
The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

author:Tianfu Pidu


"Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed", "Public Prosecution", etc

It has a distinct Pi Du recognizable degree

"Pizihao" film and television boutiques emerge in endlessly

"In the Octagonal Cage", "Sunshine Club"

Movies such as "Hourglass" had a huge impact on Pidu

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

Chengdu Film and Television City is located in Pidu District

With high-quality shooting resources and good supporting services

It has become one of the "one core and multi-polar" film and television industry pattern in Sichuan

The location of the "One Core".

The film and television industry has also gradually become

One of the pillar industries in Pidu District

In order to better serve the film and television crews to shoot in Chengdu, the one-stop service platform of Chengdu Film and Television City created by Chengdu Film and Television City Culture Media Co., Ltd. - "Filming in Chengdu" came into being.

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

With the service concept of city-wide framing, service integration, landing specialization, and value-added cooperation, the platform provides provincial and municipal policy resources, integrates the city's film and television location resources, assists film and television cultural and creative enterprises to land in Pidu, and provides multi-dimensional services such as film and television props, makeup, costumes, and studios, which can meet the diverse needs of national crews for filming in Chengdu.

Create a new pattern of "shooting in Chengdu" global development

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

If you want to come to Chengdu to shoot a movie or TV series, you can get the location, studio, group performance, post-production and other links in advance on your mobile phone...... The reporter learned from Chengdu Film and Television City Culture Media Co., Ltd. that the one-stop service platform of "Shooting in Chengdu" will be officially launched on June 30.

It is understood that the "Filming in Chengdu" platform focuses on the industrialization process of film and television, and sets up 10 major functions of government resources, life services, scene services, personnel services, costumes and props, equipment and materials, post-production services, business sponsorship, publicity and distribution services, and merchants.

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!
The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!
The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

Entering the WeChat public account of "Shooting in Chengdu", you can see that there are multiple sections such as "Scene", "Personnel" and "Equipment" to choose from on the homepage, and the fast food reservation required by the crew can also be directly selected on it. "Not only can you display information such as studios and supporting rooms online, but you can also display scenes such as hospitals, schools, companies, cafes, restaurants, hotels, homestays, villas, shopping malls, gymnasiums, universities and other scenes with high frequency of framing." Zeng Shan, the person in charge of the "Shooting in Chengdu" platform, said, "The city's various scenic resources, urban parks, characteristic towns, characteristic highways, characteristic forests, grasslands, lakes, airports and other exterior scenes are also included. ”

Cultivate supporting the local film and television industry

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

Pidu has always had the reputation of "the source of ancient Shu", and the development of the film and television industry has added more cultural attributes to the innovative city of Pidu. With more and more film and television projects being filmed and produced in Pidu, more Pidu elements appear in major film and television dramas, and "Pidu Jing" has gradually moved from "appearance" to "out of the circle".

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

How to better realize the two-way empowerment of film and television works and urban culture? The launch of Chengdu Film and Television City's one-stop service platform, "Filming in Chengdu", will build an integrated development model of "film and television + cultural tourism".

"Chengdu Film and Television City wants to have a place in many domestic film and television bases, it must have perfect film and television supporting services, and the 'Shoot in Chengdu' platform will be open and inclusive to build the city's film and television industry support, and Pidu District, as the main position of Chengdu's film and television industry, needs to further cultivate the local film and television industry support." Zeng Shan said.

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

At present, relying on the construction of the one-stop service platform of "Filming in Chengdu", Chengdu Film and Television City Culture Media Co., Ltd. has set up a core external production team to uniformly enter, manage and maintain service resources such as shooting venues, shooting props, costumes and makeup, shooting equipment, professionals, crew accommodation, crew catering, crew transportation, shooting security, and post-production. At present, it has integrated more than 300 shooting locations in Chengdu, more than 20 crew hotels, more than 10 live studios, more than 30 service companies, and established cooperative relations with 7 universities in Sichuan. This means that in the future, when the crew comes to Chengdu to shoot, they can directly log in to the platform to get what they need.

The "one-stop" service platform for film and television shooting will be officially launched on June 30!

Next, the "Filming in Chengdu" platform will continue to enrich the supporting facilities of the film and television industry through the method of "government service + market-oriented operation", and take the initiative to invite national crews to Chengdu and Pi through the method of "going out + inviting in", so as to leverage the "cultural tourism fever" with "film and television fever" to further enhance the city brand influence of Chengdu, especially Pidu District.


Reporter丨He Manqing

Pictures丨He Manqing, Chengdu Film and Television City, etc

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