
Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

author:Michito Kusatake
Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting


The purpose of this paper is to explore the symbolic characteristics of oil painting and its role in artistic creation and expression. Through an in-depth analysis of the definition, classification and application of symbolic features, the central role it plays in oil painting is revealed. First of all, this paper introduces the importance of symbolic features in oil painting art and its relationship with artistic creation. Subsequently, through literature review and case analysis, the use and expression of symbolic features in different artworks are discussed.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

I. Introduction

A. The history and diversity of oil painting

As an art form with a long history, oil painting carries the profound heritage of human civilization. Since its birth, oil painting has undergone a long process of development, and many different styles and characteristics have emerged. From classicism to modern abstraction, the oil paintings of each period reflect the changes in society, culture and artistic concepts of the time, presenting a rich and colorful appearance.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

B. Artistic application of symbolic features

In the field of artistic creation and research, the concept of symbolic features has received increasing attention. Symbolic features refer to the symbolic symbols or expressive techniques used in a work of art, which go beyond mere representation of images and convey deeper meanings and emotions. The understanding and application of symbolic features provide us with new perspectives and ways of thinking for interpreting works of art, and expand the space for artistic expression and interpretation.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

II. The history of the development of oil painting

A. The Origin and Early Development of Oil Painting

The Birth and Early Evolution of Oil Painting Art

The origins of the art of oil painting can be traced back to the period of ancient civilizations, but oil painting, which really became an independent art form, began in Renaissance Europe. Prior to this, ancient civilizations had used similar oil-based pigments, but not as their primary painting medium. During the Renaissance, artists began to realize the advantages of oil-based pigments, such as bright colors and slow drying, which could provide more painting possibilities, so the art of oil painting gradually became mainstream.

The main techniques and characteristics of early oil painting

The techniques of early oil painting mainly consisted of tempera and oil paint. The tempera method is to mix the pigment in the egg yolk to make the pigment easier to color and dry, while the oil painting method is to mix the pigment with an oily medium to make the pigment more malleable and plastic. Early oil paintings are known for their brilliant colors, delicate textures and realistic images, and representative works include The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

B. Oil painting styles from different periods

Characteristic of Renaissance oil painting

Renaissance oil painting was based on humanist ideas, emphasizing the use of human anatomy and perspective, and pursuing realist expression. Representative artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, whose works show strong humanistic emotions and artistic pursuits through the delicate depiction of human figures and the reproduction of environmental atmosphere.

Changes in oil painting from the Baroque and Rococo periods

Oil paintings in the Baroque period were dominated by religious themes and dramatic expressions, emphasizing movement and contrast, and pursuing grandeur and emotional tension. The Rococo period, on the other hand, paid more attention to decoration and emotional experience, and most of the oil paintings were characterized by rich colors and soft lines, such as "Swan Lake" and "Lotus Fairy".

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

C. The development of modern oil painting

Modernism and the rise of abstract oil painting

In the 20th century, modernism had a profound impact on the art of oil painting, and artists began to experiment with abstract expressions, breaking away from the constraints of traditional painting and pursuing pure expression of form and color. Abstract oil paintings, such as Picasso's "Les Demoiselles de Gil" and Kling's "Untitled", set the trend in the art world and opened up new ways of artistic expression.

Diversity and innovation in contemporary oil painting

Contemporary oil painting is known for its diversity and innovation, and artists present a rich and colorful artistic style through the exploration of materials, techniques and themes. From surrealism to postmodernism, from conceptual art to digital oil painting, contemporary oil painting shows the infinite exploration of reality and imagination by artists, injecting new vitality and vitality into the art of oil painting.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

III. Definition of symbolic features and their application in oil painting

A. The concept of symbolic features

The meaning of symbolism and its use in the field of art

Symbolization refers to the process of expressing a particular meaning or concept through symbols, graphics, colors, or other visual elements. In the field of art, symbolic features are a way to convey a specific message or emotion through elements in a work of art. This characteristic has a wide range of applications in art, where it can convey the artist's thoughts and emotions through visual elements such as colors, shapes, lines, etc., as well as express themes and meanings through specific symbols or symbols in images.

The relationship between symbolic features and the art of oil painting

As a classic art form, oil painting often uses symbolic features to enhance the expressiveness and depth of the work. Through the symbolic use of color, shape, composition and other elements, oil painting artists are able to convey deep thoughts and emotions in their works. This symbolic feature makes oil painting not only a visual art, but also a medium for expressing complex concepts such as philosophy, religion, and culture.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

B. Typical representations of symbolic features in oil paintings

Symbolic features in themes and compositions

The subject matter and composition in oil painting often contain symbolic features. Through the choice of a particular image or scene, an artist can express a particular theme or point of view. For example, in oil paintings with religious themes, symbols such as crosses or chalices often represent the sacred and faithful. In landscape painting, a particular landscape or natural landscape may suggest an emotional or philosophical idea. Elements such as character poses, expressions, backgrounds, etc., in a composition can also symbolize or imply specific meanings.

The symbolic use of color and brushstrokes

Colors and brushstrokes in oil painting are also important means of expression of symbolic features. Specific colors can convey a specific emotion or atmosphere, for example, cool colors often represent tranquility and solitude, while warm colors symbolize passion and vitality. The use of brushstrokes can also reflect the artist's emotions and attitudes, with delicate brushstrokes may represent delicate emotions or realism, while rough brushstrokes may suggest a rough or unrestrained way of expression.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

C. Symbolic features and oil painting art style

How symbolic features affect the uniqueness of oil paintings

Symbolic features have a profound influence on the uniqueness of oil painting. Through the clever use of symbolic elements, the artist is able to give the work a unique style and depth. This symbolic feature not only enhances the visual appeal of the work, but also provides the audience with a multi-level interpretation space, increasing the value and influence of the work.

Differences in symbolic characteristics of different art genres

There are obvious differences between different art schools in terms of symbolic characteristics. Traditional realist oil painting focuses on the faithful representation of the real world and has fewer symbolic features, while the modernist and postmodernist schools pay more attention to the use of symbolic elements. Abstract Expressionism, for example, expresses the inner world of the artist through a free combination of colors and lines, while Surrealism conveys deep concepts through bizarre images and dreamlike scenes. The differences in these symbolic features not only reflect the uniqueness of different artistic genres, but also show the artists' different understandings of reality and imagination.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

IV. The process of forming symbolic features in oil painting

A. Evolution of symbolic features

From Realism to Symbolism: The Symbolic Trajectories of Oil Painting

The symbolic characteristics of oil painting art have undergone an evolutionary process from realism to symbolism. In his early oil paintings, the artist mainly pursued an accurate depiction of the real world, with fewer symbolic elements and a more realistic and objective picture. However, with the artist's exploration of expression and in-depth thinking about the inner world, oil painting gradually developed in the direction of symbolism. The artist began to use symbolic elements to express abstract concepts and emotions, so that the works have a deeper meaning and conceptuality.

Symbolic features and the maturity of the artistic style of oil painting

The maturity of the art style of oil painting is inseparable from the use of symbolic features. With the rise and development of various art genres, different artists and art groups have formed their own unique styles in the use of symbolic features. For example, Renaissance artists celebrated human civilization and pursued beautiful ideals through symbolic depictions of characters, myths, and historical stories, while Impressionism and Expressionism focused more on the symbolic use of color, form, and brushstrokes to express inner world and emotional experience.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

B. The internal logic of symbolic features

The mechanism of formation of symbolic features

The formation mechanism of symbolic characteristics involves the creativity and conceptual consciousness of individual artists, as well as the influence of the social and cultural environment in which they live. Through the understanding of personal experience, emotional experience and cultural cognition, the artist selects specific symbolic elements to construct the work. At the same time, changes in the social and cultural environment and the evolution of artistic concepts will also affect the choice and expression of symbolic features.

External factors that affect symbolic features

External factors play an important role in the formation and development of symbolic features. The artist's historical background, cultural traditions, social atmosphere, and personal experience will all influence his choice and use of symbolic elements. At the same time, the needs of the art market, the aesthetic taste of the audience, and the evaluation of art critics will also have an impact on the symbolic characteristics, and promote the change and evolution of artistic styles and symbolic elements.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

C. Symbolic features and the stability of oil painting art

How symbolic features became the hallmark of the art of oil painting

Symbolic features play an important role in oil painting art, often becoming a symbol of a certain period or a certain art school. Some classic symbolic elements such as crosses, roses, suns, etc., are repeatedly used in oil paintings as symbols of specific themes or emotions. These symbolic features not only give the work its unique style and depth, but also help the viewer better understand and interpret the work.

Symbolic characteristics and the artist's creative personality

Each artist will give their works unique symbolic characteristics in the creative process, reflecting their personal creative personality and artistic concepts. Some artists may prefer abstract symbolic expressions, while others focus more on realistic depictions of real-life situations. This individualized symbolic character gives each artist's work a unique style and charm, becoming an iconic work in his artistic career.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

V. Symbolic Characteristics and Creative Exploration of Oil Painting Art

A. The influence of symbolic features on the creation of oil paintings

How to use symbolic features to create art

Symbolic features play an important role in the creation of oil paintings, and artists use symbolic elements to express their inner world, emotional experience, and conceptual awareness. In the creative process, artists can make use of symbolic features in the following ways:

Use of symbolic symbols: Artists can choose symbolic symbols to enrich the meaning and meaning of the work, such as using crosses to symbolize religious beliefs, using flowers to symbolize life and hope, etc.

Representation of abstract symbols: Some artists like to express inner emotions and ideas through abstract symbolic elements, such as using colors, shapes, lines, etc. to represent specific emotions or abstract concepts.

Creation of personalized symbols: Artists can create their own unique symbolic elements to express their personal style and creative philosophy, and these symbolic elements often become the hallmark features of their work.

Symbolic features and innovation in the art of oil painting

Symbolic characteristics are not only an important element in the creation of oil painting, but also one of the sources of artistic innovation. Through the innovative use of symbolic features, the artist constantly challenges traditional expressions and opens up the boundaries of art. In the art of oil painting, the innovation of symbolic features is reflected in the following aspects:

Innovation in technology and media: By exploring new oil painting techniques and materials, the artist creates unique symbolic effects, such as the use of rich oil paints and textures to express specific symbolic meanings.

Expansion of themes and themes: By exploring new themes and themes, the artist provides a broader space for the use of symbolic features, such as integrating technology, environmental and social issues into symbolic expression, presenting a new artistic perspective and aesthetic experience.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

B. Symbolic Characteristics and Artistic Expression of Oil Painting

The diversity and multiple meanings of the symbolic features of oil painting

The diversity of the symbolic characteristics of oil painting is reflected in the creation of different artists and artistic genres. Each symbolic element may have multiple meanings, depending on the viewer's cultural background, personal experience, and emotional experience. For example, the trees in a painting may symbolize the power of life, the process of growth, or they may represent different emotions and meanings such as loneliness and contemplation.

Symbolizing the emotional expression of features in oil painting

Oil painting art often expresses the artist's emotions and emotions through symbolic features, so that the viewer can resonate and emotionally connect with the work. Through the use of symbolic elements such as color, form and composition, the artist conveys the complex emotions and emotional experiences of the inner world, making the works full of vitality and emotional resonance.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

C. Symbolic characteristics and the future development of oil painting

Symbolic features in the emerging style of oil painting

With the changes of society and cultural exchanges, new symbolic characteristics have emerged in the emerging oil painting styles. Through the use of new media such as digital technology and virtual reality, some contemporary artists have created works with strong symbolic characteristics, showing reflection and expression of contemporary society and technological progress.

The future innovation and symbolization trend of oil painting art

In the future development of oil painting, we will continue to explore the innovation and application of symbolic features. With the deepening of global cultural exchanges and the continuous progress of art technology, oil painting art will present more diverse and diversified symbolic expressions, bringing new artistic experience and thinking to the audience. At the same time, the artist will continue to challenge the traditional symbolic expression, explore a more personalized and avant-garde creative path, and promote the continuous innovation and development of oil painting art.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

VI. Conclusion

Symbolic features in the art of oil painting play an indispensable central role. They are an important means for artists to express emotions, thoughts and meanings, and through the use of symbolic elements, artists are able to transform abstract concepts and emotions into visual forms, so that the viewer can more intuitively understand and feel the message conveyed by the work.

Symbolic characteristics and their functions in oil painting

Author: Lu Xilin


Clark, T. J. (2006). The Sight of Death: An Experiment in Art Writing. Yale University Press.

Pan, W. (2005). Understanding Symbolism in Art: A Case Study in Rubens's "Samson and Delilah". University of Pittsburgh Press.

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