
After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

author:Dr. Sun's class

On a sunny morning, Lao Li practiced Tai Chi leisurely in the park as always. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if a boulder was pressing against his chest, making him almost suffocated. After being rushed to the hospital, the doctor recommended a coronary angiogram to accurately assess Lao Li's coronary artery condition. Lao Li's family heard that they were going to have a coronary angiography, and they couldn't help but be a little worried: "I heard that after the coronary angiography, people will not live long, is it true?"

After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

The doctor smiled and explained, "Coronary angiography is a safe medical test that helps us to accurately understand the condition of the coronary arteries and thus provide a precise basis for treatment. Of course, there are risks associated with any medical procedure, but the risks of coronary angiography are very low and are rigorously evaluated and monitored by a medical professional. ”

It is true that some misconceptions and rumors about coronary angiography are sometimes heard among the medical community and patients. Today, we're going to take a closer look at the truth about coronary angiography and who needs to consider it carefully.

First of all, we need to understand what a coronary angiography is. Cardiac angiography, which uses X-rays and special dyes to accurately visualize the detailed shape and function of the blood vessels in the heart, is considered the supreme standard in the diagnosis of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease. During a coronary angiography, a small catheter is inserted through the wrist or base of the thigh, a contrast agent is injected, and an X-ray machine is used to see how the contrast agent flows through the coronary arteries.

After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

Although coronary angiography plays an important role in medical diagnosis, it is not suitable for everyone. The following four groups of people should be particularly cautious when deciding whether to have coronary angiography:

1. Those with renal dysfunction

For patients with renal insufficiency, the use of contrast agents is likely to increase the workload of the kidneys, which can lead to further impairment or decline of poor kidney function. Therefore, these patients should fully communicate with their doctor to fully assess the potential risks before preparing for coronary angiography.

After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

2. Those who are allergic to contrast media

Although allergic reactions to contrast agents are rare, vigilance is still required. If a patient has an allergic reaction to a specific ingredient in the contrast medium, it may cause allergic symptoms and in extreme cases, it can be life-threatening. Therefore, before performing a coronary angiogram, the physician should consult the patient with a thorough allergy history and perform the necessary allergy tests to ensure the safety of the imaging procedure.

3. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding their children need special attention and care.

Because contrast agents and x-rays can have potential effects on the fetus or baby, pregnant and breastfeeding women should be especially cautious before undergoing coronary angiography. If such tests are really needed, doctors and patients should weigh the pros and cons together and take the necessary precautions.

After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

4. Patients suffering from severe bleeding diseases are in urgent need of immediate medical care and treatment.

Coronary angiography is an invasive test that may cause uncontrollable bleeding at the puncture site in patients with severe bleeding disorders. Therefore, such patients should consult their physician before undergoing the examination to assess the potential risk of bleeding.

In addition to the above four groups, it is relatively safe for ordinary people to undergo coronary angiography under the guidance of a physician. In fact, according to authoritative data, the complication rate of coronary angiography is very low. A statistical study of thousands of patients showed that coronary angiography caused serious complications was less than 1% and only 2-3% of minor complications.

It is important to note that any medical procedure, including coronary angiography, is inevitably accompanied by a certain degree of risk. But crucially, this test can provide doctors with valuable diagnostic information that can help patients detect and treat potential heart problems in a timely manner. When weighing the pros and cons, we should fully consider the potential benefits of coronary angiography.

After coronary angiography, the patient will not live long? The doctor advises: 4 types of people do not try it lightly

To minimize the risks, patients should have a thorough understanding of the importance of the test and the risks they may face before preparing for a coronary angiogram. At the same time, patients should inform their doctor of their allergy history, medication history, and underlying medical conditions so that doctors can make a more accurate assessment.

Returning to Lao Li's case, after a coronary angiography, the doctor found that there was a significant stenosis in his coronary artery. Through timely interventional treatment and drug treatment, Lao Li's condition was effectively controlled. Today, he still plays his tai chi in the park every morning, enjoying the beauty of life.

In conclusion, as an important medical examination, coronary angiography plays an indispensable role in the diagnosis of heart diseases such as coronary heart disease. Although it is not suitable for everyone, most patients are able to safely undergo this test and benefit from it under the guidance of their doctor. For those patients who are afraid of coronary angiography due to misunderstandings, knowing the truth, weighing the pros and cons, and communicating well with their doctor is an important step towards health. #头条创作挑战赛#

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