
The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Ahem, ahem, this voice is disobedient again today. ”

Li Lili, 53, said to a colleague while coughing. Her work requires her to speak frequently, but in the past six months, her voice has always been uncomfortable, and her voice has become more and more hoarse.

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

That afternoon, as she sat in the hospital office, Dr. Zheng looked at her examination report and said, "Mr. Li, from your examination results, you have esophageal cancer, which is already in the advanced stage. ”

Hearing this sudden bad news, Li Lili completely collapsed, and tears flowed involuntarily. "I used to think I had a throat problem, but I didn't expect it to be so serious," she said. I thought it was just too much talking and my voice was tired. ”

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

"Esophageal cancer can be difficult to detect in the early stages, and its symptoms are often common, such as difficulty swallowing, throat discomfort or persistent cough. A lot of people, like you, may ignore these early signs. ”

Dr Cheng said, "Actually, esophageal health is closely related to our daily eating habits. Consuming excessively hot foods is a cause of esophageal cancer. Eating food that is too hot all the time can cause damage to the esophageal mucosa, which may increase the risk of esophageal cancer over time. ”

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

Li Lili remembers that she always swallowed hot food that had just come out of the pot in a hurry. Dr. Cheng explained in detail why the esophagus is very sensitive to heat.

"The mucous membrane of the esophagus is very fragile, and prolonged exposure to high temperatures is like a scald on it," he said. In addition, in the long term, this will cause lesions in the esophageal cells, increasing the probability of cancer. ”

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

Li Lili realized that some of her daily habits may have already sent warning signs to her health. She has ignored these signals many times, always believing that these minor problems are not worth mentioning in her busy work and family life.

Li Lili asked Dr. Zheng, "So what should I do now?" Dr. Zheng replied, "Although the current situation is not optimistic, we can control the disease as much as possible and prolong the survival period." ”

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

"At the same time, I recommend that you make some adjustments in your diet, try to avoid overheated foods, and eat more foods rich in vitamins and fiber to help protect the health of your esophagus. ”

Lily Lili's life has to make some changes, not only in terms of diet, but also in the overall adjustment of lifestyle. Dr. Cheng also added a point.

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

"Also, what you may not know is that psychological stress is also a potential factor in esophageal health. Excessive stress can lead to a decrease in the body's ability to repair itself, and it can also interfere with the normal growth of esophageal cells. ”

Li Lili remembered the pressure she had endured over the years, always busy and rarely had time to relax and take care of herself.

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

Dr Cheng continued, "By affecting the nervous system and endocrine system, psychological stress indirectly increases the secretion of gastric acid, which sometimes refluxes into the esophagus, causing lasting damage to the esophageal mucosa in the long run, which is also a risk factor for esophageal cancer. ”

Li Lili couldn't help but recall the discomfort of occasionally feeling burning in her chest, and she always thought it was just an ordinary stomach problem. Li Lili asked Dr. Zheng, "So, in addition to adjusting my diet, how can I reduce my psychological stress, and will this help my condition?"

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

Dr. Cheng replied, "Lifestyle modifications, especially to reduce psychological stress, can be very beneficial in improving your condition. At the same time, it is important to ensure that you have enough rest and sleep. ”

Lili Li has a deeper understanding of esophageal cancer and the importance of a healthy life. She knew that the next step in treatment and life adjustment would be difficult, but she was ready to take on the challenge and do her best to deal with it.

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

Li Lili: She knew she wasn't alone in this battle. She decided to start today by changing those habits that can be harmful to her health and starting a new, healthier lifestyle.

What do you think about esophageal cancer?

The 53-year-old woman was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, broke down and cried: There was a "reminder" in her throat, but she didn't care

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