
What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

author:Shushan History Road
What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?


At the intersection of history, it is undoubtedly thought-provoking to assume that the Jews, like they did in ancient Egypt, migrated to ancient China and gained control of the state.

The Jews were renowned in the ancient world for their remarkable business acumen and cultural traditions, but if they had established themselves in China, how would they shape the fate of this oriental dragon?

So, will the ancient Chinese civilization undergo profound changes under the influence of the Jews? How do their business acumen and religious beliefs blend with Chinese traditions?

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

The traditional Chinese social hierarchy concept of "Shinong Industry and Commerce".

In China's ancient concept of social hierarchy, the most revered class was naturally the "scholar" class, the literati bachelor. These well-educated people not only master a wealth of knowledge and skills, but also shoulder the important task of inheriting and developing Chinese civilization.

Farmers, artisans and merchants, while also indispensable and important parts of society, were often in a more humble position. In such a social situation, a foreign ethnic group will also face many obstacles if it wants to occupy a place in China.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Jews have always been known for their quick business acumen and ability to accumulate wealth, but these may not be fully exploited and recognized in the ancient Chinese social environment. After all, in the traditional Chinese view, merchants are merely providers of "supplies", and their status is far lower than that of people with lofty ideals.

Not to mention the seemingly disturbing "usury" practices of the Jews, which would have provoked a heightened vigilance and severe crackdown by China's rulers.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

China's cultural uniqueness and ability to assimilate

Compared with Western civilization, traditional Chinese culture has a unique ability to be inclusive and assimilate. Even after many foreign invasions in history, Chinese civilization was able to eventually absorb and transform these foreign cultures into an indispensable part of itself.

This ability to assimilate culture can be traced back to the concept of "tianxia" that existed in ancient China. In this way of thinking, China is seen as the center of the whole world, and other peoples and cultures can only be vassals or vassals.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Therefore, once a foreign culture enters China, it is difficult to be completely independent of Chinese culture. As a long-displaced people, the Jews are unique in maintaining their cultural identity.

But even so, once they do enter the land of China, it is difficult to completely avoid the fate of assimilation. After all, China's cultural tolerance and assimilation ability are unmatched by any foreign culture.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

The imperial court strictly controlled commercial activities

In addition to the inherent social hierarchy and cultural characteristics, the characteristics of the ancient Chinese political system also set up many obstacles to the invasion of foreign peoples.

In China, imperial power has always been the supreme ruling power. Whether it is the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, or the Ming and Qing dynasties, the imperial power is absolute, and it can promulgate new laws, change prime ministers, and even act arbitrarily.

And in this political structure, it is difficult for any power that tries to surpass the imperial power to exist and develop. Among them, the merchant class is undoubtedly the most vulnerable to suppression.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Because in the traditional Chinese social hierarchy, businessmen are only inferior people who serve peasants and workers, and it is difficult for them to gain political discourse and social status. What's more, once a merchant accumulates too much wealth, it is likely to arouse the vigilance and "exploitation" of the imperial court.

Therefore, even the famous "usury" methods of the Jews are difficult to find room to display in China. Because once it attracts the attention of the imperial court, it is likely to be severely suppressed and suppressed, and it will be difficult to escape the fate of being annihilated in the end.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

There is a high probability that the Jews' ability to "stab in the back" will not work in China

Internationally, Jews have always been known for their "backstabbing". They are good at using their own cultural advantages and financial strength to infiltrate and control the country or region where they are located, and ultimately achieve the goal of control.

This has also been a tried and tested method throughout Jewish history. However, when this method of "backstabbing" is transplanted to the land of China, I am afraid it will not be effective.

Because China has had a concept of imperial power since ancient times, any attempt to challenge this power is easily suppressed harshly.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Not to mention the "backstabbing" method of the Jews, which is difficult to hide in a country with a well-established bureaucracy. More importantly, China's cultural self-confidence and national identity will never allow foreign forces to carry out "backstabbing" behavior.

Whether it was the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, or the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Chinese would rise up against foreign invasions and eventually incorporate these foreign forces into their own cultural systems.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Therefore, even the ability of Jews who are good at "backstabbing" is likely to be difficult to play in the ancient and magical land of China.

Because here, they are facing not only a powerful imperial power, but also a deep-rooted and unshakable Chinese civilization.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

The rise of small Jewish communities and their fate

However, although it is difficult to influence the political and cultural landscape of China as a whole, there have been some specific historical events in which small Jewish communities have appeared in China.

For example, during the Song Dynasty, a famous Jewish monastery was established in the city of Kaifeng. This Jewish monastery played an important role among the Kaifeng Jews at that time and became the center of their religious activities.

And this small Jewish community also left a lot of marks on Chinese society for a time. But, even so, this Jewish community could not escape the fate of assimilation in the end.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Under the influence of long-term cultural exchanges, these Jews eventually became part of the Chinese nation and became veritable "descendants of China".

Their religious beliefs and cultural characteristics have gradually been integrated into China's cultural system. This historical fact also further verifies the strong assimilation power of Chinese culture.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Even a nation as distinctively culturally distinctive as the Jews can hardly maintain their uniqueness once they enter China. On the contrary, they are more likely to be integrated into the big family of Chinese civilization.

This can be said to be an irresistible cultural fate. In the face of such a fate, even the amazing survival wisdom of the Jews is hardly immune.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

The uniqueness of Chinese culture doomed the Jews to be difficult to control

To sum up, it is not difficult to find that even the Jews, a legendary people in the world, could hardly control this vast territory as they wished when they entered the ancient land of China.

This is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, China's hierarchical nature and strict control over commercial activities have created many obstacles to Jewish economic activity, especially "usury." In such an environment, it is difficult for them to get enough room for development.

Second, the unique inclusiveness and assimilation ability of Chinese culture also doomed Jews to have a hard time maintaining their own cultural identity. Once in China, they are likely to eventually assimilate into the Chinese nation and cannot be independent of Chinese civilization.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?

Third, China's concept of imperial power of "not daring to be contemptuous" has also greatly limited the use of the Jews' "backstabbing" methods in China. Because any challenge to the imperial power is likely to be severely suppressed and suppressed.

Therefore, we can say that China, a magical land, is destined to be difficult for the Jews to control. Even their amazing survival wisdom is hard to put to good use here.

On the contrary, their greater destiny may be to finally be assimilated by Chinese civilization and become an indispensable part of this great nation.

What if the Jews had migrated to China in ancient times and controlled China as they had controlled Egypt?


Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Chinese have always been known for their "peace-loving" nature, and they are easily controlled by foreign forces. But in fact, this ancient and magical land contains an unrivaled cultural force.

Even a people like the Jews, once they enter China, will have a hard time controlling this vast territory. Because here, they are not only facing a powerful imperial power, but also a deep-rooted and unshakable Chinese civilization.

This is the unique charm of this land of China, and it is also a cultural highland that is difficult for foreign forces to reach.

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