
The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

author:Innocent little watermelon

In many places, the weather on the beginning of summer is seen by farmers as a harbinger of a good harvest of the year.

There is no rain in the beginning of summer, and the farmers are worried, and the seedlings are harvested in half everywhere. The beginning of summer is a critical stage for the growth of a variety of crops, such as the grain filling period of wheat and the transplanting period of rice. At this time, the right amount of rain is essential for the growth of crops.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Spring is coming to an end, and it's finally summer time. The beginning of summer is the first solar term of summer. The ancients said, "All things have grown up here, hence the name Lixia." Marking the beginning of summer, the beginning of summer means that everything has entered the peak growing season, and people will also adjust their lives and agricultural activities according to the changes in this solar term.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

So if it doesn't rain in the beginning of summer, there will be a drought that year, is this saying true?

In rural areas, there are many agricultural proverbs about the beginning of summer, such as "the beginning of summer does not fall, the plow rake hangs high", "the beginning of summer is clear, there will be drought" and so on. These agricultural proverbs are based on long-term observation and the accumulation of experience, reflecting farmers' understanding of the correlation between the opposing summer weather and the subsequent climate. If it doesn't rain on the day of the beginning of summer, farmers will think that the next rain may be too low, which will affect the growth of crops.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

While the absence of rain at the beginning of summer may indicate drought, climate change is influenced by a variety of factors, such as atmospheric circulation, ocean temperatures, etc. Therefore, the weather conditions on the day of the beginning of summer do not completely determine the climate of the whole year. Drought also needs to be taken into account subsequent weather changes and rainfall.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Lixia health care is done accordingly to drive away the cold ❗ of the year

Summer Yang Qi is the most abundant, if you can maintain your health in time and seize the time from the beginning of summer to the dog days, you can help the body replenish Yang Qi, discharge the cold, dampness and blood stasis accumulated in the body, and promote the growth of Yang Qi in the body.

Here are six tips for health preservation in the beginning of summer, and everyone will follow them and drive away the cold of the year together.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Drink ginger jujube tea, be more sour and less bitter, nourish your mind, sun your back, soak your feet before going to bed, and exercise appropriately.

Lixia customs

1. Eat Lixia rice: On the day of Lixia, many places have the custom of eating "Lixia rice". Ritsutsu rice is usually composed of a variety of ingredients, which symbolizes a good harvest and nutrition.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

2. Eat Lixia eggs: Lixia eggs are one of the most representative foods in the Lixia season. In some places, salted duck eggs or eggs are eaten on the beginning of summer to pray for health and longevity. In some places, there is also the custom of eating Lixia noodles, which symbolize longevity and hope that people can live a long life and be healthy in the summer.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

3. Weighing people: Lixia also has the custom of weighing people. People will weigh themselves on the day of the beginning of summer, and the weighers will weigh the flowers while speaking auspicious words. This custom implies that people pray for health and longevity.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

4. Lixia Ancestor Worship: On this day, people will prepare rich offerings and go to the ancestral tomb to make sacrifices to express their nostalgia and respect for their ancestors. At the same time, they also pray to their ancestors to bless the family with safety and a good harvest.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

5. Eating new: Eating new is a food custom in the beginning of summer, which refers to tasting seasonal fresh food. In some areas of the south, freshly harvested vegetables, fruits, and other ingredients are picked and tasted at the beginning of summer to welcome the arrival of summer.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

These customs vary depending on the region and culture, but they all reflect the importance and celebration of the beginning of summer.

What are the taboos of Lixia

Don't sit on the threshold: On the day of the beginning of summer, according to traditional customs, people should avoid sitting on the threshold, especially children.

Reason: This is mainly because in some folklore, the threshold has the effect of blocking evil, and the yin qi is heavier in the beginning of summer, and sitting on the threshold may attract evil qi, which is not good for the body. In addition, it is also said that this will prevent tiredness and illness in the summer and keep you in good spirits for the year.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Staying up late at night: In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, which makes many people stay up late and lie in bed, which is actually not in line with health standards. The focus of summer health care is "rest", and we should focus on self-cultivation. Staying up late often can cause your body to not function quickly and coordinate, and you may feel groggy even when you barely get out of bed. Therefore, it is very beneficial to maintain a good habit of going to bed early and waking up early. Moderate recreational exercise after waking up early can improve physical fitness.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

It is forbidden to overeat cold drinks: In summer, the temperature is high, and some people are greedy for cold and like cold, so they take a shower or eat cold drinks and ice cubes at noon. In summer, the outside temperature rises, the human body temperature also rises, the human body is like a stove, and the cold stimulation of the outside world is sharply felt. Therefore, summer health should be gradual to avoid being greedy for cold and hurting the body.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Don't eat greasy food regularly: In the summer, when the temperature is relatively high, many people like to taste greasy cooked food or barbecue, and then pair it with beer and cold drinks. But in fact, such a diet is not healthy, too high in fat, calories, sugar, too sweet and salty, too heavy in taste, and harmful to the spleen and stomach. Summer health meals should be mainly light and "nourishing the heart". Drink more milk, eat more soy products, chicken, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and other easily digestible foods to supplement fiber and vitamins to make the body healthier.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Do not wear revealing clothing: Contraindications: At the beginning of summer, people should avoid wearing excessively revealing clothing, especially when there is a large temperature difference between morning and evening, even though the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Reason: This is to prevent cold and protect the body. In the traditional concept, the yang energy of the human body after the beginning of summer is not stable and is easily attacked by the cold from the outside world.

The old man said: The beginning of summer rain has not yet arrived, and drought may be coming. Is it raining in your city?, the expert responds

Most of these taboos and customs stem from the simple understanding of nature and health in ancient times, as well as the desire to maintain good health and prevent diseases.

Lixia is not only a natural solar term, but also carries people's expectations for a better life. In traditional Chinese culture, summer is the season of vitality and vitality, and the arrival of the beginning of summer means new hope and beginning.

#挥别春天, I wish Cheyenne to you#

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