
Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

author:Doudou on the past and the present
Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

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Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, February 2023 has passed, fifteen years after the untimely death of that glorious martial arts superstar Wang Qun. He was once the most high-profile action star in the Chinese film industry in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century, and with his bloody and sweaty iron arms, he created countless unforgettable classic characters on the screen.

In January 2009, Wang Qun's youngest son, Wang Xi, had to sue his elderly grandmother and half-brother in court in court for the ownership of the Buick sedan and some furniture and antiques left by Wang Qun.

In the face of such cruel cannibalism, the judge can only stand by coldly. Fortunately, after the unremitting efforts of all parties to mediate, the three parties finally reached a consensus and signed a mediation agreement: the Buick car belongs to the grandmother, and the rest of the estate is shared by the grandmother, Wang Qun's Russian ex-wife and two sons, and Wang Qun's mother also needs to pay 30,000 yuan in compensation to Wang Xi.

Although this mediation letter temporarily settled the family dispute, outsiders still have no way of knowing the number of Wang Qun's relics and the specific distribution of them. Whether such a result is fair and reasonable can only be left to endless speculation.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

However, what we can be sure of is that if Wang Qun under Jiuquan learns about this, he will definitely be heartbroken, and he will feel deep helplessness and regret for the death of this family affection. After all, the lifelong pursuit of this martial arts master is to be able to show his skills in the field of film and television performance and martial arts education, and promote Chinese martial arts culture to the global stage.

He gave up the opportunity to enjoy family fun in Moscow, and firmly chose to leave his family to return to Beijing, where he personally founded the "Wang Qun Wushu Development and Cultural Center" and a number of martial arts schools, and established two film and television bases in the suburbs of Beijing, devoting himself wholeheartedly to the inheritance and promotion of Chinese martial arts.

Although he is in the thriving stage of his career, he has never slackened in the slightest, but ambitiously plans to shoot an epic martial arts historical TV series. However, the trick of fate made his life come to an end before the preliminary work of this drama began, and his brilliant career that had just started came to an abrupt end!

I still remember that in the early morning of January 3 of that year, Wang Qun suddenly felt unwell and was quickly taken to the hospital. However, it is a pity that this martial arts master, who has always been alive and well, left us forever on the way to the hospital at the age of 48.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

Now, looking back on the sad scene of Wang Qun's loss of flesh and blood in the 15 years since his death, we can only sigh and bless deeply, and pray that he can find true peace in heaven.

January 3, 2008, was supposed to be an ordinary day. Although the winter in Beijing is bitterly cold, what is it for a martial arts master like Wang Qun?

He is still fully engaged in his work, and is engrossed in preparing for a large-scale martial arts historical drama that has attracted much attention.

After ten years of careful planning, the script has been polished into a 1,500-episode masterpiece, which will vividly depict the vicissitudes of Chinese martial arts culture.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

Wang Qun himself served as a screenwriter, director, starring actor and producer, and he worked hard day and night, and he poured great love and expectation into this dream career.

That night, Wang Qun received an invitation from CCTV Movie Channel, expecting him to participate in the recording of the program as a guest again. As the premier martial arts master in the country, he is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Wang Qun gladly accepted and planned to leave for the recording site in two or three days.

However, just when darkness was about to fall, a sudden turn of events completely overturned all future plans and arrangements. Wang Qun suddenly felt a strong physical discomfort, and his family immediately sent him to the hospital for rescue.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

However, the ruthlessness of fate played a cruel joke at this time.

After learning of this shocking news, all the friends, relatives, and even fans who knew Wang Qun were shocked and heartbroken! This star, who has always been vigorous and full of vitality, actually passed away suddenly on the way to the hospital urgently, and he was only 48 years old, and he left us forever.

However, the brutal examination report ruthlessly revealed the truth: the culprit that led to Wang's untimely death was a sudden myocardial infarction, and overwork was the culprit of this tragedy.

A superstar in the martial arts world quietly bid farewell to the stage, and his departure shocked the entire martial arts world. Wang Qun was at the peak of his career during his lifetime, his martial arts schools and film and television bases were all over the land of China, and countless people were looking forward to his long-awaited epic martial arts drama.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

Looking back on Wang Qun's glorious life, we need to start with the year he was 9 years old. That year, when his discerning martial arts coach Wu Bin was selecting seedlings at Changqiao Primary School in Xicheng District, he accidentally found this vigorous and energetic little boy.

Wu Bin fell in love at first sight and immediately made up his mind: He must go all out to cultivate this rare martial arts genius! Although the formal enrollment work had not yet started at that time, Wang Qun had been temporarily included in the coach's field of vision, and from then on he began to follow Wu Bin to visit various places and witness the selection process of outstanding students all the way.

After strict screening, the sports school finally left only more than 20 students, and Wang Qun was one of them. Since then, he has officially embarked on the journey of pursuing his dream of martial arts.

During his years on the Beijing Wushu team, Wu Bin remained with the team and almost became a resident instructor, despite the rudimentary training conditions – they had no basic practice mats and had to practice their martial arts on hard concrete floors.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

With exceptional talent and perseverance, Wang Qun quickly stood out and became the leader of the team. He has excellent skills and has repeatedly helped the Beijing team win gold and silver in national competitions.

What's even more admirable is that he met Jet Li of the same age back then, and the two hit it off at first sight, and soon became close friends who talked about everything, and Wang Qun was also called "Senior Brother" by Bruce Lee's disciples.

During the long and arduous training of the Beijing Wushu team, Wang Qun gradually emerged, representing his motherland in 36 overseas countries and regions to participate in competitions, and won endless glory for Chinese wushu every time.

This period full of twists and turns and ups and downs undoubtedly forged his brilliant role in the film industry - a martial arts master! Time goes back to the early 90s of the last century, when Wang Qun's fame and career were in full swing, as a martial arts master with great ambition and outstanding skills, he did not hesitate to leave his homeland and go to Moscow, the capital of the former Soviet Union, to start the dream journey of establishing a martial arts academy.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

Like a drama, fate quietly befell in a foreign land: in 1990, Wang Qun met a beautiful and touching Russian girl, and the two quickly fell in love and entered the sacred marriage hall. Soon after the marriage, the Russian daughter-in-law brought the crystallization of their love to Wang Qun - the eldest son, who also has Chinese and Russian blood. Since then, the family of three has lived and worked in Moscow and enjoyed their happy life to the fullest. Wang Qun devoted himself to the cause of martial arts education, while his wife was diligent and thrifty in keeping the family and taking care of the family. Time flies, and they spend some quiet and wonderful years in the city.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. In 1998, Wang Qun's homesickness became stronger and stronger, and he longed to return to the embrace of his motherland. When he expressed this longing to his wife, the Russian daughter-in-law was confused and puzzled. She couldn't understand why she had to give up the comfort of Moscow and leave the vibrant metropolis, but Wang Qun had already strengthened his conviction to return to China, and he could not resist the call of his homeland. In the face of her husband's resolute attitude, the wife could only silently bear the pain in her heart, and on the day Wang Qun set off to return to Beijing, she chose to raise the child alone and stay in Moscow.

When Wang Qun set foot on the land of the motherland again, he was full of emotion. In order to make up for the guilt of his family, he decided to enter the palace of marriage again. The bride this time is a single woman from Beijing who used to be a big fan of Wang Qun's films. In 2002, they welcomed the birth of their second child, Wang Xi.

At first, the couple lived a sweet and happy life, and the wife was gentle and virtuous, hard-working. However, as Wang Qun's career flourished, his wife's requirements for him became more and more strict, and he was often dissatisfied because he was busy with work and neglected his family.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

After all, adversity did not wear down the feelings between them, and the contradictions gradually accumulated, and a geographical breakup could not be avoided. It was in this way that Wang Qun experienced the setbacks of his second marriage, and his young son Wang Xi was handed over to the care and support of his former wife.

Looking back on the glorious history of Wang Qun, a superstar, we have to return to the energetic years of the 80s of the 20th century. That year, three of Hong Kong's leading film and television industry leaders arrived at the Beijing Wushu Team in an attempt to uncover hidden emerging stars from this unique training camp.

At that time, Wang Qun, who was in the prime of life, attracted the attention of all parties with his solid and profound martial arts cultivation and chic and open-minded temperament.

Companies have high hopes for him to use his extraordinary martial arts skills to create shocking martial arts blockbusters. Soon, Wang Qun was sent to Guangzhou to receive professional acting training, not only to master the basic skills, but also to delve into cutting-edge fields such as martial arts choreography and film and television editing, so as to lay a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

In 1980, Wang Qun successfully stepped into the film industry with his outstanding performance in the film "Treasure Hunting Outside the Plug" and opened his own personal road to martial arts stardom. In the film, he portrayed the character of "Shenshou Zhang", challenging the wolves with his bare hands, and although it was only his debut, he had already shown his extraordinary talent.

In the following years, Wang Qun left a deep mark on many excellent films with his excellent acting skills and profound character shaping ability. For example, "The Thirteen Sisters of Chivalry", "Golden Dart Huang Tianba", "Beggar", "Invincible Mandarin Duck Legs" and so on, these are his outstanding masterpieces.

Especially in the film "Golden Dart Huang Tianba", he played the protagonist "Huang Tianba", with his vigorous skills and sharp eyes, he vividly interpreted the rebellious, brave and witty personality characteristics of this chivalrous man, and won warm praise from the audience.

In the work "A Generation of Gun King", Wang Qun created the image of "Cheng Ziqing" with superb marksmanship, he is mature and stable, and his marksmanship is accurate, leaving an unforgettable impression on people.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

Over the years, Wang Qun has continued to write his own martial arts legend on the screen. Suddenly, he became a well-known martial arts superstar, winning many reputations such as "both civil and military, and extremely malleable".

In addition to his wonderful film and television works, he also starred in popular TV series such as "Shen Wrestling Zhen San", "The Legend of Shaolin Heroes", "New Shaolin Temple", etc., and won important domestic awards such as China TV's "Golden Eagle Award" and "Feitian Award" for his superb acting skills.

In this way, a martial arts superstar gradually climbed to the top of his life, and his light became more and more dazzling.

As we re-examine the legendary life of Wang Qun, an outstanding grandmaster, with admiration, we can't help but sigh for the unfortunate fate he suffered in his later years! Wang Qun, a martial arts superstar who has been in the spotlight and starred in many popular excellent movies and TV series, died young due to illness at the peak of his career, which makes people sigh that the world is impermanent, and his sudden death undoubtedly brought unspeakable pain and endless regret to relatives and friends.

Hit the star king group: was a smash hit in the eighties and nineties, and after the unfortunate early death, the mother was sued by her grandson in court

What is even more amazing is that after Wang Qun's death, the flesh and blood relationship that should be closely connected was shattered in a battle for the inheritance that caused a sensation in Chinese society. In January 2009, Wang Xi, who was only 12 years old at the time, had to engage in a fierce estate division battle with his elderly grandmother and half-brother in court, and started a protracted dispute over the meager inheritance left by Wang Qun during his lifetime.

Although after the court's patient mediation, the three parties finally reached a seemingly "win-win" mediation agreement, however, it is difficult for the outside world to understand the trade-offs. After all, Wang Qun's legacy is nothing but a dilapidated Buick sedan, with only a few pieces of furniture and antiques left. If the distribution is carried out in this way, how much will each person get? Will the mother need to pay as much as 30,000 yuan in compensation to her grandson to ensure that she will have no worries in her old age? How much property can a mixed-race son and a Russian ex-wife get? and so on.

However, there is one thing that is undoubted, if the kings under the Nine Springs learn of all this, they will definitely be overwhelmed with grief. This great ideal of carrying forward Chinese martial arts and going to the world, the difficult choice of having to give up his family for the sake of his career, and the magnificent dream of fighting day and night until the last moment of his life in order to shoot a martial arts epic have now come to naught.

Instead, there were constant disputes between relatives, fighting with each other, deceitful and ruining his life's work. In the face of such a helpless and lamenting ending, we can only pray that the spirits of the royal herd in heaven can find true peace.

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