
"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

author:Doudou on the past and the present
"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

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Bi Yanjun was born in a rustic and quiet town in Anshan, Liaoning Province in the fifties of the last century. Since childhood, Mr. Bi Yanjun has shown an extreme love for the performing arts and an incomparable talent, which has even become an important driving force in his life. When he was young, Mr. Bi Yanjun had a steady and introverted personality, but there was a kind of innocence that could not be concealed in the depths of his eyes, as if it indicated that he would become a touching actor.

What is unforgettable is that at the age of 17, Mr. Bi Yanjun was honored to become a part of the Anshan Repertory Theatre through unremitting diligence and hard work, and since then he has started his wonderful acting journey. During those glorious years, Mr. Bi Yanjun worked hard and diligently, and did his best to transform his interest in acting into an art form of superior skill. Every line, every action, is a reflection of his deep affection for the stage.

However, life is not always smooth sailing, and the path of life is full of twists and turns, full of surprises and coincidences. Just as Mr. Bi Yanjun was fully committed to realizing his dream of becoming an actor, Ms. Chen Xiaoxu appeared in his field of vision, and this lady was destined to change the course of his life. Born into a family of artists, Ms. Chen Xiaoxu joined the Anshan Repertory Theatre at the age of 14 with her outstanding talent as a screenanner for the first time on stage. For her talent, the Repertory Theatre is undoubtedly an ideal platform to showcase herself.

In this ordinary position, Ms. Chen Xiaoxu and Mr. Bi Yanjun met, and their encounter was like fate, destined to change the trajectory of each other's lives. At first, the relationship between them was only an interaction between teachers and students, but as time passed, Mr. Bi Yanjun gradually developed a special affection for this elegant, beautiful, intellectually independent woman. Ms. Chen Xiaoxu was also deeply attracted by Mr. Bi Yanjun's maturity, steadiness and erudition, and they were always inseparable when they were together, like a pair made in heaven.

"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

Fortunately, Mr. Bi Yanjun learned that the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" was selecting for the role, and he did not hesitate to encourage Ms. Chen Xiaoxu to give it a try. It was with the encouragement and support of Mr. Bi Yanjun that Ms. Chen Xiaoxu finally mustered up the courage to create the popular "I Am a Willow Catkins" recommendation and delivered her olive branch to the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Chen Xiaoxu's letter of recommendation attracted great attention and attention from the famous mainland director Wang Fulin, and Director Wang personally wrote a letter to invite her to Beijing to participate in the interview. The letter made it clear that if the interview performance is excellent, all travel expenses will be fully covered by the crew, but if they are not selected, they will need to pay for the relevant expenses themselves.

Facts have proved that after rigorous and rigorous interviews and multiple rounds of assessment, Chen Xiaoxu won the starring role of Lin Daiyu in one fell swoop with his outstanding talent and Bi Yanjun's careful guidance! For this young girl, this is undoubtedly a major opportunity and honor with far-reaching influence on the road of life. Since then, a new chapter in Chen Xiaoxu's career has unfolded like a storm, and her fame has gradually spread all over the country.

Bi Yanjun watched his beloved woman grow and stand out in the field of art, and his heart was full of joy and pride. Her success also strengthened Bi Yanjun's determination to devote herself to her acting career. Therefore, when the filming work came to an end, he did not hesitate to choose to go to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy for in-depth study and improvement.

"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

In this way, two people with similar hearts worked together and made progress together, tied the knot after the completion of "Dream of Red Mansions", and entered the sacred hall of marriage. The audience at that time sent them their most sincere blessings, looking forward to them being able to bathe in happy love forever and spend a better life together like Baochai and Jia Tanchun in the play.

However, what is unexpected is that when the couple entered the marriage hall, their road to love began to embark on a bumpy journey. In the days after marriage, many disputes and contradictions gradually appeared between the two people.

As Chen Xiaoxu became famous for playing the role of Lin Daiyu, she also began to feel confused and lost in her heart, as if she was tightly bound by the content of the script. At this time, Bi Yanjun's popularity in front of the public is not comparable to Chen Xiaoxu, and he is still an unknown young actor in the film and television industry, which makes the status of the two in real life significantly tilted, and love has begun to crack.

What's more critical is that Chen Xiaoxu has an almost perfect vision and pursuit of marriage. She gradually realized that Bi Yanjun had all kinds of shortcomings and flaws, and began to be deeply disappointed in this relationship.

"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

As an outstanding woman with a keen personality and a high pursuit of perfection, Chen Xiaoxu knows that the only thing she can do is let go of the irretrievable marital situation in her hands. Although Bi Yanjun has always tried his best to maintain this relationship, the ice in Chen Xiaoxu's heart has long been difficult to shake. During that time, Chen Xiaoxu was often left alone and sulking at home, and Bi Yanjun tried his best to make her happy, but in vain, it made the contradiction between the two more and more acute.

They are burdened with their own idealistic ideas, and finally choose to end the relationship in silence. The sweet love affair in the past came to naught under the pressure of real life, and the two stubborn hearts were destined to not be able to work together again...... After the divorce, Chen Xiaoxu quickly entered the marriage hall of businessman Hao Tong and devoted himself to the business world, while Bi Yanjun poured more energy into the acting career he loved.

When he heard this heart-wrenching news, Bi Yanjun was never able to accept the cruel reality, and he firmly believed that it was just a rumor. However, the ruthless fact is that Chen Xiaoxu, who has been suffering from illness, has come to the end of his life.

In the spring of 2007, Chen Xiaoxu resolutely chose to take refuge in Buddhism and face the end of his life with a peaceful mind. At the last moment of her life, she chose to say her final goodbye to her ex-husband Bi Yanjun. The two started a three-hour in-depth conversation on the phone, recalling the bits and pieces of the past, and the grief came like a tide, turning into helplessness that could not be expressed in words.

"Old drama bone" Bi Yanjun: His ex-wife is Chen Xiaoxu, who has been in a low-key career for 36 years, and now has a dull life

In this way, in May 2007, Chen Xiaoxu, who was once known as "Lin Daiyu", left us, leaving endless sorrow rippling in the hearts of the majority of fans. Her death also took away the beautiful memories of youth in Bi Yanjun's heart, making his life quieter, simpler, and more low-key and introverted.

However, life will still go on. Bi Yanjun bid farewell to the haze in his heart, rekindled the ideal fire on the road of actor, and continued to move forward bravely in the field he loves. With his excellent acting skills and continuous dedication, he has starred in many classic works in a row, won the title of "Dad Professional Household", and gradually became a well-respected and powerful actor in the industry.

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