
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

author:Internet information peace

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

When you go out to enjoy the view

When you're having a get-together with your friends

When you're at home and enjoying your family


In the area of peace

There is such a group of people

Silently stick to the job

They use their actions to interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of workers

Thank you to each and every one of the workers

Salute to every stickler!

You guys, hard work!

Public Security and Peace Bureau

In this festival named after laborers, all the auxiliary police of the Public Security and Peace Bureau, with perseverance to interpret the true meaning of labor, with dedication to mark the scale of time, silently adherent, selfless dedication, in-depth and meticulous security work, enthusiastic service from all over the tourists, their figure in various scenic spots, into a beautiful "police" color, effectively maintain the tourists, the masses of life and property safety and good tourism public order.

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Comprehensive investigation to eliminate hidden dangers

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Street patrols are strictly controlled and controlled

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Serve the masses and guard with heart

Heping District Urban Management Committee

In order to make every effort to ensure the operation of the city during the "May Day" Labor Day, the district city management committee planned and made overall arrangements in advance, and deployed various tasks such as environmental sanitation, garden landscape, road gas, safe production, and on-duty duty with high standards, so as to continuously improve the quality of the city's appearance and environment in the jurisdiction, and strive to create a clean and tidy festival atmosphere that is suitable for travel and entertainment.

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!


The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Law enforcement patrols

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

First-line hiking * long road system

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Road maintenance

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Security checks

Peace Firefighting

In order to deepen the implementation of the requirements of the "Notice on Removing Doors and Windows in Crowded Places and Setting Up Obstacles that Affect Escape and Fire Fighting and Rescue", resolutely and thoroughly rectify the outstanding risks and hidden dangers in key places, and prevent and curb the occurrence of fire accidents involving mass deaths and injuries, the Peace Detachment has comprehensively carried out the special work deployment of fire safety before and after May Day in the jurisdiction, and steadily promoted the special rectification action of "breaking windows and breaking nets" and opening up "life channels" to ensure that life channels are unimpeded at emergency times.

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Convene a special work deployment meeting

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Comprehensively inspect key places

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Carry out large-scale miniature fire station pulling

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Deepen fire protection publicity

Heping District Market Supervision Bureau

The Market Supervision Bureau of Heping District takes the task goal of the construction of the State Administration for Market Regulation as the starting point, based on the responsibility positioning of "serving development, serving the overall situation, serving enterprises, and serving people's livelihood" of market supervision, and solidly completes various regulatory and law enforcement tasks during the "May Day" holiday, and takes practical actions to help the high-quality development of the integration of culture, business and tourism in Heping District, and promotes the acceleration of the construction of the international consumption center city symbol area in Heping District.

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Escort cultural and tourism activities and maintain market order

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Strengthen law enforcement inspections to protect the safety of elevators

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Focus on price regulation and protect legitimate rights and interests

Five Avenue Street


Volunteers who worked hard during the May Day period

Great work!

Quanyechang Street

In order to implement the deployment requirements of the district party committee and the district government on various key tasks during the "May Day" period, the district is advised to plan, make overall arrangements, and take multiple measures in advance to ensure that residents and tourists spend a safe and peaceful holiday.

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Strengthen the on-duty duty and tighten the "safety string"

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Pay close attention to safety investigation and build a "safety wall"

The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!
The way you stick to your posts is so beautiful!

Strengthen law enforcement inspections and tighten the "safety valve"

Source: Netinfo Peace