
The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

author:Changting News Network

From May 3rd to 4th, Wang Guoliang, president of the Guangdong Southern Red Culture Research Institute and author of "A Thousand Miles of Blood", Lin Shuangshuang, a descendant of the Red Army, the former deputy mayor of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, and the daughter of Cheng Zihua, the commander of the Red 25th Army, organized members of the organizing committee of "Re-walking the Central Red Traffic Line", descendants of the Red Army, and guest scholars to carry out the "Re-walking the Central Red Traffic Line" activity in our county, revisiting the history of that period of beacon fire, telling red stories, inheriting red genes, and expanding the "Central Red Traffic Line" party history and cultural brand. Responsible comrades of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, General Yang Chengwu Research Association and other units participated in the activities.

The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

During the activities, everyone paid homage to the Songmaoling Battle Martyrs Monument and laid flower baskets; visited the Red Postal Memorial Hall of the Central Soviet District, the Red Army Bridge, the Red Army Street, the Guanshou Gong Ancestral Hall, the former site of the Red Ninth Army Headquarters and the Red Army's Long March Departure Point, and the Exhibition Hall of the Red Ninth Army's Long March Departure Site; paid homage to the Qu Qiubai Martyrs Monument, laid flower baskets, and visited the Qu Qiubai Martyrs Memorial Hall and the Yang Chengwu Memorial Hall, the former site of the Fujian Provincial Soviet Government, the former site of the Gospel Hospital, the former site of Mao Zedong's Rest House, and the Central Red Traffic Station - the Yu Mansion in the Middle Street of the Ancient City" Yongyuanxiang" grocery store site and the central red traffic line showroom and other places, listened carefully to the on-site explanation, publicized and promoted the central red traffic line, and listened to Lin Shuangshuang's introduction of the historical story of Commander Cheng Zihua taking the central red traffic line twice, and Wang Guoliang's introduction of the historical role of the central red traffic line on the Chinese revolution. He also carried out on-site teaching in the Changting Soil and Water Conservation Science and Education Park, and listened to the micro-party class of "being a firm believer and loyal practitioner of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization". The visit and exchange activities in Ting deeply inspired all the members of the organizing committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" and drew spiritual strength from it.

The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward
The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

[Lin Shuangshuang, a descendant of the Red Army, former deputy mayor of Kunming City, and daughter of Cheng Zihua, commander of the Red 25th Army: This time we are taking the central red traffic line, and now our last stop in western Fujian is Changting. I think we have great respect for these revolutionary martyrs who have contributed to the country and our poor people, and we also have grandparents in our team who sacrificed their lives here, I think re-taking the red traffic line is not only to have a deeper understanding of China's revolutionary history, but also to have a deeper feeling for the dedication of the revolutionary ancestors。 】

The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

The Central Red Communication Line is the southern communication line between the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Revolutionary Base Area during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, also known as the "Tingjiang Communication Line". Comrade Mao Zedong likened this line of communication to "the blood of the human body"; in order to solve the problem of liaison between the Party Central Committee and the Central Soviet Union, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and others carefully planned and created a central red communication line of more than 3,000 kilometers from Shanghai to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China through Hong Kong, Guangdong, Fujian, and Jiangxi provinces. As the last stop of the red traffic line in the Soviet area of the Communist Party of China to enter Ruijin, the seat of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, Changting is a necessary place for the water and land lines.

The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

[Yi Kemei, a descendant of the Red Army in the Central Soviet Region and a member of the Long March Source Propaganda Group: We came to Changting, the old revolutionary area, and came to the Songmaoling Battle Monument, and remembered that my grandfather Yi Guanmei recorded on the martyr's certificate that he died in Fujian, and from his four letters to his grandmother, he recorded that during the period from July to August 1934, he went from Shicheng, Jiangxi Province to Yongding to fight the blocking battle, and then moved eastward, and then there was no news, and there was no news on the martyr's card. I was very excited to come here, and I thought that my grandfather should have died in the most tragic battle of Songmaoling. As a descendant of the Red Army, I want to pass on my grandfather's spirit, let his spirit be passed on from generation to generation, and let the spirit of the Long March shine forever. 】

The Organizing Committee of "Re-taking the Central Red Traffic Line" came to Ting to carry out activities to inherit the red gene and continue to move forward

This secret red traffic line stretches for thousands of miles, and it has witnessed the wisdom and talent of the Chinese Communists and the selflessness and dedication of the people of the Changting Soviet District.

[Yi Tieqiang, former deputy director of the Guangzhou Uprising Martyrs Cemetery, consultant of the Guangzhou Red Culture Research Association, and red lecturer: I visited the Songmaoling battle and other sites this time, and fully felt the difficulties of our Red Army back then, the Songmaoling battle was very, very tragic, I am very educated, we must inherit the red gene, and we must continue the red blood. 】

(Chen Binglin Correspondent: Guo Tianyang)

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