laws, Yi Nengjing also has an extremely affectionate attachment and concern for her eldest son Harry. Now 20 years old, Harry is already a wanderer in a foreign land, studying abroad, and the distance between him and his mother is like a mountain and a sea, which makes Yi Nengjing often feel guilty.

Recalling Harry's childishness when he was young, Yi Nengjing's gaze couldn't help but become soft and full of nostalgia. Harry inherited the excellent genes of his parents from an early age, and his appearance was handsome and extraordinary, and his three-dimensional facial features were perfectly blended together, which was unforgettable.

In addition to his outstanding appearance, Harry is also hardworking and achieves outstanding results in his studies.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

I remember that when Harry applied to prestigious universities abroad, he successfully received admission from many well-known universities such as New York University, Parsons School of Design, and St. Martin's College of Art.

What's even more remarkable is that his IELTS test score is as high as 8 points, which is very rare among his peers.

However, Harry, as a "second-generation star", occasionally likes to wear women's clothes, which has caused controversy and blame from all walks of life. In the face of the pressure on her son, Yi Nengjing always stood firmly by his side and gave him selfless support and love.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

She knows that everyone has their own unique life pursuits, and as a mother, it is her responsibility to give her children unreserved understanding and tolerance.

Having lost the care of his father Yu Chengqing since he was a child, Harry has always been shrouded in a shadow when he grew up. After the divorce, Harry, who was only 7 years old at the time, Yi Nengjing, as a single mother, tried her best to fill every gap in her son's growth path.

With full maternal love and endless patience, she accompanied Harry through the transformation from a young boy to a mature man, and the burden in her heart gradually dissipated. Fourth, set an example for future generations, love and fragrance.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

In addition to caring about the growth of her eldest son Harry, Yi Nengjing also poured endless love into her youngest daughter Mi Li. Born in 2016, Mi Li has just celebrated her 6th birthday and is in a carefree childhood.

Yi Nengjing knows that a child's personality will directly affect her future life direction. Therefore, she has always practiced and tirelessly conveyed positive spiritual strength and correct outlook on life to Mi Li.

Every time Millet Grains encountered failures and difficulties in real life, Yi Nengjing always did not hesitate to give gentle comfort and encouragement, reminding her to maintain a brave and enterprising mentality, and seize any opportunity to struggle.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

"You have to always stick to this courage and self-motivation in your heart, live with an all-out attitude, cherish every moment as much as possible, and eventually usher in your own glorious moment.

Whenever this powerful sentence was conveyed to Millet Grain, Yi Nengjing's eyes always showed an incomparably firm and expectant brilliance.

As a mother, Yi Nengjing affectionately hopes that her daughter can inherit and carry forward her optimistic outlook on life, bravely face all kinds of challenges and tribulations in life, and live her own unique charm.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

What is gratifying is that Millet Grains, as Yi Nengjing expected, is born with a lively and cheerful personality, and has a gentle and well-behaved personality, which makes the relationship between mother and daughter closer than that of biological mother and daughter.

Under the careful care and love of the whole family, millet grains will be able to have a sunny future and grow up healthy and happy.

Whenever she saw Millet Grains running and playing happily, Yi Nengjing always couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, walked up to hug her tightly, and left a deep kiss on her forehead, full of blessings and expectations for her daughter's bright future.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

Part 5: Sisterhood is deep, relaxing

In addition to taking care of the trivial affairs at home, Yi Nengjing has never neglected her own rest and relaxation. Sometimes, she invites a few confidants and friends to find a quiet and comfortable place to talk to her heart and release the stress of life.

At such moments, Yi Nengjing will always choose a teahouse with a quiet environment and a warm atmosphere. A group of them will look at each other and smile, taste exquisite afternoon tea and delicious pastries, and pour out the toil and fatigue of work while sipping on the fragrant tea.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

With the understanding and support of her sisters, Yi Nengjing seemed to regain the vitality of life, and the burden on her shoulders disappeared in an instant.

After a short period of relaxation, Yi Nengjing became more enthusiastic about discussing all aspects of life with her sisters. Whether it's the latest developments in the fashion industry or the gossip news in the entertainment industry, she always listens with interest to her sisters' sharing, and sometimes shares her own opinions and insights.

In this way, with the care and encouragement of many sisters, Yi Nengjing gradually mastered how to indulge herself and show the unique charm of women. She still finds time in her busy schedule to exercise properly to stay in shape, while also making the most of her free time to take care of her skin and keep her complexion looking youthful and radiant.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

Only when the body and mind are fully soothed and released, can Yi Nengjing truly have that calm and unhurried attitude towards life. Whenever she reunites with her sisters, she can always regain the vitality of life, and continue to work hard for the better life in front of her with new passion and motivation.

6. Summarize and comprehend, be content and happy

Walking in the long river of time and looking back on the past moments, Yi Nengjing's life course can be described as magnificent, full of ups and downs. However, it is precisely because of various life circumstances that she was able to understand the true meaning of happiness and learn to manage everything in front of her with her heart, thus achieving such a happy life that countless women envy today.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

Yi Nengjing, who is more than half a hundred years old, has a successful career and a harmonious and happy family. Her in-laws treated her like their own children and never treated her as an outsider. Whenever Yi Nengjing goes out to work, her in-laws are always considerate and take care of her daily life, so that she has no worries.

She also treats her in-laws as her biological parents, and takes good care of the two elderly people during the trip, doing her best in everything.

The eldest son, Harry, is now studying abroad, and although the mother and son are in a foreign country, Yi Nengjing's love for him has never diminished in the slightest. Harry inherited his parents' excellent genes from a young age, was handsome, and excelled academically, and could be called a good godson.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

And when the outside world was talking about his occasional preference for dressing up as a woman, Yi Nengjing firmly chose to stand on his son's side and gave him unconditional understanding and support.

The youngest daughter Mi Li is naturally lively and lovely, with a gentle and well-behaved temperament, and she is the pearl of Yi Nengjing's palm to pour all her love. She affectionately taught Mi Li to always maintain courage and enterprising spirit, take every detail of life seriously, and one day will get the rewards she deserves.

As long as there is a solid backing for the love and support of the whole family, rice grains will be able to grow healthily and happily under the sun.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

In addition to enjoying a warm and happy family life, Yi Nengjing has also been committed to the pursuit of self-worth improvement and never gives up easily. Whenever a busy work day comes to an end, she always does not hesitate to gather a few confidants and friends who have a deep resonance to get together, talk about the little things in life, encourage each other, and support each other.

With the sincere support and in-depth understanding of her sisters, she was able to quickly recover her mental vitality and full fighting spirit, devote herself to every detail of life, and take care of everything in front of her.

Indeed, happiness does not come for no reason, but we need to devote our efforts to management and care, and it is precisely because Yi Nengjing deeply understands this truth that she has been able to create such a full and beautiful life today, and truly realize the state of contentment and happiness.

Both children are complete, her in-laws are sensible, and she is spoiled as a princess in her second marriage, Yi Nengjing's "work" is enviable

Her lifestyle full of happiness undoubtedly makes the majority of female friends deeply admired and yearned.

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