
Why can "banana green" be on the desk

author:Linzi Fusion Media

  "Jimei, I've been in Yali Mountain recently, and Lan Thin wants to cry, I really live in Bengbu. ”

  "Zun Du fake doo?"

  From porridge (like), Yali Mountain (stress), blue thin mushroom (uncomfortable and want to cry), to the ubiquitous confession declaration 520 (I love you), 1314 (a lifetime), and then to Zundu fake (really fake), rat tail juice (good for yourself), bamboo shoots (loss), banana green (anxiety), homophonic stalks can be seen everywhere, and it is difficult for our daily words to completely get rid of it.

  We are surrounded by homophonic stalks every day, "if you can't beat it, you can join", and at the same time, we can't help but want to figure out, why do these strange homophonic stalks appear?

Why can "banana green" be on the desk


  Recently, a homophonic stem fruit called "Banana Green" has become popular, the real body of this fruit is Guangxi millet banana, this millet banana is shipped with a stem, the whole body is green, and it needs hydroponics for 15 days to ripen thoroughly. Because "Ban Banana Green" has a positive hint of "overcoming anxiety and staying away from stress", many netizens bought it and put it on their desks.

  Behind the explosion of "Ban Banana Green", it is inseparable from the blessing of homophonic stalks.

  Mandarin has 22 initials and 39 finals, and it can spell out more than 400 syllables when it is full, and even if the four tones change, there are only about 1,300 effective syllables. However, the number of Chinese characters is much more than that, which makes a large number of Chinese characters have more than one homophone. Therefore, as long as Chinese speaks, then almost every word can play homophonic stalks, which is the original "advantage".

  In the past, people would contain the true meaning they wanted to express in the depths of the language, pay attention to the meaning beyond the words, and focus on the meaning outside the text. The art of Chinese homophony embodies this subtle and restrained aesthetic interest.

  The ancient literati played very slippery homophonic stalks, and they were still very "advanced", after all, this was their "housekeeping skill".

  For example, Liu Yuxi's "The Tao is sunny but sunny" harmonizes "love" with "sunny"; Li Bai's "swallow grass is like green silk, Qin Sang has low green branches" with "silk" harmonizes "thinking" and "branches" harmonizes with "knowledge"; in the Southern Dynasty Yuefu folk song "Reading Qu Song", "I think about joy for a long time, I don't love the single branch lotus, but cherish the lotus root with one heart", "lotus" harmonizes "pity", "lotus" harmonizes with "even", it is really difficult not to be moved by this kind of love poem.

  For example, in "Dream of Red Mansions", the name "Zhen Shiyin" is homophonic to "true things hidden", "Yinglian" is homophonic to "should be pitied", Feng Yuan is homophonic to "meet grievances", "Yuan Ying explores pity" and "Sichun homonym "should sigh", etc., these homonyms hint at his fate.

Why can "banana green" be on the desk

  The homophonic stalk also appeared in the "blind date" in ancient times, and the "Book of Songs, Zhaonan, and Youmei" wrote: "There are plums, in fact, seven Xi! Ask me to be a scholar, and I will be auspicious!" The girls in the poem borrowed the homonyms of "plum" and "matchmaker", ostensibly counting plums, but in fact, urging boys to marry.

  There is also an interesting fact related to homophonic stalks. It is recorded in "Qing Barnyard Banknotes" that He Shen, who is the secretary of the Ministry of Rites, set up a banquet to invite Ji Xiaolan, a waiter of the Ministry of War, to dinner, and when he saw a dog running by, he asked malily: "Is it a wolf or a dog?" Because "Shilang" and "are wolves" have the same sound, the implication is to tease the other party.

  Ji Xiaolan replied: "It's a dog." The drooping tail is a wolf, and the upright is a dog. ”

  Because "Shangzhu" and "Shangshu" have the same sound, Ji Xiaolan said a word, and He Shen was bored with himself, so he had to laugh a few times.

  It can be seen that the ancients also liked to play homophonic stalks.


  At the moment when information is rapidly updated and iterative, a buzzword often takes less than half a year to OUT. No homophonic meme will always be funny, but homophonic memes will always be funny because they are so easy to spread.

  For example, "Lu You is angry", which has attracted many netizens to pick up the stalk, this stalk originated from a Weibo posted by a netizen: "I said that I like Li Bai's poems more, but Lu You is angry, and as a result, my family can't access the Internet." Talented netizens have continued: "Lu You is angry", looking for Ouyang to "repair", Ouyang can't "repair", looking for Wang Zhi to "change", Wang Zhi can't "change", looking for Cai Yuan to "compensate"...... Even Su Shi was innocently implicated and wanted to get out of the "Su Shi circle".

Why can "banana green" be on the desk

  The theory of dissonance in psychology holds that this kind of conflict between the original expectation and the actual information is the source of the sense of humor, and in these situations, the listener hears the unexpected and reasonable "improper" content, and the original expectation of serious tension will suddenly relax, and this relaxation will produce a sense of pleasure. In other words, the homophonic stalk is funny, relying on the unexpected of one tone and two meanings.

  For example, the teacher: "The writer Han Yu became a jinshi at the age of twenty-five!" Student: "I became nearsighted at the age of seven!" "Wife: "Where's my curling iron?" Husband: "The rod is very natural in the arc." ”

  In our daily life, we can often see the shadow of homophonic stalks, such as breaking items, we will chant "broken peace"; when the newlyweds get married, the bed will be full of red dates, peanuts, longan, and lotus seeds, expressing the blessing of the newlyweds "giving birth to a noble son early";

  The wind of homophonic stalks has also blown to government departments, such as "Guangdong Provincial Affairs", "Zhejiang Office", "Sufu Office", "Chongqing Express Office", ...... From the south to the north, the "big names" of government service platforms in various places use homonyms and distinctive characteristics, which are remembered and begged for a good mouth for the masses, which also contains the deep meaning of better serving the people.


  If the homophonic stalk can advance with the times and be new according to the situation, it is convenient for expression and communication, which is a kind of enrichment for language and writing. Whether it is the borrowing of "willow" and "liu", "lotus" and "pity" that are common in ancient texts, or the homonym of "shallots mixed with tofu - one clear (green) and two white" in the later language, they cleverly make use of the homophonic phenomenon in linguistics, or hidden and beautiful, or relaxed and interesting, all of which have played a harmonious ideographic effect inside and outside, and have been passed down to this day.

Why can "banana green" be on the desk

  However, even the most popular expressions should be moderate. As more and more nonsensical homophonic memes flood the online environment, all kinds of rotten stalks that emerge in an endless stream are like viruses that quickly replicate and spread, which will inevitably have adverse effects.

  The frequent use of homophonic stalks will affect and mislead people into the correct understanding and use of Chinese characters, which is not conducive to the standardization of social language and writing, especially when homophonic stalks are extended to the serious education and teaching context, which will interfere with primary school students' learning of correct language knowledge and affect their subsequent development of language understanding and expression ability.

  For example, in the homework of elementary school students, homophonic stalks such as "rat tail juice (good for yourself)" and "blue thin shiitake mushroom (uncomfortable and want to cry)" appeared, and even "Word God", "Duck don't have to" and "Sun heart crazy" such as "Word God", "Duck don't have to" and "Sun heart crazy" are homophonic stalks that mix and match Chinese and foreign languages.

  If boring homophonic stalks are abused, it is easy to lead to verbal violence and behavioral anomie. From time to time, we will see people using homophonic memes to attack and cyberbully others, which reflects at a certain level that if the use of homophonic memes is not controlled, it will not only interfere with the clarity of the network, but also pollute our language environment.

  Many businesses like to use homophonic stalks to promote themselves, and they have attracted a lot of fans. However, some businesses use the anachronistic and emotional "homonym" in their advertising. For example, a shopping mall's "Women's Clothing Size Recommendation List" marked women's clothing size L corresponds to "rotten", XL corresponds to "sparse", and XXL corresponds to "sparse", which has caused great disgust among the public.

  In short, in real life, we still have to use homophonic words and homophonic stalks in a measured manner. Playing with stalks is originally a happy thing, the beauty of homophonic stalks, just like its name, lies in "harmony", use it as the spice of life, add a bit of fun, but it is not the same as casual abuse, and the use of homophonic stalks can continue to spread and grow.

Source: "Shandong Publicity" WeChat public account (ID: sdxcweixin)

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