
The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

author:Brother in the wolf's den

There are too many mysterious technologies and civilizations in ancient Egypt, which is not quite the same as the current Egypt that relies on tourism to generate income, just say that this granite obelisk weighing 1,200 tons, how to cut, how to transport, how to erect. Not to mention the Aswan Obelisk made for herself by the eighteenth dynasty pharaoh Hatshepsut 1473-1458 BC.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

Why did the ancient Egyptians use such huge manpower and material resources to build these obelisks, pyramids, and sphinxes, and have the energy to do more food planting, and the people's housing is not good, it can only show one point, that is, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt had super ruling ability, and all the ancient Egyptians served the pharaohs.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

These obelisks are mainly a worship of the sun, the top of the obelisk is wrapped in gold, and the early morning sun shines on the gold veneer, reflecting the sunlight, symbolizing the existence of the gods.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

The granite is excavated by punching holes, then driving into wood wedges, then pouring water on the wood wedges, the wood expands, and then cracks neatly. However, what tools were used for polishing the surface remains to be verified, and some studies believe that it is a basalt head.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

But how to transport the 1,200-ton boulder and how to erect it should still be an unsolved mystery, and it can be determined that it is all based on the manpower of the ancient Egyptians, not some alien civilization and unknown mysterious power.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

But looking at this grinding mark, it looks like a huge semicircular chisel dug out little by little, but this is hard granite.

The 1,200-ton Obelisk of Aswan, how the ancient Egyptians dug it, transported it and erected it

This Aswan obelisk was not erected in the end, because some places were cracked, such a large stone has no other use, and the waste of manpower and material resources is incalculable, we can only marvel at the superb technology and mysterious technology level of the ancient Egyptians.

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