
142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

author:Xiaoqi loves candy

When it comes to the Clippers' performance this season, it's really laughable. Let's talk about it in detail, after all, it is not a "feat" that anyone can do to spend $142 million to win such a "luxurious" result.

First of all, we have to talk about the "Big Three" - Thin Nader, George and Harden. I think when they got together, how many people were greedy, and they felt that the clipper was going to fly into the sky. No, as soon as the season is over, Thin Nader is unable to play due to injury, and George and Harden have tried their best in vain.

142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

The situation of Thin Nader is really distressing, he barely played much in a season, and he just watched the team break his dreams again. And Wei Shao, the former MVP, is now running around the court, but with little effect, even 10 minutes of playing time is rare, this change is too big. As for George and Harden, although the two are doing their best, they can only be powerless in the face of the opponent's dense defense.

142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

Not to mention, the Clippers' luxury tax spending this season is as high as $142 million, becoming the representative of the league's "local tyrants". But what is ironic is that the top four teams that pay the most luxury tax, including the Clippers, are all out of the playoffs. This money is spent, how many fans have mixed tastes in their hearts!

142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

Now, the future of the Clippers is uncertain. The question of whether to stay or stay of the three main forces of Thin Nader, George and Harden has become a hot topic. Thin Nader's contract issues, George's possible new club, and Harden's future options have all become hot topics among fans after dinner. The owners and management of the Clippers have a headache right now, and they have to figure out how to readjust their strategy and save the team's future after this wasted season.

142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

After all, isn't the Clippers the kind of helplessness that costs a lot of money to buy a luxury car, only to find out that the car is broken? The fans' frustration is understandable, after all, who doesn't want to see their team win?

142 million, goodbye Clippers! The Big Three have no choice but to become a laughing stock, and George Harden's future is uncertain

In short, the Clippers' season can be said to be a typical "high input, low output", behind the luxurious roster, hidden is tactical deficiencies and injuries. In the future, the management of the Clippers will need to make smarter decisions to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and truly make a difference with money. For Thin Nader, George and Harden, they will also need to make a choice in the future, whether to continue trying with the Clippers or find a new way out, which will be an important decision in their careers.

Combining these elements, the future of the Clippers is not only about the team itself, but also about how to find a true way to succeed in the high-stakes, high-stakes environment of the NBA. Fans, what do you think? Shouldn't the Clippers be given a little time to see if they can turn these expensive "lessons" into future "capital"?