
Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

author:Huaibei release

Editor's note:

The "mobile desk" work method of Guiyuan Community in Xiangshan District is a useful attempt to innovate grassroots governance, a concrete embodiment of practicing the mass line, and effectively opening up the "last 100 meters" of serving the people. Qin Weiguo, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, gave instructions: "The way of 'mobile desk' is very good, and relevant practices can be promoted. This is another brand of grassroots governance in our city after the 'cup of tea' mediation law, which should be refined and promoted." In order to further promote the "mobile desk" work method in the city and improve the efficiency of grassroots social governance, the Political Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee conducted special research in the streets and communities and formed a report, which is now published for reference.

Move the "desk" to the doorstep of the masses

——On the promotion of "mobile desks" in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

Countermeasures and suggestions for work methods

Political Research Office of the Municipal Party Committee

Guiyuan Community is located in the main urban area of Xiangshan District, with 17 residential quarters, 14 enterprises and institutions, 8,083 households and 15,771 residents, including 5,014 key groups such as the elderly and the disabled. In view of the large area under its jurisdiction and the inconvenience of the masses, since 2019, the Guiyuan community has been sinking in strength and moving forward in service, and has explored the "mobile desk" work method with the main characteristics of "responding to calls, answering questions, solving problems, and helping when there are difficulties", serving more than 20,000 people in total and solving more than 5,600 urgent and difficult problems. The relevant practice was published by the People's Daily and selected as the Provincial Excellent Community Work Law.

Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

First, the main approach

(1) The service method is changed from "waiting for the masses to come to the door" to "sending services to the door". The office location was moved to the "doorstep", changing the inherent way of "guarding" the "waiting" in the unit in the past, and organizing personnel to move the tables, chairs and benches to the downstairs of the residential building and the door of the unit building, listening to the public opinion face-to-face, solving the demands point-to-point, and opening up the "last meter" to serve the masses. Office hours are extended to "8 hours away", and the "8+3" staggered work system is implemented, that is, on the basis of the original 8-hour fixed office hours, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday is added to the "mobile office" staggered service of 7:30-8:00 a.m., 11:30-12:30 p.m., and 5:30-6:30 p.m., effectively solving the practical problems of "no time to do during working hours" and "nowhere to do it during rest time".

(2) The service force has been integrated from "individual combat" to "multi-party coordination". In view of the problems of "mobile desks" that are "too busy" to rely on the strength of community personnel and "cannot handle them" due to lack of professional knowledge, we will coordinate the efforts of all parties in the jurisdiction and adopt joint office and take turns to participate in the way to ensure the effective operation of "mobile office". Organize property service forces, mobilize 12 directors of the red owners' committee, join the "mobile office" team, participate in services on the spot, and take the initiative to mediate disputes. Organize the strength of the volunteer team, set up a volunteer team of 257 people, including "three registration" party members, retired soldiers, "five elders", young party members, etc., and arrange the division of labor according to the characteristics of the occupation and spare time, and provide services such as policy interpretation and help agency. Organize the strength of functional departments, actively connect with 12 co-construction units such as human resources and social security, public security, and courts, and invite 14 police officers, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to set up a "Guiyuan Expert Group" to provide professional consultation and mediation services.

(3) The service content has been expanded from "handling specific matters" to "resolving various demands". In order to better meet the diverse needs of the masses, Guiyuan Community actively expands the service scope of "mobile desk", and continuously increases the service content of "mobile publicity", "mobile mediation", "mobile deliberation" and "mobile reply", so as to realize the closed-loop of appeal collection, classification, research and resolution, and promote small things not to go out of the grid and big things to go out of the community. Since 2019, the "mobile desk" has mediated 166 conflicts and disputes such as neighborhood disputes and property complaints, provided more than 410 legal aids such as marriage and family, personal injury compensation, and support for the elderly, and handled more than 530 service matters on behalf of others, with a success rate of more than 95%. In 2023, the complaint rate of 12,345 will decrease by 50% year-on-year, and there will be zero petitions to Beijing for 4 consecutive years.

Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

2. Promotion suggestions

The "mobile desk" work method is characterized by mobility, the essence is service, and the foothold is to help the masses solve practical problems. It is a useful attempt for urban community governance under the new situation, a vivid practice of practicing the "four grassroots units", and a specific measure to implement "the people have a voice, I have a response", which has important value that can be replicated and promoted.

(1) Strengthen the guidance of party building and improve the service system. First, adhere to overall planning. It is suggested that the Social Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee should take the lead to further refine and improve the connotation and characteristics of the "mobile desk" work method, study and formulate the city's promotion plan, and strive to build another grassroots governance characteristic brand in our city after the "cup of tea" mediation law. The second is to adhere to the linkage of departments. According to the investigation, in the practical operation of the "mobile desk" work method, there are still problems such as the community "not being able to take the lead" and the lack of departmental coordination and linkage. It is recommended to conscientiously implement the spirit of the documents related to strengthening the work of urban grassroots party building, give full play to the role of the working mechanism of "street whistle blowing and department reporting", and coordinate the forces of law enforcement departments such as public security, justice, urban management, and market supervision within the jurisdiction, and jointly participate in the "mobile office". The third is to insist on pilot first. Comprehensively consider factors such as the customs and habits, population structure, historical traditions, and economic level of different communities, and select communities (villages) with strong team ability and good mass foundation to take the lead and make steady progress. When conditions are ripe, it can be gradually expanded to rural areas and enterprises.

(2) Based on diversified needs, enrich service content. The first is to expand convenient services. At present, the "mobile desk" undertakes 61 specific convenience services such as urban medical insurance and elderly subsidies. It is suggested to further expand the service content and increase "micro-services" such as haircuts, kitchen knife sharpening, water and electricity repair, and key distribution, so as to make it more convenient to solve the "small troubles" in residents' lives. The second is to increase mediation services. In the face of complex and diverse contradictions and disputes and increasingly diverse mass demands, it is suggested that the "mobile desk" should be organically combined with more than 520 mediation service rooms (points) such as "people's talking points" and "talking rooms" in the city, so as to carry out the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes on a regular basis, and "investigate the contradictions on the front line, give early warning on the front line, and resolve them on the front line". The third is to extend social services. The "mobile desk" is used as a platform to grasp the needs of different groups of people, and provides targeted services according to the demands of different types of residents. For example, for the elderly, it provides services such as meal assistance, cleaning assistance, medical assistance, and spiritual comfort; For infants and young children, provide temporary care, scientific parenting and other services; For young people, we provide employment guidance, job recommendation, skills training and other services.

(3) Persist in adapting measures to local conditions and innovating service methods. The first is to choose a reasonable location. In the selection of the location of the "mobile office", it is necessary to be realistic and adapt measures to local conditions, and not to engage in "one size fits all". For example, in rural areas, "desks" can be set up around village entrances, squares, and kiosks where people are concentrated; In the enterprise, the "desk" can be set up in the workshop, project site, and meeting site. The second is to arrange time flexibly. Drawing on the "8+3" staggered work system of the "mobile desk" in Guiyuan community, as well as the practice of "closing the library on Mondays and Tuesdays, and going to work at staggered times on Saturdays and Sundays" in the Municipal Library, on the basis of complying with relevant labor laws and regulations, the commuting time and the number of workers can be flexibly set in combination with the actual situation, so as to continuously meet the differentiated service needs of the masses. For example, for communities with a large number of young and middle-aged groups, "office hours" can be arranged on weekday evenings or weekends; For communities with a large number of elderly people and special groups, "office hours" can be arranged in the morning or evening of weekdays. The third is to improve the handling process. Before the start of the "mobile office", through household visits, WeChat group collection, etc., the concerns of the masses were sorted out in a timely manner, and according to the different demands of each community, relevant units and staff were arranged to participate in the "mobile office" in a targeted manner. For all kinds of demands collected on the site of "mobile office", they can be solved on the spot; If it cannot be solved on the spot, the staff shall make a record, sort out and summarize, and transfer it to the relevant departments for timely handling.

(4) Highlight the long-term effect of normalcy and strengthen service guarantees. The first is to strengthen capacity building. In view of the problems of "mobile desk" staff "not having strong comprehensive ability, and often having more than enough heart but not enough power to deal with complex conflicts and disputes involving professional fields", it is recommended to strengthen the ability training of staff in comprehensive business, handling affairs in accordance with the law, conflict mediation, emergency response, communication and mediation, etc., so as to build a high-quality, hard-working, and capable "mobile office" team. The second is to strengthen assessment and incentives. Explore and carry out quantitative assessment and evaluation, quantify the specific handling content of "mobile office" into indicators such as policy and legal publicity, contradiction investigation and resolution, and service for the people, regularly implement categorical evaluations, differential assessments, and regular reports, and use the assessment results as an important basis for annual evaluations.

Source: Huaibei Reform

First trial: Chen Doudou

Review: Wang Wei

Reviewer: Liu Yongzhong

Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

Moving the "Desk" to the Doorstep of the Masses: Countermeasures and Suggestions on Promoting the "Mobile Desk" Work Method in Guiyuan Community, Xiangshan District

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