
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

author:Pu'er Fire Fighting

A few days ago, the Pu'er Youth Federation of the Pu'er Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the "Notice on Commending the 2024 "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal", and the Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective".

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

Struggling youth is in its prime

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

Since the reform and transfer of the fire brigade, under the leadership of the party committee of the detachment, the brigade has been guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's four-sentence policy of "loyalty to the party, strict discipline, going to the soup and fire, and serving the people wholeheartedly", and the team building work has continuously made new breakthroughs. The brigade won the 2021-2023 municipal-level "Civilized Unit", the 2023 municipal-level "May Day Labor Award", and in 2023, it was commended by the Pu'er Fire and Rescue Detachment as a "pacesetter fire station" and many other honors.

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"


Well-organized and physically functioning

Tirelessly nurture talents

Establish and improve the organization and construction of the Youth League branch, formulate the "Entity Operation Table of the Youth League Branch", designate people, posts and responsibilities, and greatly improve the execution of work. At the same time, the task of "smart team building" was completed as soon as possible, and all members completed the registration of the members and paid the group fee regularly, so as to effectively strengthen the sense of identity of the members. In 2023, the Youth League Branch of the station will be rated as the "May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch", giving full play to the role of the Youth League branch as an assistant and a fighting fortress for the new force.

The Youth League branch attaches great importance to talent training, establishes and improves the talent pool, organizes more than 10 regimental commanders and fighters to participate in professional and technical training at all levels every year, and cultivates advanced typical regimental commanders and fighters such as Yang Mengyong, an "outstanding Communist Youth League member", and Chen Xianglin, a third-class meritorious hero, to create a work and study atmosphere of "catching up with learning and surpassing others".

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"


Love and dedication, stand guard for the people

It is incumbent upon us to keep safe

"No matter where you are, we will find you..." This is not a slogan, not a big word, not an empty word, this is the purpose of not forgetting the original intention as a firefighter, it is the duty to keep in mind the mission, and it is also a commitment to the people. On October 7, 2014, after the 6.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Yongping Town, Jinggu County, all the rescuers of the brigade braved the difficulties and moved forward bravely, racing against time to carry out rescue, and protecting life with their lives. Within 72 hours of the rescue gold, the brigade urgently dispatched rescuers to search and rescue 28 villages in Yongping Town, successfully rescued 1 trapped person, transferred 682 evacuated people, demolished the seriously inclined and damaged walls, eliminated the danger, gave full play to the role of the fire rescue team as the main force in the earthquake relief task, and fully demonstrated the responsibilities and missions of the fire rescue team in the earthquake relief mission.

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade adheres to the people-centered thinking, always puts the masses in the highest position in their hearts, cares for the people's feelings, focuses on the people's livelihood, and conforms to the people's wishes. Since 2020, the brigade has received a total of 1,125 police cases. Among them, there were 396 fires, 247 emergency rescues, 482 social assistance and official duties, more than 3,131 police officers, rescue and protect property worth more than 32.56 million yuan, and the county's fire safety situation was generally stable.


Polishing the brand, supporting the government and loving the people

All the staff strive to be the vanguard

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"
Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

The Youth League branch shoulders the important task of Lei Feng's spiritual propaganda ambassador, actively builds a demonstration site for inheriting Lei Feng's spiritual education, and continues to write "Lei Feng's Diary". At the same time, the brigade went deep into Mengnai Village, Zhengxing Town, and took the initiative to popularize fire knowledge for more than 200 peasant friends, practice the spirit of Lei Feng with practical actions, strive to be the successor of Lei Feng, establish the image of the fire brigade, and send condolences to them, expressing the deep friendship of all fire rescue personnel.

Actively respond to the government's call to participate in the construction of civilized cities. A total of more than 1,000 full-time fire and rescue stations and volunteer service teams in townships and towns were organized to carry out 16 civilized persuasion and 48 environmental remediation actions, and completed 96 road environmental sanitation cleaning, 3 river garbage cleaning, more than 50 washes of urban main roads, 12 surrounding accommodation communities and 8 jurisdictional bazaars and other responsible roads. During the period, the method of household visits was also adopted, combined with the actual situation, to explain the fire hazard, electric vehicle parking and charging precautions to 30 tenants and 68 business leaders, and enthusiastically answered the public's difficult fire protection questions such as fire laws and regulations, fire safety knowledge, etc.

Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade was awarded the "Pu'er Youth May Fourth Medal Collective"

"There are ideals in the heart, faith in the chest, responsibility on the shoulders, and action under the feet. "All the personnel of the Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade will, as always, keep in mind the trust of the party and the people, keep in mind the purpose of serving the people, keep in mind the original intention and mission of the fire rescue team, build a "heart-to-heart bridge" with the people, protect the lives and property safety of the people with heart, affection and loyalty, and go all out to protect the lights of thousands of homes in the southwest border of the motherland. Dedication, hard work, selfless dedication, with the power of youth, create a new career.

▌Source: Jinggu County Fire and Rescue Brigade

▌Editor: He Yunfu

▌Proofreader: He Yunfu

▌Audit: Ziyuan Yuan

▌Final review: Wang Yi

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