
Advise the elderly with high blood sugar not to touch the 3 kinds of meat, which is not good for pancreatic islets

author:Medica Media

There is a problem with high blood sugar for a long time, you should choose the right way to control blood sugar, only the indicators are stable, in order to reduce the harm, including the standardized use of hypoglycemic drugs, scientific injection of insulin is necessary, of course, in the diet can not be sloppy, some types of food often eaten will lead to blood sugar instability, and even other indicators are abnormal, to understand which types of meat food have this risk, eat less to control blood sugar and improve pancreatic islet function.

Advise the elderly with high blood sugar not to touch the 3 kinds of meat, which is not good for pancreatic islets

1. Marinated meat

Diabetes is invasive and severe, mainly related to reduced islet function, high blood sugar, and dietary mistakes can lead to blood sugar instability, among which those who want to eat meat for nutrition, it is best to avoid cured meat. Meat should be salted with a lot of salt to give the food a unique flavor and extend its shelf life.

However, the daily salt intake should be controlled, do not get too much salt, otherwise it provides a lot of sodium ions, not to mention the busy metabolism of the body, it will also lead to the occurrence of some cardiovascular diseases, and some people have blood pressure fluctuations or reduced kidney function, all because of excessive intake of cured meat, such as ham, bacon, etc.

Advise the elderly with high blood sugar not to touch the 3 kinds of meat, which is not good for pancreatic islets

2. Fatty meat

In improving the function of pancreatic islets, whether the diet is correct plays a decisive role, and the fatty meat should be eaten as little as possible. Some people know that meat can provide nutrients and energy, so they eat a lot of meat and don't like to eat vegetables or fruits, but they don't know that greasy fatty meat can not only increase the digestive burden and affect appetite, but also cause the body to gain weight.

Endocrine changes after obesity are followed by decreased islet function, increased joint burden, and liver damage. To manage their body well, work diet, and meet their daily energy needs, rather than relying too much on high-calorie food, choose the right parts and types of meat food, and generally recommend lean meat to manage their body and keep various indicators stable.

Advise the elderly with high blood sugar not to touch the 3 kinds of meat, which is not good for pancreatic islets

3. Barbecue

Elderly people who usually want to regulate their blood sugar try to eat less barbecue, and there are various ways to cook meat food, such as boiling, or making soup, and of course, you can also barbecue with charcoal. However, barbecue is delicious but not edible, and it is easy to burn after charcoal grilling, which produces substances that are not good for health, increases the metabolic pressure on the liver and kidneys, and also affects the function of the digestive system.

In addition, barbecue meat is generally accompanied by a variety of dipping sauces, and eating too many of these heavy dipping sauces will also affect the changes of multiple indicators, which is not conducive to the improvement of pancreatic islet function, so try to eat less barbecue and take other safer and lighter cooking methods to cook food.

After understanding the above content, it can be found that the reason why it is not recommended for the elderly with high blood sugar to eat these meat foods is mainly to avoid causing harm to the function of pancreatic islets, because the function of islets in diabetic people is reduced, and if they always eat foods with hidden dangers, it will accelerate the development of the disease.

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